
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Why Are States So Red and Blue? By Steven Pinker.

Why Are States So Red and Blue? By Steven Pinker. New York Times, October 24, 2012.

Red vs. Blue: Causes Elude Us, but Effects Are Clear. By Ira Chernus. History News Network, October 25, 2012.

The Inventor of Modern Conservatism. By David Gelernter.

The Inventor of Modern Conservatism: Disraeli and Us. By David Gelernter. The Weekly Standard, February 7, 2005.

“Lord Randolph thought that Lord Beaconsfield’s career could be painted in a single sentence: ‘Failure, failure, failure, partial success, renewed failure, ultimate and complete triumph.’”

—Winston Churchill, Lord Randolph Churchill, Volume 1 (New York: Macmillan, 1906), p. 249.

Rebel Without a Cause Planetarium Scene.

Rebel Without a Cause Planetarium Scene. Video. MySpace.

“In the infinite reaches of space the problems of man seem trivial and naïve indeed. And man, existing alone, seems himself an episode of little consequence.” [at 3:05 in video]