
Monday, May 13, 2013

Young and Beautiful. By Lana Del Rey.

Young and Beautiful. By Lana Del Rey. Video. LanaDelReyVEVO, May 10, 2013. YouTube. From The Great Gatsby soundtrack.

The Great Gatsby: Young and Beautiful/Lana Del Rey. Video. truestarlets, May 5, 2013. YouTube.

Lana Del Rey is the stage name of New York-born singer Elizabeth Woolridge Grant. Lana Del Rey website.

The Great Gatsby: Extended TV Spot feat. Lana Del Rey’s “Young and Beautiful.” Video. WarnerBrosPictures, April 29, 2013. YouTube.

Lana Del Rey

The Twilight Zone: The Trouble With Templeton

The Twilight Zone: The Trouble With Templeton. Season 2 Episode 9 (Episode 45 in complete series). Original airdate, December 9, 1960. Video. Hulu. Daily Motion. Also at Hulu, Zimbioand CBS. Plot summary at Wikipedia.

Twilight Zone Daze & Nights. By Gina Clyne. Gina Clyne Photography, August 30, 2012.

Andrew Jackson and the Rise of Presidential Campaign Biographies. By Jill Lepore.

Bound for Glory. By Jill Lepore. The New Yorker, October 20, 2008.

The Life of Andrew Jackson. By John Reid and John Henry Eaton. Philadelphia: M. Carey and Son, 1817. Also find it here.

Andrew Jackson with the Tennessee forces on the Hickory Grounds (Ala) A.D. 1814.
 Breuker & Kessler lithograph, Philadelphia (1834-1845). Library of Congress.

The Taxman vs. the Tea Party. By Ross Douthat.

The Taxman vs. the Tea Party. By Ross Douthat. New York Times, May 11, 2013.

Terror Begins at Home. By Philip Jenkins. The American Conservative, March 23, 2009. Also find it here.

The Tea Party Isn’t Conservative. By Christopher S. Parker. History News Network, May 13, 2013.