Creeping toward Palestinian statehood. By Louis René Beres. Washington Times, November 28, 2013.
Core Roots of Palestinian Terrorism. By Louis René Beres. NJBR, August 14, 2013.
The Legal Basis of Israel’s Rights in the Disputed Territories. By Alan Baker. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, January 8, 2013. Also here.
Open letter to John Kerry. By Alan Baker. Israel Hayom, November 11, 2013. Also here.
The legal case for Judea and Samaria. By Nadav Shragai. Israel Hayom, December 13, 2013.
Beres and Baker:
all, Jerusalem must argue vigorously against new European Union guidelines,
insisting that Palestine’s borders never be based upon pre-1967 lines. In the
words of an Israeli legal expert, Ambassador Alan Baker: “The legality of the
presence of Israel’s communities in [Judea and Samaria] stems from the
historic, indigenous and legal rights of the Jewish people to settle in the
area, granted pursuant to valid and binding international legal instruments,
recognized and accepted by the international community. These rights cannot be
denied or placed in question.” Accordingly, Jerusalem should clearly affirm
that Israeli settlement activity is recognizably consistent with international law.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Fox News’ Highly Reluctant Jesus Follower. By Kirsten Powers.
Fox News’ Highly Reluctant Jesus Follower. By Kirsten Powers. Christianity Today, October 22, 2013. Also here.
A liberal’s journey to Evangelical Christianity. Video. Kirsten Powers interviewed by Howard Kurtz. Media Buzz. Fox News, December 1, 2013. YouTube.
A liberal’s journey to Evangelical Christianity. Video. Kirsten Powers interviewed by Howard Kurtz. Media Buzz. Fox News, December 1, 2013. YouTube.
The Revolt Against Urban Gentry. By Joel Kotkin.
The Revolt Against Urban Gentry. By Joel Kotkin., November 30, 2013.
The War on Human Nature. By Victor Davis Hanson.
The War on Human Nature. By Victor Davis Hanson. National Review Online, November 26, 2013.
Film Review: A Documentary Explores Israeli Attitudes to the Nakba. By Lisa Goldman.
Film review: A documentary explores Israeli attitudes to the Nakba. By Lisa Goldman. +972, November 28, 2013. Also at The Daily Beast.
On the Side of the Road - OFFICIAL TRAILER from Naretiv Productions on Vimeo.
On the Side of the Road - OFFICIAL TRAILER from Naretiv Productions on Vimeo.