Israel poses a serious dilemma for Europe’s Jews. By Diana Pinto. Haaretz, February 14, 2013. Also here.
Obama in Israel’s New World. By Diana Pinto. Project Syndicate, March 14, 2013.
Towards an European Jewish Identity. By Diana Pinto. Golem.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
The Man Behind the Mandela Myth. By John Campbell.
Think Again: Nelson Mandela. By John Campbell. Foreign Policy, December 6, 2013. Also here.
The man behind the myth – and the tenuous future of South Africa.
The Character of Nelson Mandela. By Max Boot. Commentary, December 5, 2013.
Don’t Distort the Meaning of Mandela. By Jonathan S. Tobin. Commentary, December 5, 2013.
Nelson Mandela: A Jewish Perspective. By Michael Lerner. Tikkun, December 6, 2013.
The man behind the myth – and the tenuous future of South Africa.
The Character of Nelson Mandela. By Max Boot. Commentary, December 5, 2013.
Don’t Distort the Meaning of Mandela. By Jonathan S. Tobin. Commentary, December 5, 2013.
Nelson Mandela: A Jewish Perspective. By Michael Lerner. Tikkun, December 6, 2013.
Our Promised Land. By James Traub.
Our Promised Land. By James Traub. Foreign Policy, December 6, 2013. Also here.
Secretary of Nothing: John Kerry and the Myth of Foreign Policy. By Andrew Cockburn. Harper’s Magazine, December 2013.
Surprise – The Very Dark Side of U.S.History. By Robert Parry and Peter Dale Scott. AlterNet, October 8, 2010.
How the beautiful, painful, and problematic birth of Israel mirrors modern America’s moral ambiguity.
would it mean for an American to apply this tragic understanding to his own
circumstances? In regard to the national founding, the analogy to Israel is
glaringly obvious. If the American pioneers had accepted that the indigenous
people they found on the continent were not simply features of the landscape
but people like themselves, and thus had agreed to occupy only those spaces not
already claimed by the Indians, then today’s America would be confined to a
narrow band along the Eastern seaboard. No Indian wars, no America. And yet,
like slavery, the wars and the forced resettlement constitute a terrible
reproach to the founders’ belief that America was a uniquely just and noble
when I say that I am reading Shavit for moral guidance, I’m thinking of the
American present, not just the past. The tragic sense is largely alien to
Americans, and to American policymakers. Americans have an almost unique faith
in the malleability of the world, and of the intrinsic appeal of their own
principles (a faith which Shavit writes that Israel’s settlers shared until the
Palestinians first rose up against them in 1936). In Diplomacy, Henry Kissinger argued that all American presidents from
the time of Woodrow Wilson (possibly excepting his own pupil, Richard Nixon)
have been idealists, because the American people refuse to elect someone who
speaks the tragic language of 19th century European statecraft.
Shavit is not asserting, as classic realists do, that no one set of animating
principles is better than another, and thus one should be agnostic among them.
Nor is he simply warning, as realists do, that great projects inevitably
miscarry. Shavit argues that we must act, and do so in the name of a moral
vision; but that our action must be governed by a recognition of the harm we
cause to others, and perhaps also to ourselves. The bad outcome does not prove
bad motives, but neither do the good motives excuse the bad outcome.
Secretary of Nothing: John Kerry and the Myth of Foreign Policy. By Andrew Cockburn. Harper’s Magazine, December 2013.
Surprise – The Very Dark Side of U.S.History. By Robert Parry and Peter Dale Scott. AlterNet, October 8, 2010.
How the beautiful, painful, and problematic birth of Israel mirrors modern America’s moral ambiguity.
I have
been reading My Promised Land, Ari
Shavit’s extraordinary account of the founding and growth of Israel. It is a
book one reads not simply for historical instruction but for moral guidance.
Shavit is an ardent Zionist who is nevertheless imbued with a sense of Israel’s
tragic condition. “Tragedy,” as Shavit uses it, does not refer to the suffering
of the Jewish people but rather to the suffering – the unavoidable suffering –
of the Palestinian people as a result of the Zionist project. In his narrative
of the brutal conquest of the Arab city of Lydda by Israeli forces in May 1948,
Shavit returns again and again to the idealistic, even utopian young men who
killed Arab civilians and forced the entire population into a death march in
the desert. Their anguish, shame, confusion is Shavit's own; and so is their
acknowledgment that it could not have been otherwise. Both conquest and
expulsion “were an inevitable phase of the Zionist revolution that laid the
foundation for the Zionist state.” No Lydda, no Israel.
There Is a Clash of Civilizations. By Alain Finkielkraut.
There Is a Clash of Civilizations. Interview with Alain Finkielkraut by Mathieu von Rohr and Romain Leick. Spiegel Online, December 6, 2013.
Alain Finkielkraut is one of France's most controversial essayists. His new book, “L’Identité Malheureuse” (“The Unhappy Identity,” Éditions Stock ), has been the subject of heated debate. It comes at a time when France finds itself in the midst of an identity crisis. But rather than framing things from a social or political perspective, Finkielkraut explores what he sees as a hostile confrontation between indigenous French people and immigrants. He was interviewed in his Parisian apartment on the Left Bank.
Mr. Finkielkraut, are you unhappy with today’s France?
I am pained to see that the French mode of European civilization is threatened.
France is in the process of transforming into a post-national and multicultural
society. It seems to me that this enormous transformation does not bring
anything good.
Why is that? Post-national and multicultural sounds rather promising.
It is presented to us as the model for the future. But multiculturalism does
not mean that cultures blend. Mistrust prevails, communitarianism is rampant –
parallel societies are forming that continuously distance themselves from each
Aren’t you giving in here to the right-wingers’ fears of demise?
The lower middle classes – the French that one no longer dares to call Français de souche (ethnic French) – are
already moving out of the Parisian suburbs and farther into the countryside.
They have experienced that in some neighborhoods they are the minority in their
own country. They are not afraid of the others, but rather of becoming the
others themselves.
But France has always been a country of immigrants.
We are constantly told that immigration is a constitutive element of the French
identity. But that’s not true. Labor migration began in the 19th century. It
was not until after the bloodletting of World War I that the borders were
largely opened.
Immigration has had more of a formative influence on France than on Germany.
Immigration used to go hand-in-hand with integration into French culture. That
was the rule of the game. Many of the new arrivals no longer want to play by
that rule. If the immigrants are in the majority in their neighborhoods, how
can we integrate them? There used to be mixed marriages, which is crucial to
miscegenation. But their numbers are declining. Many Muslims in Europe are
re-Islamizing themselves. A woman who wears the veil effectively announces that
a relationship with a non-Muslim is out of the question for her.
Aren’t many immigrants excluded from mainstream society primarily for economic
The left wanted to resolve the problem of immigration as a social issue, and
proclaimed that the riots in the suburbs were a kind of class struggle. We were
told that these youths were protesting against unemployment, inequality and the
impossibility of social advancement. In reality we saw an eruption of hostility
toward French society. Social inequality does not explain the anti-Semitism,
nor the misogyny in the suburbs, nor the insult “filthy French.” The left does
not want to accept that there is a clash of civilizations.
The anger of these young people is also stirred up by high unemployment. They
are turning their backs on society because they feel excluded.
If unemployment is so high, then immigration has to be more effectively
controlled. Apparently there is not enough work for everyone. But just ask the
teachers in these troubled neighborhoods – they have major difficulties
teaching anything at all. Compared to the rappers and the dealers, the teachers
earn so ridiculously little that they are viewed with contempt. Why should the
students make an effort to follow in their footsteps? There are a large number
of young people who don’t want to learn anything about French culture. This
refusal makes it harder for them to find work.
These neighborhoods that you speak of, have you even seen them firsthand?
I watch the news; I read books and studies. I have never relied on my
In the US the coexistence of communities works better. The Americans don’t have
this European adherence to a national uniform culture.
The US sees itself as a country of immigration, and what is impressive about
this truly multicultural society is the strength of its patriotism. This was
particularly evident after the attacks of September 11, 2001. In France,
however, the opposite could be seen after the attacks on French soldiers and
Jewish children in Toulouse and Montauban last year: Some schoolchildren saw
Mohamed Merah, the assailant, as a hero. Something like that would be
unthinkable in the US. American society is a homeland for everyone. I don't
think that many children of immigrants here see it that way.
America makes it easy for new arrivals to feel like Americans. Does France
place the hurdles too high?
France prohibits students from wearing headscarves at school. This is also for
the benefit of all Muslims who don’t want a religious cage for themselves, for
their daughters and wives. France is a civilization, and the question is what
it means to participate in it. Does this mean the natives have to make
themselves extremely small so the others can easily spread themselves out? Or
does it mean passing on the culture that one possesses?
But this has worked for a long time. The Italians, Spaniards, Poles and
European Jews had no difficulties becoming French patriots. Why is this no
longer working?
Why is there today such aggression toward the West in the Islamic world? Some
say that France was a colonial power, which is why those who were colonized
could not be happy. But why has Europe been subjected to this massive
immigration from former colonies over the past half a century? France still has
to pay for the sins of colonialism and settle its debt to those who vilify it
You yourself are the child of immigrants, the progeny of a persecuted family.
Does your personal will to integrate explain your radical commitment to the
values of the Republic?
I defend these values because I probably owe more to my schooling than do the Français de souche, the hereditary
French. French traditions and history were not laid in my cradle. Anyone who
does not bring along this heritage can acquire it in l’école républicaine, the French school system. It has expanded my
horizons and allowed me to immerse myself in French civilization.
And made you into its apologist?
I can speak and write more openly than others precisely because I am not a
hereditary Frenchman. The natives easily allow themselves to be unnerved by the
prevailing discourse. I don't have such complexes.
How do you define this French civilization that you speak of?
I recently reread a book by the admirable Russian writer Isaac Babel. The story
takes place in Paris. The narrator is in a hotel and at night he hears the
lovemaking sounds of the couples next door. Babel writes: This has nothing to
do with what one hears in Russia – it’s much more fiery. Then his French friend
responds: We French created women, literature and cuisine. No one can take that
from us.
Those are idealized clichés that nations create for themselves.
But it is true, or at least it was in the past. France can’t allow itself to
bask in its own glory. But it has evidence of its civilization, just like
Germany – it has its sights, its squares, its cafés, its wealth of literature
and its artists. We can be proud of these ancestors, and we have to prove that
we are worthy of them. I regret that Germany – for reasons that are
understandable – has broken with this pride in its past. But I believe that
German politicians who speak of Leitkultur
– the guiding national culture – are right. The Leitkultur does not create an insurmountable barrier to newcomers.
Alain Finkielkraut is one of France's most controversial essayists. His new book, “L’Identité Malheureuse” (“The Unhappy Identity,” Éditions Stock ), has been the subject of heated debate. It comes at a time when France finds itself in the midst of an identity crisis. But rather than framing things from a social or political perspective, Finkielkraut explores what he sees as a hostile confrontation between indigenous French people and immigrants. He was interviewed in his Parisian apartment on the Left Bank.
A Real Arab Spring. By Norman Lebrecht.
A Real Arab Spring. By Norman Lebrecht. Standpoint, December 2013.
Coming out of a movie last month in one of those edge-of-town malls that disfigure Israeli conurbations, I ran into a conga line of men, women and children shuffling their way into a McDonald’s. The men wore T-shirts and jeans, the women flowery headscarves and varied outfits. Several danced along in silly conical hats. It was someone's birthday, by the look of it.
It took
a second look to realise that the celebrants were a family of Israeli Arabs,
descendants of the stubborn minority — some 150,000 Christians and Muslims —
who refused to join the 750,000-strong Palestinian exodus in 1948. Today, by
census, there are 1.6 million Israeli Arabs, some 20 per cent of the population.
They enjoy full civic rights and a high level of prosperity. Beside the
refugees, their lifestyle appears lavish.
As I
drove through the Arab heartlands in Galilee, a hilly straggle of houses that I
remember being blacked out at night for want of connection to the national grid
has boomed into a noisy town with three-storey houses and an exclusive
dealership in a European make of car much favoured by ultra-orthodox Jews.
and restaurants on the Tel Aviv seafront are dotted with Arabs from Jaffa. On
Friday night, the common day of rest, there are as many Israeli Arabs strolling
along the promenade as there are Israeli Jews. When I remark on the phenomenon,
young Israelis shrug as if my observation is too obvious to be worth
mentioning. Integration has become a fact of life. Yet 25 years ago, Israeli
Arabs were inconspicuous in Jewish towns and 45 years ago, as far as my memory
extends, they were invisible.
In the
first two decades of the state of Israel, until the Six Day War, Arab citizens
were penned into pales of settlement, nervously watched by the security
services. In the next two decades, they formed a no-man's-land between the
Israeli state and the occupied Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza Strip,
their resentful cousins. Torn between kinship and comfort, Israeli Arabs opted
on the whole to put head over heart.
the past 25 years, normalisation has set in. Learning Hebrew at school as an
obligatory second language, Israeli Arabs have made careers in most parts of
the economy and in academic life. One of the most popular comedy series on
commercial Israeli television is entitled Arab
Labour. It makes merry with the tensions raised by a middle-class Arab family
who move into an urban Israeli apartment block. In the episodes I have seen,
Israeli Jews come off worst in the clash of cultures. One of the Arab actors,
Mira Awad, has represented Israel at the Eurovision Song Contest. What could be
more normal?
That is
not to pretend that all is rosy. Israeli Arabs are subject to stringent airport
and roadside security checks. Some complain of being treated as second-class
citizens. A Jaffa driver told me his town had become overpriced and young men
could not afford to buy a home. Economic progress and social participation,
however, are positive indicators of how the country and the region might
function if and when a peace agreement is reached. The Israeli Arabs serve, in
this respect, as role models for a postwar utopia.
also refute hostile clichés. The novelist Linda Grant drew attention in the Independent in March to a book by a
French academic, Diana Pinto, arguing that Israel is functionally
autistic-high-tech and tunnel-visioned, unable to see “the Other.” The vastly
increased visibility of Israeli Arabs gives the lie to that theory.
It also
confounds the perpetual accusation that Israel is somehow an “apartheid state.”
If Israel were indeed a society founded on racial supremacy and separation,
there would be no Arabs celebrating birthdays in shopping malls, no strollers
on the Tel Aviv prom, no automobile millionaires in Galilee and no property
boom in Jaffa. The apartheid libel, a propaganda ploy of the pro-Palestine
lobby and the anti-Zionist Left, denies the blatant reality that Israel is a
fast-evolving, multicultural society with more tolerance for minorities than
any of its neighbours (and most European states). The casual confidence of its
Arab citizens is testimony to a healthy society.
Coming out of a movie last month in one of those edge-of-town malls that disfigure Israeli conurbations, I ran into a conga line of men, women and children shuffling their way into a McDonald’s. The men wore T-shirts and jeans, the women flowery headscarves and varied outfits. Several danced along in silly conical hats. It was someone's birthday, by the look of it.