A Conservative Vision of Government. By Michael Gerson and Peter Wehner. National Affairs, No. 18 (Winter 2014).
Listening to the Founders. By Michael Gerson. Real Clear Politics, January 3, 2014. Also at the Washington Post.
Conservatism for the People. By Henry Olsen. National Affairs, No. 18 (Winter 2014).
Thursday, January 2, 2014
The Bitter Pill Israel Must Swallow If It Wants Peace. By Yehezkel Dror.
The bitter pill Israel must swallow if it wants peace. By Yehezkel Dror. Haaretz, January 2, 2014.
The recent discourse between Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and Israeli business leaders reflects clearly the political-security dilemma facing Israel. It is highly unlikely that a stable agreement with the Palestinians meeting the security needs of Israel can be achieved. However, without substantive progress in the peace process, Israel is likely to face political and economic decline and escalating security dangers.
As we
reach the 100-year anniversary of the outbreak of World War I, many books are
being published on its causes. Having read four of them, one clear conclusion
emerges: It could have been different, but a small number of decision makers
suffered from sleepwalking and went, with blind bravado, into catastrophe.
It is
difficult not to see some points of similarity with Israel (and, differently,
its neighbors). The comparatively good situation of Israel in recent times
serves as a blinder on future trends. The “right” clings to the illusions that
strength will prevail and that settlements in the West Bank are creating
permanent facts on the ground. And the “left” clings to the illusion that a
permanent agreement with the Palestinian Authority will produce a stable peace,
as if the unilateral Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005 didn’t
result in missiles and wars.
contrast to such fixations, long-term estimates of the conflict's dynamics have
identified grave trends: The increasing ability of a few to kill many, with
Israel being one of the likely targets; novel forms of attack such as cyber
war, to which we are vulnerable; the nuclearization, in one form or another, of
Iran, with Israel having missed important action opportunities, despite
understanding the danger; and growing international pressures to withdraw from
being an occupying force – right up to a bad “enforced solution.” To these, one
must add, and emphasize, the paradox of the turmoil in Arab states possibly
creating a unified front, with revolutionary energy directed against Israel.
it’s far from easy – albeit not impossible – to map out realistic, thriving
long-term futures for Israel without the calming of the
Arab-Islamic/Israeli-Jewish conflict. For instance, the chances of the Arab
states getting used to Israeli rule over the West Bank and Greater Jerusalem
are slim. Therefore, without a resolution of the conflict, some decline of
Israel is likely, with the possibility of an encompassing Middle East
is, therefore, caught in a dangerous aporia. The defense minister is right
about the near-impossibility of reaching an agreement with the Palestinians
that satisfies Israel’s security needs. And the business leaders are correct in
expecting decline in the absence of progress toward peace.
therefore follows that present modes of thinking provide no way to avoid
dangerous futures. The ongoing peace process does not fit the
multidimensionality of the conflict, its scope and cultural-psychological
depth. Therefore, a quantum leap is essential – one into a different statecraft
geometry that can cope, in phases, with the core of the conflict, including its
innate roots.
Let me
start with what is required from Israel. Hardest of all in this real-political
necessity is relinquishing the vision of owning “all the Promised Land.” This
does not involve negation of the moral right of the Jewish People to the
Promised Land (which may be a good argument before a Cosmic Court). But in the
real world, its ignoring of real-political constraints may result in
devastation. Consequently, there is no way around the renunciation of the
“Greater Israel” ideology.
On an
action level, Israel should, among other things, avoid setting up and enlarging
settlements outside of the territories likely to be included in agreed
exchanges of land (and clearly marked as such). Hate crimes against
Palestinians – so-called “prize-tag” attacks – and other provocative actions
are to be strictly controlled. It's also necessary to change the way the
conflict is taught in our schools, by presenting our rights together with the
Arab narrative as a “fact” that we regard as incorrect but one that cannot be
ignored. Also essential are multimedia efforts to reach broad Arab and Islamic
audiences, and cooperation between Jewish and Arab communities in the Diaspora.
On the
policy level, Israel has to declare unambiguously that – within a comprehensive
peace agreement and subject to credible security arrangements – it is willing
to withdraw to the 1967 borders, with agreed exchanges of land and
establishment of a Palestinian state; to move toward an agreement on Jerusalem,
including shared rule over the Holy Basin; and, whenever Syria has a
peace-seeking government, Israel should be willing to move toward a resolution
of the Golan Heights issue.
this should take place within a comprehensive regional peace – including full
relations between Arab and Islamic states and Israel, shared action against
people acting as obstacles to peace, and parallel steps to advance a
cultural-psychological peace atmosphere. Accordingly, the negotiations with the
Palestinians will be expanded into a component of advancing regional peace. At
the same time, Israel needs a new security doctrine integrating the advancement
of peace with absolute deterrence and harsh punishment – beyond
“proportionality” – of all who attack Israel despite the peace efforts.
This is
a bitter pill that Israel must swallow. Refusal to do so, either through denial
of the serious dangers that would result from the absence of a serious peace
effort or fanatic attachment to futile utopian visions, are very likely to
result in decline and may endanger our very future.
The recent discourse between Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and Israeli business leaders reflects clearly the political-security dilemma facing Israel. It is highly unlikely that a stable agreement with the Palestinians meeting the security needs of Israel can be achieved. However, without substantive progress in the peace process, Israel is likely to face political and economic decline and escalating security dangers.
The Resurgent Progressives. By E.J. Dionne, Jr.
The Resurgent Progressives. By E.J. Dionne, Jr. Washington Post, January 1, 2014. Also here.