Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Neoliberalism’s War Against the Radical Imagination. By Henry Giroux.
Neoliberalism’s War Against the Radical Imagination. By Henry Giroux. Tikkun, February 11, 2014.
Good Riddance to Sykes-Picot. By Selim Can Sazak.
Good Riddance to Sykes-Picot. By Selim Can Sazak. The National Interest, February 12, 2014.
Secretary ScarJo. by Bret Stephens.
Secretary ScarJo. By Bret Stephens. Wall Street Journal, February 10, 2014.
Demonizing Israel; Demonizing ScarJo. By Jonathan S. Tobin. NJBR, January 28, 2014. With related articles and video.
Last month the Palestinian ambassador to the Czech Republic blew himself up as he tried to open an old booby-trapped embassy safe. When police arrived on the scene, they discovered a cache of unregistered weapons in violation of international law. Surprise.
the real shocker: After prevaricating for a couple of weeks, the Palestinian
government apologized to the Czechs and promised, according to news accounts, “to
take measures to prevent such incidents in the future.”
As far
as I know, this is only the second time the Palestinians have officially
apologized for anything, ever. The first time, in 1999, Yasser Arafat’s wife,
Suha, accused Israel of poisoning Palestinian children. Hillary Clinton was
there. Palestinian officialdom mumbled its regrets.
other words, no apology for the 1972 massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich
Olympics. No apology for the 1973 murder of Cleo Noel, the U.S. ambassador to
Sudan, and his deputy, George Moore. No apology for the 1974 massacre of 25
Israelis, including 22 schoolchildren, in Ma’alot. No apology for the 1978
Coastal Road massacre, where 38 Israelis, including 13 children, were killed.
And so
on and on—straight to the present. In December, Palestinian President Mahmoud
Abbas posthumously bestowed the “Star of Honor” on Abu Jihad, the mastermind of
the Coastal Road attack, as “the model of a true fighter and devoted leader.”
Dalal Mughrabi, the Palestinian woman who led the attack itself, had a square
named after her in 2011. In August, Mr. Abbas gave a hero’s welcome to
Palestinian murderers released from Israeli jails as a goodwill gesture. And
Yasser Arafat, who personally ordered the killing of Noel and Moore, is the
Palestinian patron saint.
mention all this as background to two related recent debates. Late last month
Scarlett Johansson resigned her role as an Oxfam “Global Ambassador” after the
antipoverty group condemned the actress for becoming a pitchwoman for the
Israeli company SodaStream. Oxfam wants
to boycott Israeli goods made—as SodaStream’s are—inside the West Bank; Ms.
Johansson disagrees, citing “a fundamental difference of opinion in regards to
the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions [BDS] movement.”
second debate followed rambling comments on the Israeli-Palestinian
negotiations from John Kerry at this month’s Munich Security Conference.
Israel, he warned, faced a parade of horribles if talks failed. “For Israel
there's an increasing delegitimization campaign that’s been building up,” he
said. “People are very sensitive to it. There are talks of boycotts and other
kinds of things.”
So here
is the secretary of state talking about the effort to boycott Israel not as an
affront to the United States and an outrage to decency but as a tide he is
powerless to stop and that anyway should get Israel to change its stiff-necked
ways. A Secretary of State Johansson would have shown more courage and presence
of mind than that.
But Mr.
Kerry’s failure goes deeper. How is it that Mr. Abbas’s glorification of terrorists
living and dead earns no rebuke from Mr. Kerry, nor apparently any doubts about
the sincerity of Palestinian intentions? Why is it that only Israel faces the
prospect of a boycott? When was the last time the U.S., much less the
Europeans, threatened to impose penalties on Palestinians for diplomatic or
moral misbehavior?
In 2011
the Palestinians defied the U.S. by making a bid for statehood at the U.N.;
then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice warned there would be “adverse negative
consequences” for the Palestinians. Of course there were none, and the
administration fought behind the scenes to make sure there wouldn’t be any.
Type the words “Kerry condemns Abbas” or “Kerry condemns Palestinians” into a
Web search and you’ll get that rare Google event: “No results found.”
wonder one Israeli government minister after another has taken to calling the
secretary “insufferable,” “messianic” and “obsessive”—and that’s just what they
say in public. The State Department has reacted indignantly to these gibes, but
this is coming from the administration that likes to speak of the virtues of
candor between friends. Its idea of candor is all one-way and all one-sided.
This is
a bad basis for peace. If one expects nothing of Palestinians then they will be
forgiven for everything. If one expects everything of Israel then it will be
forgiven for nothing, putting the country to a perpetual moral test it will
always somehow fail and that can only energize the boycott enthusiasts. It all
but goes without saying that the ultimate objective of the BDS movement isn’t
to “end the occupation” but to end the Jewish state. Anyone who joins that
movement, or flirts with it, is furthering the objective, wittingly or not. One
useful function of an American diplomat is to warn a group like Oxfam that it
is playing with moral fire.
the job was left to Ms. Johansson. How wonderfully commendable. “One gorgeous
actress with courage makes a majority,” said Andrew Jackson—or something like
that. We could do worse with such a person at State.
Demonizing Israel; Demonizing ScarJo. By Jonathan S. Tobin. NJBR, January 28, 2014. With related articles and video.
Last month the Palestinian ambassador to the Czech Republic blew himself up as he tried to open an old booby-trapped embassy safe. When police arrived on the scene, they discovered a cache of unregistered weapons in violation of international law. Surprise.
Israel’s Big Question. By Thomas L. Friedman.
Israel’s Big Question. By Thomas L. Friedman. New York Times, February 11, 2014.
Israel May Pay for Tolerance It Shows to Killers. By Alan Howe.
Israel may pay for tolerance it shows to killers. By Alan Howe. Herald Sun, February 10, 2014.
Banking While Russian. By Masha Gessen.
Banking While Russian. By Masha Gessen. New York Times, February 11, 2014.
Presbyterians Declare War on the Jews. By Jonathan S. Tobin.
Presbyterians Declare War on the Jews. By Jonathan S. Tobin. Commentary, February 11, 2014.
Presbyterian Church group: Zionism is the problem. By Lazar Berman. The Times of Israel, February 11, 2014.
In the last decade, several mainstream American Protestant denominations have flirted with resolutions endorsing boycotts of companies doing business with Israel. Most of these efforts have been defeated, albeit narrowly, by strenuous efforts by Jewish groups determined to preserve good interfaith relations as well as by Christians who wanted no part of a movement dedicated to waging economic war on a democratic state. In most cases, these battles have involved a small cadre of left-wing activists involved in church leadership groups that had little support among ministers, and even less among rank-and-file church members. Thus, even the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA), a church that has a particularly virulent group of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel activists working in positions of influence, failed to pass a divestment resolution in 2012. But despite that defeat, those anti-Israel elements have now regrouped and launched a new initiative that threatens to escalate the battle within the church and to undermine any remnant of good will that still exists between this Presbyterian group (the PCUSA is just one among a number of groups that call themselves Presbyterians) and American Jews.
As the Times of Israel reports, the
Presbyterians’ Israel Palestinian Mission Network (IPMN) has issued a “study
guide” about the Middle East conflict that will forever change the relationship
between the church and the Jewish people. The 74-page illustrated booklet and companion DVD entitled Zionism Unsettled
was published last month for use by the church’s 2.4 million members. Unlike
other left-wing critiques of Israel, the Presbyterian pamphlet isn’t content to
register disapproval of Israeli policies and West Bank settlements or to lament
the plight of the Palestinians. The booklet is a full-blown attack against the
very concept of Zionism and seeks to compare Zionism to the Christian
anti-Semitism that led to the Holocaust and other historical atrocities. Its
purpose is to brand Israel as an illegitimate entity and to treat its American
Jewish supporters as having strayed from the values of their religion. Zionism
Unsettled not only swallows the Palestinian narrative about Middle East history
whole, it is nothing less than a declaration of war on Israel and American
As a
work of political science or history, Zionism
Unsettled is unworthy of serious discussion. Its argument rests on the
prejudiced assumption that the Jews are the one people on earth that are
unworthy of self-determination or the same rights to a homeland as any other on
the planet. It smears those who sought to create the Jewish homeland and
whitewashes those who have waged war and engaged in terrorism to destroy it.
Ignoring history and the reality of virulent anti-Jewish prejudice in the Arab
and Muslim world, it claims Jewish life would thrive in the region if there
were no Israel. If that absurd assertion were not enough to strip it of even a
vestige of credibility, it goes so far as to claim that the tiny, intimidated
remnant of Jewish life in an Iran ruled by a vicious anti-Semitic regime is a
model of coexistence.
regard to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, it sees only black
and white. In Zionism Unsettled, the Jews have no right to Israel and no right
to defend themselves. On the other hand, it rationalizes and even justifies violence
against Israel.
But the
argument goes further than anti-Zionism. The pamphlet actually criticizes the
Catholic Church for its historic efforts at reconciliation with the Jewish
people, saying the 1965 declaration Nostra Aetate that rejected the Deicide
myth against the Jews “raises as many questions as it answers.”
past controversies in which Jewish groups sought to bridge the divide between
the two communities, the distribution of a publication that is driven by sheer
hatred and a determination to see Israel destroyed requires a more forthright
response. The response to this screed should be unequivocal. Any Presbyterian
Church USA that chooses to distribute it is not merely offending supporters of
Israel. It is endorsing hate speech and seeking to spread a doctrine that seeks
Israel’s destruction and views Jews who do not reject Zionism as guilty of
complicity in the “crimes” of the Jewish state. With this publication, the
PCUSA has crossed a line that divides people of good will from those who
promote racism or anti-Semitism. The many decent members of congregations
affiliated with the PCUSA can no longer stand by mutely while the good name of
their church is sullied in this manner. They must either actively reject this
ugly publication or forever be tainted by association with the vile hatred to
which their leadership has committed them.
“Zionism Unsettled” praises Jews who speak out against Zionism, and claims that a growing wave of Jewish criticism is underway: “Contemporary voices are breaking the taboos that have stigmatized and punished critical examination of Zionism and its consequences.”
To do
so, the report argues, these brave Jews, including Peter Beinart, Ilan Pappe,
and Philip Weiss, must withstand a concerted effort to silence them from the 51
member groups associated with the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish
Organizations, who are “committed to the suppression of any criticism of Israel
in the mainstream American media, in American civil society, and even within
their own organizations.”
Unsettled” strives to paint Zionism as an ideology foisted initially upon an
unsupportive Jewish public, and increasingly outside of the authentic Jewish
mainstream today. Most Jews, it claims, reject Zionism with their feet,
choosing to live outside of Israel. Were it not for Zionism, Jewish life would
be thriving across the Middle East. One graphic presents Jewish life in Iran as
“alive and well,” a model of ancient coexistence shattered by the intrusion of
Zionism into the region.
blames the expulsion of Jews from Arab lands as “blowback” from the “perceived
injustice of the enforced partition of Palestine, the creation of a Jewish
state, the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1947-48, and the Sinai War of
has done far worse to Palestinians, according to the study guide. It accuses
Israel of intentionally depopulating Palestinian villages in 1948, a process
that continues to this day. “Now, 65 years later, the Zionist quest for
demographic control of the land in still underway – not only in the occupied
territories, but within Israel itself. State planners pursue the goal of
ensuring a ‘contiguous Jewish presence’ in every area within Israel.”
the book argues, Israel is entirely uninterested in peace, and does not
negotiate in good faith. “It is hard to find any evidence,” the authors write,
“that recent Israeli governments have any intention of negotiating a just peace
with Palestinians.”
“Zionism Unsettled,” Edward Said, Rashid Khalidi, and other anti-Zionist
authors are treated as authoritative, with no critical examination of their
positions. The chapter, “A Palestinian Muslim Experience with Zionism,”
features several pages on Mustafa Abu Sway of Al-Quds University’s argument
that while the Quran is inclusive and peaceful, Zionism is inherently racist.
authors implicitly compare the Palestinian treatment at the hands of Israel to
the Nazi treatment of Jews in World War II. After a paragraph on Abu Sway
denouncing the Holocaust in speeches at Yad Vashem, “Zionism Unsettled”
continues, “In like manner, the Nakba (catastrophe) that befell the Palestinian
people in the late 1940s should never have taken place. The Palestinian story
is one of suffering at the hands of the international community, which
authorized the division of Palestine in 1947, and at the hands of the Zionists
who planned, organized, and implemented systematic ethnic cleansing . . . They
slaughtered untold numbers of Palestinian men, women, and children.”
work could even be seen to justify some violence against Israel. “International
law allows resistance to military occupation and dispossession,” reads one of
the discussion questions. “What kinds of Palestinian resistance to Jewish
expansionism and oppression do you feel are justified?”
fact, apart from one brief timeline mention of a suicide bombing, Palestinian
terrorism is absent from the book. The only group labelled ‘terrorist’ by the
authors is a Jewish one, the Irgun.
Unsettled” trips over itself at times. It criticizes Israel for ignoring UN
resolutions it should accept as authoritative, then decries the UN for giving
the Jews a “disproportionate share of territory” in the 1947 partition plan.
. . . .
Identifying with the “powerless” against the “chosen”
would an American church take such firm positions on a conflict half the world
away, and why has it accepted the Palestinian narrative so completely?
In an
email interview with The Times of Israel, Christian-Jewish relations scholar
Murray Watson identified three reasons behind positions taken by mainline
Protestant churches against Israel.
first, he said, is “a deep rootedness in liberation theology, a stream of
theological thinking and analysis that emerged from Latin America in the late
1960s and early 1970s. Central to liberation theology is the Biblical assertion
that God seeks freedom and justice for all His people, and is actively on the
side of the poor, the oppressed, the powerless and the marginalized — and,
conversely, against those who oppress His people and deprive them of their
legitimate rights.”
many Western Christians, continued Murray, co-founder of the Centre for
Jewish-Catholic-Muslim Learning at King’s University College at the University
of Western Ontario, Palestinians are seen as the poor, the weak, the oppressed,
while Israel is seen as the powerful, oppressive force. “Therefore, the
Palestinian narrative deserves to be given a privileged place in theological
analysis, since God is ‘on their side.’”
second reason, said Watson, is that many Western Protestant churches either
have Palestinian counterpart churches, or have a formal form of affiliation
with Palestinian Christian churches. “Sometimes this results in a very
uncritical acceptance of anything that any Palestinian Christian group
final reason lies in a Christian misinterpretation of the Jewish idea of
“To a
generation that has grown up with the idea of radical equality — that all
people are fundamentally equal, and certainly equal in terms of God’s love and
care, the idea that any particular group could claim to be ‘chosen’ in a way
which makes them qualitatively different from others, strikes some Christians
as arrogant, as if ‘chosenness’ was to be equated with ‘moral superiority,’”
Watson explained. “I have said for a long time that this interpretation of
chosenness is actually a Christian caricature, and doesn’t correspond to Jewish
thinking or theology, which speaks of that ‘chosenness’ as something of a burden
or a responsibility that is borne, often at great expense, for the sake of
God’s love.
“The term ‘chosen people’ grates on the ears of some Christians, and so they react against it and, by reacting against it, feel the need to ‘put down’ Jews, whom they perceive to have used ‘chosenness’ to ‘lift themselves up’ above others.”
Presbyterian Church group: Zionism is the problem. By Lazar Berman. The Times of Israel, February 11, 2014.
In the last decade, several mainstream American Protestant denominations have flirted with resolutions endorsing boycotts of companies doing business with Israel. Most of these efforts have been defeated, albeit narrowly, by strenuous efforts by Jewish groups determined to preserve good interfaith relations as well as by Christians who wanted no part of a movement dedicated to waging economic war on a democratic state. In most cases, these battles have involved a small cadre of left-wing activists involved in church leadership groups that had little support among ministers, and even less among rank-and-file church members. Thus, even the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA), a church that has a particularly virulent group of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel activists working in positions of influence, failed to pass a divestment resolution in 2012. But despite that defeat, those anti-Israel elements have now regrouped and launched a new initiative that threatens to escalate the battle within the church and to undermine any remnant of good will that still exists between this Presbyterian group (the PCUSA is just one among a number of groups that call themselves Presbyterians) and American Jews.
“Zionism Unsettled” praises Jews who speak out against Zionism, and claims that a growing wave of Jewish criticism is underway: “Contemporary voices are breaking the taboos that have stigmatized and punished critical examination of Zionism and its consequences.”
. . . .
Identifying with the “powerless” against the “chosen”
“The term ‘chosen people’ grates on the ears of some Christians, and so they react against it and, by reacting against it, feel the need to ‘put down’ Jews, whom they perceive to have used ‘chosenness’ to ‘lift themselves up’ above others.”
The Value of Putin. By Victor Davis Hanson.
The Value of Putin. By Victor Davis Hanson. National Review Online, February 11, 2014.
Vladimir Putin has the world’s attention this week. The circumstances will remind everyone that reset with Russia is dead. Its working hypothesis — that it was the George W. Bush administration, not the Putin regime, that had either inadvertently or provocatively offended the other’s sensibilities — was invented before the 2008 election on Obama’s partisan and political considerations, not empirical observation.
reset, the incoming Obama administration, more nuanced than the outgoing Bush
administration and drawing on more enlightened thinking, would appeal to the
better angels of Putin’s Russia. The more complex Obamaites would help
enlighten the Putin autocracy to the fact that the U.S. and Russia had common
interests in improving free trade. We really both wanted to calm world tensions
while discouraging proliferation, combating terrorism, working with the United
Nations, quelling international crises, and promoting human rights. Once
Russians had been tutored about America’s good intentions, we could undo
(“reset”) the damage done by the swaggering braggadocio of the interventionist
prior administration. Misunderstanding and ill feelings, not ill intentions and
malfeasance, were Russia’s sins.
what is the result of reset? It is open Russian promotion of the
Syria/Hezbollah/Iran axis that was active in Iraq and is now more so in Syria.
It is Russian obstruction at the U.N. of most American initiatives. It is
another round of strangulation of the former Soviet republics. It is
satisfaction that a frustrated United States has been reduced to appeasement
instead of taking serious steps to thwart Iranian nuclearization, as Putin eggs
Iran on. It is more pressure on Eastern Europeans to look to the East, not to
the West. It is humiliation of the European Union over Ukraine. It is more
internal oppression of a brutal sort. And it is a gratuitous delight in
exposing the Obama administration as sanctimonious and weak, while the U.S.
lectures Russia on human rights, as if its tepid moral remonstrations de facto
translate into shamed abidance. In sum, what the Obama administration is for,
Putin is mostly against.
that said, there is a value for us in Putin. I don’t mean the strange Pat
Buchanan–style admiration for Putin’s creepy reactionary social agenda and his
tirades about Western social decadence. Rather, I refer to Putin’s confidence
in his unabashedly thuggish means, the brutal fashion in which a modern state
so unapologetically embraces the premodern mind to go after its critics, be
they journalists or academics, or stifles free debate without worry over
Western censure. Putin is a mirror showing more than just what we should not
We in
the West get into fiery debates over civil union versus gay marriage as the
appropriate legal means of recognizing homosexual unions, with all the
accompanying charges of insensitivity — without much notice of how the vast
majority of gays are treated elsewhere in the world. In contrast, Putin, mostly
to global silence, does nothing as his thugs with impunity terrorize gay
activists (who mostly demonstrate for basic freedom of speech, not marriage).
Miley Cyrus insults our sensibilities and becomes fabulously rich; the Pussy
Rioters go to jail.
We in
California divert life-saving water to save a baitfish; Putin’s $50 billion
Olympics may prove to be an ecological disaster. We worry about global warming;
Putin takes a subtropical resort and with enough crooked cash and smoky carbon
fuel fabricates sufficient unnatural snow for the Olympics — without calling up
Al Gore to see how many Amazon trees he needs to buy to win a carbon-offset
exemption. We worry about the victims of WMDs in Syria; Putin worries whether
the mass murderer Assad has enough sarin gas to do what he thinks necessary to
preserve power. Putin breaks missile agreements; we consult legal dictionaries
to ascertain whether he has. We try to convince Putin that our
anti-ballistic-missile plan for Eastern Europe is to protect only against Iran.
He knows it is. He also knows that we worry whether he knows it is intended
only for the Iranian threat. And so he says it isn’t. And, presto, it isn’t.
often talk grandly in melodramatic fashion of “speaking truth to power” —
mostly on silly issues about which liberals talk tough to moderates, usually in
the faculty lounge or at a Senate hearing, often before sharing cocktails
afterward. Putin speaks power to truth — an unpredictable, unapologetic brute
force of nature.
what is Putin? He is a constant reminder to the postmodern Western mind that
the human condition has not yet evolved beyond the fist. He is a bumper-sticker
example of Aristotle’s dictum that it is easy to be moral in your sleep, given
that verbiage without power is hardly moral or difficult. He is also a reminder
about what is important in the most elemental sense. As we debate former New
York mayor Michael Bloomberg’s remonstrances on oversized Cokes or Michelle
Obama’s advocacy of celery sticks, Putin has dogs shot down to spruce up the
Olympic grounds. We calibrate to the point of paralysis just how large a carbon
footprint the Keystone Pipeline may or may not have; Putin ignores the Arctic
tundra to enrich kleptomaniac Russian oligarchs and prop up his dysfunctional
Putin gallops his horses, poses with his tigers, and shoots his guns — what
Obama dismisses as “tough-guy schtick.” Perhaps. But Putin is almost saying,
“You have ten times the wealth and military power that I have, but I can
neutralize you by my demonic personality alone.” Barack Obama, in his
increasingly metrosexual golf get-ups and his prissy poses on the nation’s tony
golf courses, wants to stay cool while playing a leisure sport. It reminds us
of Stafford Cripps being played by Stalin during World War II. “Make no mistake
about it” and “Let me be perfectly clear” lose every time. Obama’s subordinates
violate the law by going after the communications of a Fox reporter’s parents;
Putin himself threatens to cut off the testicles of a rude journalist.
is a reminder not just of our dark past, where raw force, not morality,
adjudicated behavior, but, more worrisome, perhaps of a dark future as well, in
which we in the West will continually overthink, hyperagonize, and nuance to
death every idea, every issue, and every thought in terror that it might not be
100 percent fair, completely unbiased, absolutely justified. We will do
anything to have the good life above all else; Putin prefers the bad life on
his own terms.
dares us to enforce an old treaty, to stop his clients using poison gas, or to
prevent a lunatic regime from getting nukes. In our fearful hearts, we almost
sense that Putin might like us better, or at least show a greater measure of
respect, if we were to cut out the sermons and back up what we preach. Putin is
the evil hired gun, Jack Wilson (“Prove it!”), in the movie Shane, whose only
law is what he believes he can get away with. We are the Hamlet-like sodbusters
who one day are ready to pack up and leave, the next terrified lest we really
have to. We dream of having Shane stand up to the gunslinger Wilson, but then
again, we suspect that so does the psychopathic Wilson himself.
Putin hated us for going into Iraq, but not just for going into Iraq. Rather,
he despised us for not quickly dealing with the insurgency and then for pulling
out abruptly once we did. He felt double-crossed about signing on to U.N.
sanctions in Libya, not just because we lied about the nature of those
resolutions and then exceeded them, but because we ended up being weak and
leaving Libya a mess without order. His problem with us in Syria was not just
that we issued a deadline, but that we could not even enforce it. For Putin,
being weak is worse than being wrong. Putin’s problem with the Tsarnaev bombing
was not that in furor we might send a Hellfire into his Caucasus, but that a
Caucasian terrorist would make a mockery of our jurisprudence.
such a coiled cobra it is always wiser to stay quiet and keep strong than to
speak loudly while appearing weak. One does not lecture a Stalin but rather
reminds him that you, unlike the pope, do have plenty of divisions.
see, Putin is the dark side come alive without apology in a self-congratulatory
age when he supposedly should not exist. That his economy is unsustainable,
that his corruption ruined the promise of a new Russia, that his oppression is
nihilistic, that we are mostly right, he usually wrong, bothers him not at all.
Putin has any utility at all, it is the faint suggestion that even he would
prefer — even believe that he himself might be better off — if we were more
resolute. Putin is almost Milton’s Satan — as if, in his seductive evil, he
yearns for clarity, perhaps even a smackdown, if not just for himself, for us
as well. He is not the better man than Obama but, again like Milton’s Satan,
the more interesting, if only because he reminds of us of our own limitations.
He ends
up existing to warn us in the West of what we are not, and to demonstrate that
in a strange sort of way our loud principles without toughness are not much
better than his toughness without principles. In that regard, he gives us a
valuable look into ourselves — we the hollow men, the stuffed men of dry voices
and whispers.
all, were not the Lotus-eaters nearly as dangerous as the Cyclopes, the
nonviolent Eloi almost as pitiful as the savage Morlocks? And is not the
triple-talking postmodern man often as empty as the premodern brute?
Vladimir Putin has the world’s attention this week. The circumstances will remind everyone that reset with Russia is dead. Its working hypothesis — that it was the George W. Bush administration, not the Putin regime, that had either inadvertently or provocatively offended the other’s sensibilities — was invented before the 2008 election on Obama’s partisan and political considerations, not empirical observation.
Sochi and Schadenfreude. By Andrew Cohen.
Sochi and Schadenfreude. By Andrew Cohen. Ottawa Citizen, February 10, 2014.
Russians Think We’re Engaging in Olympic Schadenfreude. They’re Right. By Julia Ioffe. NJBR, February 8, 2014. With related articles.
It is open season on Russia. Angered by its contempt for human rights, its rampant corruption, its intimidation of Ukraine and its president-for-life, the West piles on.
context — or pretext — is the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. There, a
carping foreign media revel in unfinished hotels, inadequate venues, empty
seats and suffocating security.
Ioffe of The New Republic, a former Moscow correspondent who has written
critically of the regime, has one word for the early reviews from Sochi: schadenfreude.
The Western media delight in any misfortune that befalls Russia’s Olympics,
hoping it all goes bad.
But if
there is schadenfreude, it isn’t hard to see why. Our liberal sensibility is
offended by a swaggering strongman who picks the wrong friends at home and
abroad, jails his enemies and wants to rule forever.
offended by an Olympics that displaces people and despoils the environment.
We’re offended by spending some $50 billion on a show. And beyond the real
estate play by the Black Sea, we have a catalogue of other grievances: Vladimir
Putin’s support for Syria and Iran; his heavy-handedness toward Ukraine and his
proposed economic union to rival Europe’s; his offering refuge to whistleblower
Edward Snowden.
We are
outraged by how Russia treats its gays and lesbians. At a time this issue is
all but settled in Europe and North America, we consider Russia’s repressive
law antediluvian.
And so
we should recoil, for so many reasons. That’s why we talked of boycotting the
Olympics. It was a natural if ineffective response to “do something” about
something appalling.
ethical problem for us is that, while we are quick to condemn the Russians, we
accept no responsibility for the regime. We didn’t create Vladimir Putin, but
he lays bare our own hypocrisy and amnesia.
When it
comes to Russia, we forget that the West missed an opportunity to form a
partnership with our old enemy after the end of the Cold War. For this failure,
we blame the recalcitrant Russians.
Stephen F. Cohen of New York University, one of the world’s leading Russian
scholars, the Americans and their allies are at fault. He thinks that we have
missed opportunities to engage the Russians in a way that would have eased
their transition from communism and authoritarianism.
In the
1990s, Cohen says, Bill Clinton took an “aggressive triumphalist approach,”
which imposed Western economic policies on Russia, moved NATO into Russia’s
security zone and broke strategic arms promises.
Sept. 11, 2001, for example, when Putin provided assistance against the Taliban
in Afghanistan, the United States withdrew from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile
Treaty. Cohen calls the treaty “the linchpin of (Russia’s) nuclear security.”
Did we
think of the consequences when NATO (of which Canada is a charter member)
decided to expand east and build missile defence installations near Russia’s
borders? Did we think as we broadened our own sphere of political and military
influence, that Russia, with its understandable insecurity, would want a zone
of its own?
doesn’t excuse Putin’s regime. But our indifference helped create a climate of
anxiety among a proud people who had lost their empire, their stature and much
of their dignity. We were insensitive to that.
demonizing Russia, as we do so easily today, we forget the 20 million who died
in the Second World War. We forget that it was the Russians who were killing
Nazis (equipped with American arms) before we opened a second front in Europe
in 1944. We forget the impact of their revolution, civil war, collectivization,
purges and famines. Honestly, did anyone suffer more in the 20th century?
rounding on Russia, what some call Russia-phobia, we scarcely acknowledge the
country’s dazzling achievements in literature, music, art, architecture,
science and space.
all Olympic hosts, the Russians celebrated themselves at the opening
ceremonies, sumptuously if selectively. But if nothing else, we should be
reminded that these are a great people.
At the
same time, we might recall how relatively uncritically we marched to the 2008
Olympics in Beijing, where the assault on human rights goes far beyond gays and
lesbians. Did anyone ask then what was done at Tiananmen or in Tibet? To a
degree, yes, but the threat of official boycott was far stronger this time, and
was fuelled largely by one issue, the mistreatment of gays and lesbians. Call
this selective ethics.
years ago, at the height of the Cold War, John F. Kennedy asked Americans to
rethink the Russians. He wasn’t embracing tyranny or exonerating communism. He
was humanizing them.
“We all
breathe the same air,” he said on June 11, 1963. “We all cherish our children’s
future. And we are all mortal.”
don’t have to like Putin and his regime. But had we been less sanctimonious and
more perceptive, we might be seeing a different Russia behind those Olympic
Rings today.
Russians Think We’re Engaging in Olympic Schadenfreude. They’re Right. By Julia Ioffe. NJBR, February 8, 2014. With related articles.
It is open season on Russia. Angered by its contempt for human rights, its rampant corruption, its intimidation of Ukraine and its president-for-life, the West piles on.