Tuesday, December 8, 2015
The President as Pangloss. By Walter Russell Mead.
The President As Pangloss. By Walter Russell Mead. The American Interest, December 7, 2015.
Most of the public is no longer listening to President Obama on national security. He needs a better strategy for describing and defending his policies to the American people.
Most of the public is no longer listening to President Obama on national security. He needs a better strategy for describing and defending his policies to the American people.
With public approval of his anti-ISIS efforts at 33 percent, President Obama took to the airwaves last night to bolster support for his counterterrorism strategy.
Judging by the reaction in the national press, the speech fell flat. We shall
see what the polls say, but it seems safe at this point to rule out a dramatic
surge in the President’s support as a grateful nation responds to his dramatic
appeal. A president once compared to Lincoln as an orator and Eisenhower as a
strategist by his adoring supporters no longer seems credible or even
interesting on the terror threat that many voters now think is the biggest concern facing the nation.
Most of
the public is no longer listening to President Obama on this topic; it is
waiting for 2017 and the decisive repudiation of a global strategy that many of
the President’s closest advisors and senior aides believe has failed. One
thinks of the famous Boston Globe headline about a Jimmy Carter speech, added
by a printer as a placeholder that somehow survived to the first morning
edition: “More Mush From the Wimp.” Fairly or not, that is what more and more
Americans hear when Obama speaks about terror.
political consequences of the perceived failure of Obama’s national security
approach are already on display. Secretary Clinton is running against the
foreign policy of the man she served for four years. The neo-isolationist wing
of the Republican Party has subsided into irrelevance. Donald Trump’s support
surges on a wave of voter anger at a government and establishment many believe
to be failing the threshold test on national security. President Obama’s legacy
begins to look tragic; the primary goal of his presidency was to banish the
specter of Andrew Jackson from American politics. Jacksonian foreign policy and
Jacksonian populism at home are the forces Obama sees as embodying all that he
fears and dislikes in America. Disappointed in Bush, bitter about the Iraq war,
shocked by the Great Recession, Jacksonianism was on the retreat in the America
of 2008. Obama and liberal Democrats hoped that as the “new FDR” and the
“Democratic Reagan,” Obama would give Jacksonian America the coup de grace. The “bitter clingers”
would fade away.
clearly won’t be happening anytime soon. Jacksonian America has been energized
rather than euthanized by the Obama presidency; in 2016 the Republican Party is
looking to ride a Jacksonian wave into the White House, while the Democrats
will do their best to deflect that wave by adapting to it. Hillary Clinton is
going back to her roots as a “liberal hawk” in the hopes that she can assuage
enough Jacksonian concerns about national security to ride out the storm.
President’s defenders at this point are reduced to a single contention: For all
its faults and flaws, no better strategy can be designed than the one the
President has adopted. This is what you say when there is nothing else to be
said. It is the argument of Voltaire’s Doctor Pangloss: No matter how ugly the
world may appear, President Obama has adopted the best of all possible
strategies and so, given where the world stood in 2009, we now live in the best
of all possible worlds. As each new disaster unfolds across the Middle East,
the Panglossian chorus repeats the refrain: No better strategy exists; as bad
as the consequences of the President’s policies appear to be, no better choices
exist. It is one of those little ironies of history that President Obama has
now adopted Margaret Thatcher’s response to her critics: There Is No
the President resolutely refrains from acknowledging the failures of
conception, execution, and explication that have sapped the world’s confidence
in his leadership. He does not speak about “lessons learned,” which leads
people to believe that he hasn’t learned any. He does not acknowledge the
corrosive consequences of unforced Presidential errors that have made the world
worse (Libya, for example). He says nothing about the ruin of his strategy to heal
the Middle East by building alliances with moderate Islamists. He does not
address public concerns that he misjudged Putin’s Russia. He does not attempt
to repair the damage that ill-chosen remarks (ISIS as the “junior varsity”)
have done to public confidence in his judgment. He speaks about the “evolution”
of the terror threat without acknowledging his earlier pronouncements that
terror was devolving and becoming less dangerous.
President and his defenders do not seem to understand that the track record of
missteps undercuts the Panglossian defense. Does the best of all possible
foreign policy strategies by the best of all possible leaders really involve a
pointless invasion of Libya that turns the country into a haven for ISIS? Does
it really involve hapless “red line” kerfluffles in Syria? Was there really
nothing better anyone could have done in Afghanistan? Is the disaster in Syria
now really something that no American President could have done anything to
prevent or to mitigate? Is the growing chorus of ex-officials from his own
staff completely misguided when so many of them point to errors and omissions
that have cost the United States dearly on his watch? Is this really the best
of all possible foreign policy track records in the best of all possible
President remains wedded to the idea that he can enhance his prestige by
ignoring his failures. And so his speeches fall flat. He lectures the public,
still de haut en bas, still
condescending to the fears of many Americans, still warning them against
indulging their base Jacksonian instincts, still calling them to join him on
the higher plane of a more sophisticated understanding of world affairs. At
this point, the more the President speaks, the more he feeds the fears of the
American people. The contrast between his smug self-assurance and what to so
many Americans looks like a massive collapse in both our foreign and our
counter-terror policies frightens and angers people and turbocharges Jacksonian
President doesn’t just need a better strategy for coping with America’s enemies
in the Middle East and at home. He needs a better strategy for describing and
defending his policies to the American people. When prime time presidential
speeches on matters of the highest importance leave no positive imprint on the
public mind, it is a sign that the public is tuning a president out and writing
him off.
OKWU President Everett Piper: “Challenging Ideas Are What Produce Adults.”
University Pres: “Challenging Ideas Are What Produce Adults.” By Bill O’Reilly and Everett Piper. Video. Fox News Insider, December 7, 2015. YouTube.
This is Not a Day Care. It’s a University! By Everett Piper. Oklahoma Wesleyan University, November 23, 2015.
Fox News Insider:
Oklahoma Wesleyan University President Dr. Everett Piper is fed up with students who cry victim when their views are challenged.
This is Not a Day Care. It’s a University! By Everett Piper. Oklahoma Wesleyan University, November 23, 2015.
Fox News Insider:
Oklahoma Wesleyan University President Dr. Everett Piper is fed up with students who cry victim when their views are challenged.
joined Bill O’Reilly tonight to explain why he was moved to write an open
letter after one student allegedly claimed he felt “victimized” by a university
chapel service about love.
culture has actually taught kids to be this self-absorbed and narcissistic,”
Piper wrote. “Anyone who dares challenge them and, thus, makes them ‘feel bad’
about themselves, is a ‘hater,’ a ‘bigot,’ an ‘oppressor,’ and a ‘victimizer’
... This is not a day care. This is a university!”
explained to O’Reilly that our culture is more interested in graduating
students who are more self-absorbed than selfless.
He said
that he wanted to encourage students to follow the classic liberal arts model
of pursuing truth and identifying what’s false, rather than nurture a
self-centered “us vs. them” mentality.
not interested in coddling you in your selfishness,” Piper stated. “I’m
interested in challenging you to have a higher degree of character. Those
challenging ideas are what produce adults.”