
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bones of King Richard III Discovered Under a Parking Lot.

Bones Under Parking Lot Belonged to Richard III. By John F. Burns. New York Times, February 4, 2013.

Richard III’s Face Reconstructed From English King’s Skull (VIDEO). By Travis Korte. The Huffington Post, February 5, 2013. Also find video here.

Richard III’s Bones: Should One of History’s Losers Be Redeemed? By Ishaan Tharoor. Time, Feb 4, 2013.

The Real Richard III. By Amanda Fiegl. National Geographic News, February 5, 2013.

It’s him: Richard III rises from grave. By Nick Britten and Andrew Hough. The Telegraph, February 5, 2013.

We Told You So: Richard III Society Celebrates Their Hero’s Rediscovery. By Dan Jones. The Daily Beast, February 5, 2013.

The Humiliation of Richard III. By Amy Davidson. The New Yorker, February 4, 2013.

The Lovely Bones: Why Richard III’s Body Should Be on Display. By Christopher Bonaros. New York Magazine, February 5, 2013.

What Richard III Can Teach Us Today. By John Watkins. Foreign Policy, February 6, 2013.

A facial reconstruction of King Richard III. Dan Kirtwood/Getty Images.

The skeleton found last fall near the buried ruins of the Greyfriars Priory in Leicester was confirmed on Monday by a team of experts to be that of King Richard III

King Richard III, by unknown artist, late 16th century. National Portrait Gallery, London.