
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Think Again: The Pentagon. By Thomas P. M. Barnett.

Think Again: The Pentagon. By Thomas P. M. Barnett. Foreign Policy, March/April 2013.

The military’s Chicken Littles want you to think the sky is falling. Don’t believe them: America has never been safer.


Please remember amid all this frenetic scaremongering that the Pentagon is never more frightened about our collective future than when it’s desperately uncertain about its own. Given the rising health-care costs associated with America’s aging population and the never-ending dysfunction in Washington, we should expect to be bombarded with frightening scenarios of planetary doom for the next decade or two. None of this bureaucratic chattering will bear any resemblance to global trends, which demonstrate that wars have grown increasingly infrequent, shorter in duration, and diminished in lethality. But you won’t hear that from the next-warriors on the Potomac.