
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Game of Thrones’s Problem With Quests. By Ross Douthat et al.

Game of Thrones’s Problem With Quests. By Ross Douthat, Spencer Kornhaber, and Christopher Orr. The Atlantic, April 14, 2013.

More on Game of Thrones here and here.

Game of Thrones S3E03: Jamie and Brienne Held Captive and Head Toward Harrenhall. Video. GameOfThrones2013, April 17, 2013. YouTube.

Game of Thrones S3E03: Jamie Loses His Hand. Video. Vengrence, April 15, 2013. YouTube.

Game of Thrones S3E03: Jamie and Brienne. Video. danceonceilings77, April 15, 2013. YouTube.