
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Jihad Will Not Be Wished Away. By Andrew C. McCarthy.

Jihad Will Not Be Wished Away. By Andrew C. McCarthy. National Review Online, April 20, 2013.

Mr. President, these are Muslim terrorists. By Michael Goodwin. New York Post, April 21, 2013.

Yes, Of Course It Was Jihad. By Andrew Sullivan. The Dish, April 22, 2013.

Illusions About Why Muslim Brothers Kill. By Bruce Thornton. Real Clear Politics, April 22, 2013.

The Boston Bombing and its Aftermath. By Max Boot. Commentary, April 20, 2013.

GOP Congressman Peter King: “Increase Surveillance” of Muslim Community. By Katrina Trinko. National Review Online, April 19, 2013.

The insanity of blaming Islam. By Marc Ambinder. The Week, April 19, 2013.

The futility of blaming Islam. By Marc Ambinder. The Week, April 22, 2013.

Liberals in Denial Over Boston Terrorists. By Rush Limbaugh., April 22, 2013.

Professor: Too Much Force Used on Boston Perps. By Rush Limbaugh., April 22, 2013. Fox News.

Dead suspect broke angrily with Muslim speakers. Evidence mounts of radical turn. By Kevin Arsenault. The Boston Globe., April 21, 2013.

Killing from Qur’anic Piety: Tamerlane’s Living Legacy. By Andrew G. Bostom. American Thinker, October 1, 2005.