
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

U.S. Army Training Instructor Classifies Catholics and Evangelicals as Extremists. By Rush Limbaugh.

U.S. Army Training Instructor Classifies Catholics, Evangelicals as Extremists Like Al-Qaeda, Hamas. By Rush Limbaugh., April 8, 2013.


RUSH:  There’s a story I ran into. I don't know if it's a story.  It’s something I discovered over the weekend.  It’s hard for me to describe my emotion when I came across this.  The upshot of it is that in an official manual, the United States Army now lists evangelical Christianity, Catholicism and Islamophobia as forms of religious extremism, along with Al-Qaeda and Hamas.  Stop and think of that.  The United States Army, and this, of course, the Obama administration, lists evangelical Christianity and Catholicism as forms of religious extremism.

Evangelical Christianity and mainstream Catholicism is listed with Al-Qaeda and Hamas as forms of religious extremism.  Evangelical Christianity, Catholicism, Islamophobia are forms of religion extremism on a par with Al-Qaeda and Hamas. I’ve got the screen shot of the actual list of religions that come under the headline of religious extremism in this Army manual.  I don’t know quite how to get my arms around this.  In the homosexual marriage debate, one of the things that’s really intertwined there is the desire to effectively erase the 2,000 years of Christianity, Judeo-Christian values, if you will, as a governing force, as a positive influence on cultures and society.  It is tantamount to erasure, an attempt to erase.

Not just homosexual marriage, but all of the attacks that are taking place here, the attempts to equate mainstream American religions with terrorism is done purposefully with an objective.  And the objective, of course, is to discredit mainstream American and worldwide religions.  If they succeed in this discreditation, then everything that has flowed from and everything that has descended from these mainstream religions, everything that has found it’s way into American cultural life, will also thus be discredited, which is the objective.

Now, it’s one thing for some whacko group of activists with a logo and a fax machine to send something like this out. But for this to be published in an official United States military Army manual is quite another thing.  Again, the US Army listed evangelical Christianity and Catholicism as examples of religious extremism, along with Al-Qaeda and Hamas, during a briefing with an Army Reserve unit based in Pennsylvania.  This was on Fox News, too, last week.  The military also listed Islamophobia as a form of religious extremism.  So the assault on everything that has helped to define this country, everything that has gone into the making of this country spiritually, morally, politically, since its founding, is under full-fledged assault.

There is a universal full-fledged attack on everything that has defined this country.  Now, again, that’s not new, either.  You know it as well as I do.  There have been people trying to tear down the Catholic Church, tear down religion, tear down the founding of this country.  What is new is how widely accepted it now seems to be and how brazenly public about their objectives people on the left are.  The United States Army publishing this now.

How Did the Right Lose on Gay Marriage. By Jennifer Rubin. NJBR, April 2, 2013. With related articles.

Sex After Christianity: Gay Marriage is a Cosmological Revolution. By Rod Dreher. NJBR, March 27, 2013. With related articles.

Biblical Patriot website.