
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Chris Matthews Accuses Obama Critics of Supporting White Supremacy.

Matthews: “Right-Wing” Opposition To Obama Due To “Sense The White Race Must Rule.” Real Clear Politics, May 15, 2013.

Chris Matthews Says 10 Or 20% Of Obama Opposition Rooted In “Sense That The White Race Must Rule.” By Tommy Christopher. Mediaite, May 16, 2013.

Chris Matthews and Al Sharpton: Obama’s Scandals Prove “Racism” and “White Supremacy” in GOP. Video. WeAreTheSavageNation, May 15, 2013. YouTube. Also here.

The Last Gasp of Aging White Power: But Time Is Not on Your Side. By Tim Wise. PoliticalArticles.Net, November 12, 2010.

Why Dummies Want to Forget the Tea Party Ancestry. Video. MockTheDummy1, June 2, 2010. YouTube.