
Friday, June 7, 2013

Female IDF Soldiers Post Racy Pictures on Facebook.

I’m Proud of Those Lewd IDF Girls. By Liel Leibovitz. Tablet, June 6, 2013.

Female IDF Soldiers Won’t Stop Taking Naked Photos, Posting on Facebook. By Stephanie Butnick. Jewcy, June 3, 2013.

Female Israeli soldiers disciplined for “unbecoming behavior” after posing for pictures dressed only in their underwear and combat fatigues. By Becky Evans. Daily Mail, June 3, 2013.

From behind: The photographed women were said to be new recruits stationed on a base in southern Israel.

Female Soldiers Defy IDF, Post More Semi-Nude Facebook Pics [NSFW]. By Neetzan Zimmerman. Gawker, June 3, 2013.

Female Israeli Soldiers Disciplined For Racy Facebook Photos. By Max J. Rosenthal. AP. The Huffington Post, June 2, 2013.

Female Israeli soldiers in big trouble for posting half-naked Facebook pics. By Taylor Bigler. The Daily Caller, June 4, 2013. Slideshow.

Naughty Israeli soldiers post more cheekypics after being disciplined for online snaps. By Selim Algar and Michael Blaustein. New York Post, June 3, 2013.

Female Israeli Soldiers Gone Wild. Video. Hollywood2NYIsback, June 2, 2013. YouTube. Also here.