
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sarah Palin on Syria: “Let Allah Sort It Out.”

Sarah Palin Addresses “Orwellian” Government At 2013 Faith And Freedom Coalition. Video. Real Clear Politics, June 15, 2013. YouTube. C-Span. Also here.


Now more than ever it just seems so Orwellian around here. You know, 1984. And, you know before this 1984, terms like “leading from behind” meant following. And like the other day, the White House, testifying before Congress, bragging that they use the “least untruthful statement.” Now, where I come from, that’s called a lie. Yes, officials lied and government spied and in Benghazi, the government lied and Americans died.
. . . .

Militarily, where is our commander in chief? We’re talking now more new interventions. I say until we know what we’re doing, until we have a commander in chief who knows what he’s doing, well, let these radical Islamic countries who aren’t even respecting basic human rights, where both sides are slaughtering each other as they scream over an arbitrary red line, “Allah Akbar,” I say until we have someone who knows what they’re doing, I say let Allah sort it out.

Sarah Palin on U.S. Decision on Syria: “Let Allah Sort It Out.” By Arlette Saenz. ABC News, June 15, 2013.

Sarah Palin lampoons D.C. at Faith and Freedom Coalition conference. By Lyndsey Layton. Washington Post, June 15, 2013.

Also at the Jerusalem Post, Politico, The Huffington Post, The Hill, the Washington Times, The Blaze, Salon.

Sarah Palin: “Let Allah Sort It Out” clip. Video. Charles Johnson, June 16, 2013. YouTube. Also here, here.