
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Question is Not Whether the Obama Regime Will Survive, But Will America as Founded Survive the Obama Regime? By Rush Limbaugh.

The Question is Not Whether the Obama Regime Will Survive, But Will America as Founded Survive the Obama Regime? By Rush Limbaugh., June 10, 2013.


Let me try to explain something, ladies and gentlemen. You look at all that we’ve learned about our intelligence gathering, not only our ability in this country, but how it’s actually happening. And Snerdley asked me if I thought this guy, Snowden, should go to jail and I mentioned I’m conflicted.  And here’s why. See, it boils down or comes down again, in my mind, to who’s doing it. Because a person’s ideology matters.

Do I want somebody in charge of this kind of surveillance who doesn’t like this country as it’s founded? Do I want somebody collecting this kind of data on everybody who is in the middle of trying to transform this country into something the founders never intended it to be? On the other side of this is you would hope that our country and our intelligence agencies are able to determine planned attacks against this country and citizens against this country and uncover those in enough time to thwart them. In that sense, you want this kind of ability. And, by the way, the ability exists. This genie’s not gonna go back in the bottle.

So in my mind, it does matter who’s in charge of it. It does matter. The political identity of the people who administer something like this matters incredibly. You look at the focus on how the leak happened and the motives of the leaker, if you focus on that, I think you missed the main question. The main question is, why is such a gigantic surveillance operation even necessary?  What is really going on here? Who is the enemy? The Tea Party, we know, is an enemy of this administration.

We know that conservative Republicans – and I could give you names – are enemies of this administration. We know that this administration has people in it who consider conservative Republicans to pose a greater threat to them than Islamic jihadists. So in deciding how you think or how you feel or what you think about this, I don’t know how you take that out. The government’s not just this thing sitting there that people run. There are certain kinds of people running it.