Green Line — across which generations of Israelis and Palestinians have fought
and haggled — was given its name because U.N. mediator Ralph Bunche used a
green pencil to draw the cease-fire boundary in 1949. In the Middle East,
arbitrary markings can assume the geographic seriousness of mountain ranges.
last Israeli prime minister to try drawing outside the lines was Ehud Olmert,
who proposed a map in 2008 giving Palestinians control over 94 percent of the
occupied territories and half of Jerusalem, along with a plan for joint
custodianship of the holy places. “I thought it may bring an end to my
political career,” Olmert told me, “but I was determined to do it.”
Then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice observed that another Israeli prime
minister, Yitzhak Rabin, had been assassinated for less.
lived; the peace process didn’t. Olmert’s Palestinian negotiating partner,
Mahmoud Abbas, never got to “yes.”
Now the
Obama administration — or at least Secretary of State John Kerry — is trying to
restart peace talks. So far, this has involved a process to produce a
formulation that would allow both sides to sit at the same table. If there is a
more substantive policy outcome in the works, it has been effectively hidden
from everyone but Kerry.
of various political stripes admire Kerry’s dedication but wonder about this
timing. Recent Israeli elections were almost exclusively focused on
nation-building at home. Israel is in the midst of a tech-led economic boom.
Tel Aviv is a cross between Miami Beach and Palo Alto — and feels very distant
(though it isn’t by miles) from Gaza and the West Bank.
is also protecting its “villa in the jungle” (former prime minister Ehud
Barak’s description) more effectively than most thought possible. The vast
security wall is ugly but effective. The Iron Dome and other missile defense
systems have proved their worth. The result is the best security situation in
Israel’s history. This is a tribute to Israel’s extraordinary talent for
improvisation. But it has encouraged an Iron Dome mentality, in which every
national problem appears to have a technical solution. Many Israelis seem
content to manage conflict rather than resolve it through negotiations.
arguments for Israel to define its borders through a two-state settlement
remain strong. “Given the history and heritage of the Jewish people,” Olmert
says, “we can’t occupy forever 3 or 4 or 5 million people without equal
rights.” An agreement, he argues, would increase Israeli legitimacy, open
global markets and make a Jewish state more demographically sustainable.
these arguments seem abstract and long-term compared with the pleasures of life
in the villa. The majority of Israelis vaguely support a two-state solution,
but there is no critical mass of political support for concessions in that
cause. And Israel’s current prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, doesn’t seem
inclined to follow the Olmert model of leadership and unexpected generosity
from a position of Israeli strength.
On the
Palestinian side, the need for a two-state solution is acute because the
current quasi-state, the Palestinian Authority (PA), is a shell, dependent on
outside donations to function. (The day before I visited Ramallah, the
Palestinian administrative center, gas stations began denying PA security
vehicles fuel for lack of payment.) Given Israeli settlement activity and
general Palestinian distrust for Netanyahu, confidence in a negotiated solution
is low. But the alternative that is gaining some traction among some
Palestinian leaders — a unilateral effort to gain recognition from the United
Nations — would cause both the United States and Israel to (once again) cut the
flow of outside donations to the PA, risking its total collapse.
Palestinian leaders have sufficient strength to undermine each other. The
question is whether any Palestinian leader is strong enough to deliver on a
peace agreement. Hamas, meanwhile, seems content to retain control of Gaza and
hold out for a return to Israel’s 1948 borders — meaning no Israel at all. And
surrounding Arab nations, which might be expected to lend a hand in the peace
process, are either distracted by regional chaos or engulfed in it.
result is the Middle East at its most frustrating. Majorities of Israelis and Palestinians support a two-state solution. The broad parameters of a deal have
been clear since the Clinton administration (though the details are
devil-filled). The American secretary of state is energetically on the job. But
little is likely to change.