
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Has the G.O.P. Gone Off the Deep End? By Thomas B. Edsall.

Has the G.O.P. Gone Off the Deep End? By Thomas B. Edsall. New York Times, July 17, 2013.

Right-wing talk shows turned White House blue. By Paul Goldman and Mark J. Rozell. Reuters, April 11, 2013.

Republicans Still Think We’re the Problem. By Rush Limbaugh., July 18, 2013.


So this explains why the left is always trying to drive me and other conservative talk radio hosts and other conservatives off the air. They’re trying to save the GOP. Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you what this means. I’ve told you over and over again that the left – and I’m now gonna expand that to say “Washington.”  Washington will always tell us what they fear. That was why they set out to destroy Sarah Palin.
They fear you.
They fear conservatives.
Conservatives are the monkey wrench.
You all are the only thing standing in the way of Washington transforming this country into something it was not founded to be, and this story in the New York Times has multiple purposes. It tells us who they fear, and it also illustrates who they're going to try to destroy and who they have been trying to destroy. We even have people in the Republican Party who profess to be conservatives, but they’re not. They profess to be.
They’re constantly urging “caution” and “reason” and “restraint” and things. And while doing that, they claim to be objecting to the same things we do. They claim not to like Obamacare. They claim not to really like amnesty and immigration reform. But their solutions are to trash us – to trash conservatives – and prepare ineffective, minimalistic policies that end up involving more government.