If you
knew nothing else about President Obama other than looking at the data, you
might conclude that he was insensitive to blacks, given that they have done far
worse economically under his administration than Hispanics or whites. What is
striking is that the president and his advisers still seem to be clueless about
which economic policies work and which don't work. Despite his (at least for
this week) emphasis on the economy, he persists in being the anti-Reagan, with
anti-growth policies. In his speech Wednesday in Illinois, the president came
up with no new pro-growth proposals, just more of what has not worked.
Reagan reduced the maximum tax rate on job creators by 60 percent; Mr. Obama
increased the maximum tax rate on job creators by 17 percent. Reagan cut
non-defense, discretionary, federal government spending by a third as a
percentage of gross domestic product; Mr. Obama has increased it. Reagan cut
government regulations while Mr. Obama has greatly increased them.
results are:
Reagan, adult black unemployment fell by 20 percent, but under Mr. Obama, it
has increased by 42 percent.
teenage unemployment fell by 16 percent under Reagan, but has risen by 56
percent under Mr. Obama.
increase in unemployment rates has been far worse for blacks under Mr. Obama
than for whites and Hispanics.
real incomes are slightly higher for Hispanics and whites than they were in
2008, but are lower for blacks.
labor force participation rate has fallen for all groups, but remains far lower
for blacks than for whites and Hispanics.
people, when confronted with the evidence presented above, probably would
realize that they had been mistaken and then try a set of policies that were
successful in the past. Not Mr. Obama. Given the tenor of his most recent
talks, he seems to be intent on doubling down on his own failed policies.
It was
true until the Industrial Revolution of two centuries ago, in a world of little
economic growth, that for any individual to become better off, others would
have to become worse off. Adam Smith was one of the first to understand that as
a result of new technologies and better political and business institutions and
organizations — and, most important, the rule of law and proper incentives —
everyone could become better off without taking anything from anyone else.
Despite the empirical evidence of the past 200 years that Smith and all of the
clear and rational thinkers who followed him were right about economic growth,
there is still the widespread belief that for one person to prosper someone
else needs to suffer. It is this mindset that serves as the basic rationale for
socialism and the state as an instrument of income redistribution. One would
think that only the uneducated still would have this mindset, but it is most
prevalent in universities.
a major reason that professors and other educators are so dense when it comes
to productivity increases and the resulting economic growth and real rise in
living standards is that most classrooms are not much more productive than they
were when Aristotle was speaking to a dozen or so students 2,500 years ago. By
contrast, entrepreneurs see better ways of producing more for less and
visualize and create things that never existed (i.e., the automobile, the
airplane, the iPad, etc.) — and they create wealth and jobs. Mr. Obama comes
from the government/academic class rather than the entrepreneurial class and
has a much more static view of the world.
thought like an entrepreneur, and thus intuitively understood that economic
growth creates opportunities for everyone — most important, for those who have
the least. Mr. Obama has fewer senior advisers and top officials in his
administration who have had significant private-sector experience than any
previous president; hence, like all too many of the European statists and
socialists, they think in static terms.
unfortunate irony is that America’s first black president seems bent on
continuing a set of policies that can lead only to continued slow growth or
stagnation. The ones who are and will suffer the most from these policies are
those who have the least. Mr. Obama no doubt has real compassion for the poor,
but until he can begin to understand the destructive second-order effects of
his policies and see that getting the foot of government off the forces of
economic growth is the only real way to make life better for most of them, all
too many will continue to suffer unnecessarily.