seems entirely revealing, if dispiriting, that the days before the July Fourth
holiday showed Red America and Blue America pulling apart at an accelerating
Of all
of our national holidays, Independence Day is the one most intimately rooted in
our common history and shared experience. Yet this year it arrives against a
background of polarization, separation, and confrontation in the states and
Washington alike. With municipal politics as the occasional exception, the
pattern of solidifying agreement within the parties—and widening disagreement
between them—is dominating our decisions at every level.
almost all of our major policy choices, the common thread is that the election
of 2012 did not “break the fever” of polarization, as President Obama once
hoped it might. Last November, Obama became only the third Democrat in the
party’s history to win a majority of the popular vote twice. But congressional
Republicans, preponderantly representing the minority that voted against Obama,
have conceded almost nothing to his majority—leaving the two sides at a
stalemate. Meanwhile, beyond the Beltway, states that lean Democratic and those
that lean Republican are separating at a frenetic pace.
a few recent headlines. The Supreme Court decision upholding the lower-court
invalidation of California's Proposition 8 restored gay marriage in the nation’s
largest state. It also capped a remarkable 2013 march for gay marriage through
blue states, including Delaware, Minnesota, and Rhode Island (with Illinois and
New Jersey possibly joining before long). The consensus is solidifying fast
enough that 2014 could see several blue-state Republican gubernatorial
candidates running on accepting gay-marriage statutes as settled law. Former
California Lt. Gov. Abel Maldonado, a likely 2014 GOP gubernatorial contender
who this week reversed his earlier opposition to support gay marriage, may be
an early straw in that breeze.
The story
in red states, though, remains very different. Almost all of them have banned
gay marriage. Some activists believe Justice Anthony Kennedy’s embrace of
equal-protection arguments in the decision striking down the federal Defense of
Marriage Act might enable litigation challenging those bans; but if not, it may
take a very long time for the support for gay marriage among younger voters to
dissolve the resistance to the idea in culturally conservative states. Absent
further Supreme Court action, the nation could remain a “house divided” on gay
marriage for longer than many may expect: The high court’s ruling striking down
the remaining 16 state laws banning interracial marriage came in 1967—nearly
two centuries after the first state had revoked its ban (Pennsylvania in 1780).
as gay marriage advances in blue states, red states are competing to impose the
tightest restrictions on abortion since the Supreme Court established the
national right to it in Roe v. Wade. In Ohio this week, Republican Gov. John
Kasich signed legislation requiring ultrasound exams before abortions,
effectively cutting off funding for Planned Parenthood and making it more
difficult for abortion providers to transfer patients to public hospitals. In
Texas, after the dramatic filibuster by Democratic state Sen. Wendy Davis
temporarily disrupted his plans, Republican Gov. Rick Perry this week opened
another legislative special session that is likely to ban abortion at 20 weeks
and impose stringent new safety requirements that would shutter most of the
state’s abortion providers. All of this follows a cascade of legislation
restricting abortion in Republican-run states from Arkansas and Louisiana to
Kansas and North Dakota—most of which are already facing legal challenges.
In Washington,
there’s little sign of convergence. Hopes for a budget “grand bargain” are
flickering. In the Senate, the two parties have worked together to pass a farm
bill, and more dramatically a sweeping immigration overhaul that won support
from all 54 Democrats and 14 Republicans. But House Republicans, who recently
collapsed into chaos when they couldn’t pass a farm bill, are pledging to block
any reform that includes a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants—an
indispensable component of legislation as far as Democrats are concerned. On
big issues, the Supreme Court looks just as chronically divided, and the split
often comes down to Republican- and Democratic-appointed justices.
All of
this reveals a political system losing its capacity to create common ground
between party coalitions divided along economic, racial, generational, and even
religious lines. Some variation in state policy is healthy, but states are now
diverging to an extent that threatens to undermine equal protection under the
law. The stalemate in Congress reflects genuine differences, but the reluctance
to compromise—most intractable among House Republicans—prevents us from
confronting common challenges.
In all
these ways, our contemporary politics is ignoring the simple truth that none of
us are going away—not the cosmopolitan coasts, nor the evangelical South. Our
choices ultimately come down to bridging our differences or surrendering to
endemic separation in the states and stalemate in Washington. This week we
celebrate the moment when the authors of the Declaration of Independence
concluded they had no choice but “to dissolve the political bands which have
connected them with another.” It’s an excellent opportunity to consider how
ominously our own “political bands” are fraying.