So far,
we have seen negotiations about negotiations. Negotiations about the very
existence of negotiations. Only now do the real peace talks seem poised to
many years of dealing with Israeli issues, and armed with the experience – not
to mention quite a few scars – as an official who served as the head of the
security committee during talks with the Jordanians, the Syrians and the
Palestinians, I’m ready to offer my services and recommend seven core
principles for this round of new-old negotiations.
1) A
speedy, decisive return to negotiations, without any preconditions:
We must
stop acquiescing to preconditions such as the release of terrorists. Freeing
these prisoners is problematic both from an ethical and tactical perspective.
The U.S. set that precondition. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has
decisively and wisely pushed peace talks forward, accepted it, to the best of
my understanding, to neutralize prospects of either a settlement freeze or an
early discussion on the 1967 borders. Negotiators must now return to a position
of “no preconditions” in all other matters.
Recognition of Israel as a Jewish state, with Jerusalem as its undivided
We do
not need the Palestinians to recognize the Jewish nation’s historic right to a
state in Israel. But failing to recognize the existence of a Jewish state draws
a huge question mark over how ready the Palestinians truly are to agree to two
states for two peoples.
Defensible borders:
need for defensible borders is written in blood. But how will such borders
look? The answer is that they will be drawn in a way that fulfills our three
basic security needs:
need for strategic depth: The average width of Israel from the Jordan River to
the Mediterranean Sea is 64 kilometers (40 miles). The strategic depth here is
of little importance. But the need increases in light of growing threats
stemming from the age of nuclearization, ballistic missiles, and long-range
rockets that mostly threaten population centers.
need for defensive depth: The era of “slim chances for war” is over. The Middle
East has become a realm of uncertainty. Civil wars and the lethal combination
of terrorism and movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood make it necessary for
us to remain vigilant over the possibility of an attack from the east.
need to be able to combat terror: The only factor that will guarantee the
demilitarization of the Palestinian entity is a permanent Israeli presence
along the West Bank's eastern border. The disarmament of the Palestinian state
is not only a condition that was guaranteed to Israel's when it signed the “two
states for two nations” principle. It is also a condition that ensures the
security and fulfillment of any agreement. The situation in Sinai is a
testament to that. The Jordan Valley “envelopes the state of Israel.”
onto the Jordan Valley is the only way to fulfill these three national security
needs. Only through full Israeli sovereignty in the Jordan Valley can the
Jewish state manage its own arrangements for security – us, the IDF and Israeli
settlements in the Jordan valley. Not foreign armies.
4) Zero
compromise on the “right” of return:
Israel can be allowed to permit any individual who wants to immigrate to do so,
and that is, of course, if the country wants to absorb the immigrant. Plain and
Security arrangements:
requires several security arrangements to provide protection to its citizens
whose lives, and not the Palestinians’, are in constant danger, and whose
existence is wrapped up in the dangerous and delicate fabric of the region.
Control and prevention, hot pursuit, the authority to arrest, and so on. The
fifth principle has one critical aspect, and that is the control over airspace.
The territory between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea is, on average,
just 40 miles wide. A fighter jet covers that distance in a few minutes. If we
factor in our concern over safe civilian air traffic, then we reach one
inevitable conclusion: Israel must maintain exclusive control over the
territory’s airspace.
6) A
solution to Hamastan in Gaza:
does Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas represent? He can’t enter
Gaza, and he couldn’t include Gaza in the Palestinian state which he
represents. There won’t be a “three-state solution.”
Bilateral negotiations:
many times have we heard the (true) cliche that “it takes two to tango?” Have
you ever tried to tango with a third partner?
Americans did not participate whatsoever in peace negotiations with the
Jordanians. During negotiations with the Palestinians, the Americans did not so
much as enter the room. On the other hand, the Americans sat down to
negotiations with the Syrians and the results were as expected: The parties
stopped speaking altogether, communicating instead with the Americans alone. A
modern variation on the famous non-dialogue skit by legendary actor Shaike
Palestinians need to reach agreements with Israel, not with the U.S., not with
the United Nations, not with the Quartet. The U.S. must understand that its
role is limited to bringing the two sides to the table and implementing
agreements. Other pretensions won’t succeed and will only cause harm.
A few
words on the U.N.’s strategy
both parties chose to pursue peace talks for a permanent solution, they also
knew such negotiations had scant chances for success. It was a choice they made
based on the assessment that the political cost of various concessions on the
road to an interim agreement would be intolerable. The two sides also
understood that even if they could not reach a permanent arrangement, an
interim agreement would always be a possible alternative.
controls most of the territory in Judea and Samaria, and it does not lay claim
to territories under the Palestinian Authority’s rule. Therefore, Israel must
insist that territorial issues will only be settled at the end of negotiations.
And if not, so be it. Deliberations over Jerusalem, the refugees and other core
issues will end up depleting Israeli munitions.
are the seven core principles. There is no need to introduce red lines or road
maps to solutions. Experience has taught us that such proclamations only
produce one-sided obligations. The Palestinians, with the help of the “useful
Israeli idiots,” view them as Israeli points of no return and continue to gnaw
away at them, bargaining for the next concession.
Can you
recall how the “Beilin-Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] agreement,” the “Geneva
initiative,” the “Clinton parameters,” or the “Olmert concessions” wound up? We
cannot afford to walk into the same trap.
And the
most important thing to remember? We have got a Jewish state to build.