it was entirely unintentional, the New
York Times deserves credit today for pointing out the hypocrisy of critics
of Israel’s settlement building. No, the paper hasn’t reversed its policy of
treating the presence of Jews in the heart of their ancient homeland as wrong
or an obstacle to peace that is reflected on its news pages as much as it is on
their editorial page. What they did was something more subtle than that and
will require some context for their readers to understand. They published a feature
about the Palestinians doing something that Israel hasn’t tried in more than
two decades, the building of an entirely new city in the West Bank.
wrong with that? Actually, nothing. If the planners of Rawabi own the land
where they are constructing a town north of Ramallah, then why shouldn’t they
build new homes and places of business for Arabs who want them? But the story
about the effort and the travails of the planners—who are, ironically, under
attack from Palestinians for their efforts to cooperate with Israel and Israeli
businesses and contractors to get the job done—should remind us that doing so
is no more of an obstacle to peace than the builders of homes for Jews.
point about the West Bank that cannot be reiterated enough is that the conflict
about ownership of the land is one in which both sides can muster arguments in
their favor. Should the Palestinians ever reject their culture of violence and
delegitimizing of Jewish rights to any part of the country, peace will be
possible and the land will have to be divided, however painful that would be
for both sides. Such a negotiation would be difficult but, assuming that the
Palestinians were ever actually willing to recognize the legitimacy of a Jewish
state no matter where its borders were drawn, it would not be impossible. And
since it is likely that if such a partition were ever to take place, Rawabi
would be part of the Palestinian state, then why would Israelis complain that
building on the site would make peace impossible?
course, Israelis aren’t making such a protest, any more than they speak out
against the building going on in Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem or any other
place in the West Bank.
when new homes are built in existing Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem or in
those towns and communities in the major settlement blocs in the West Bank that
everyone knows would be retained by Israel in the event of a peace accord, they
are bitterly condemned by the Obama administration, the Europeans, and the
liberal media.
fact, Israel hasn’t done anything on the scale of Rawabi in many years. Outside
of scattered hilltop camps with trailers, it hasn’t actually built a new
settlement since the Oslo Accords. What Israel has done is added new housing
developments to existing places. But the Arabs have done the same and in the
case of Rawabi, they are seeking to expand their hold on the land by
establishing new facts on the ground that strengthen their claims.
course, Israel’s critics assert that Arabs have a right to live in Rawabi while
the Jews don’t have a right to live in “stolen land” on the West Bank. That
argument rests on the fallacy that history began in 1967 when Israel came into
the possession of the West Bank as a result of a defensive war. But in fact,
the “West Bank” (a name for the territories of Judea and Samaria that only came
into existence when the Kingdom of Jordan illegally occupied the land to differentiate
it from their territory on the East Bank of the Jordan River) is part of a
territory set aside by international authorities for a Jewish homeland where
Jews, as well as Arabs, had rights. Though the international community has
sought to abrogate Jewish rights there, they cannot be extinguished in this
manner. The resolution of the dispute over the land requires a negotiation in
which each side must be prepared to compromise rather than, as the Palestinian
Authority continues to do, simply dictate.
to the claims of Israel’s critics, if both sides continue doing as they are now
and building at the same pace, peace won’t be any easier or harder to reach in
the future than it is now. The same boundaries will be there to be drawn with
Jews and Arabs on Israel’s side and Arabs only on the Palestinian side (as
Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority have repeatedly made clear), then
as they are now. The building of new settlements, whether Jews or Arabs
populate them, won’t stop peace if both peoples truly want it. Israel has
already demonstrated that it is prepared to do so, as it has repeatedly offered
and made territorial withdrawals while the Palestinians have never given up
their maximalist demands that aim at Israel’s destruction, not coexistence. The
reason the Palestinians focus on settlement building as a threat to their
future is not because these places are actually obstacles to peace but because
they are opposed to Jews living in anywhere in the country.
also demonstrates the priorities of Israel’s foes. Many of them are, as the
Times makes clear, opposed to it, because building it undercuts the attempt to
boycott Israel. Much like the efforts to prevent the descendants of the 1948
refugees from being resettled so as to keep them as an issue to hold over
Israel, they’d rather keep Palestinians from having a new town so long as it
doesn’t mean doing business with Jews.
If the
Palestinians that will live in Rawabi and elsewhere in the West Bank truly want
peace with Israel and to gain self-determination in exchange, they will get it.
Moreover, if Palestinians persist in building on lands they are likely to keep
and Israel keeps building in those places they will retain, it won’t put off
peace by a single day. Let’s hope that, like its Jewish counterparts in Maale
Adumim and Ariel, Rawabi will raise the quality of life for its inhabitants.
Perhaps in doing so it will undermine the efforts of those Palestinians that
continue to foment the hatred of Jews and Israel that remains at the core of
the conflict.