course, Benjamin Netanyahu did not say that—or any such thing. Netanyahu, as
the leader of the Jabotinskyite Likud movement understands that Israel must
remain a Jewish and democratic state
that respects all its citizens, including Arabs, many of whom serve honorably
in the courts, the Knesset, and elsewhere. But imagine the outrage if Netanyahu
had said such a thing—we have seen how when third-string Knesset backbenchers
make even less offensive remarks it generates New York Times headlines and much Jewish handwringing about
supposed Israeli “racism,” when, of course, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is
a national one not a racial one at all.
contrast, when Mahmoud Abbas, briefing “mostly Egyptian journalists,” according to the report reprinted in the Jerusalem
Post, imagined an Israeli-free (but let's face it, basically Jew-free)
Palestinian state, few mainstream media outlets decided this was news. This
Outrage Gap, this magical ray that renders Palestinian bigotry and
hate-mongering invisible, has perverted the so-called “peace process” for
decades, and has already caused imbalance in this latest round of
negotiations—which, despite my frustrations and fears, I desperately hope will
To be
fair, this is Abbas’s full sentence: “In a final resolution, we would not see
the presence of a single Israeli—civilian or soldier—on our lands.” This is, of
course, one of the fundamental assumptions guiding peace talks for decades,
that the Jews will leave what the Palestinians have convinced the world is
their territory exclusively, while Arabs will stay in Israel. That assumption
follows the guidelines of the original British Mandate after World War I, which
created a Jew-free Transjordan, east of the Jordan River, and envisioned
carving out some territory west of the Jordan for a Jewish state.
Let me
be clear. My vision of Israel’s future includes all of Israel’s current
citizens and their future descendants, Jewish, Christian and Muslim. Moreover,
I understand that a future Palestinian state will require displacing more
Israelis from some territory, as was done with Yamit after the Egyptian Peace
Treaty and was done in Gaza—and we forget—part of the West Bank, with the
Disengagement. I also believe that the most viable arrangement with the
Palestinians will respect current demographic realities as much as possible,
trying to draw viable boundaries that minimize the amount of inconvenience to
people living on both sides of the Green Line—that improvised boundary from
But the
free pass given Abbas on these remarks, like the free pass given to his odious
dissertation trying to Nazify Zionism and minimize the Holocaust, tells a
deeper, darker tale. There are vast armies of Palestinian enablers in the West
who exaggerate every Israeli imperfection and soft-pedal serious Palestinian
evils. This asymmetry results in always blaming Israel—even when the
Palestinians turn from negotiating back to terror in 2000—and always putting
the onus on Israel to make the first move—as evidenced by Israel’s major
concession this week in freeing murderers with blood on their hands. This
outrage gap holds democratic Israel, with all its imperfections, to an
impossibly high standard, while rarely holding Palestinians up to even the most
minimum standards when it comes to judging their undemocratic procedures, their
appalling human rights record, their hostile attitudes toward gays, women,
Jews, or any non-Palestinian, non-males.
this imbalance hurts Israel, undermining Israel’s standing, alienating
bystanders, putting extra-pressure on Israel even from natural allies in the
United States and Europe. But this imbalance hurts Palestinians too, in at
least two central ways.
I think reflects what I call liberal condescension. I hold Palestinian politics
and society up to high standards out of respect; giving Palestinians a free
pass, be it when they terrorize or demonize, shows contempt for them, assuming
that somehow they cannot live up to basic standards of decency.
all this enabling feeds Palestinian extremism and Israeli extremism as well.
Indulging Palestinian bigotry, oppression, fanaticism, and violence helps make
the Middle East more incendiary, undermines Israeli moderates, and fuels the
Just as
many critics of Israel insist they are true friends trying to save Israel’s
soul, true friends of the Palestinians in the West would start by publicizing
Abbas’s remarks—and then repudiating them as contrary to the kind of country he
should be trying to build and the kind of tone he should be trying to set in