Then as now, the Arab world’s
self-induced pathologies cannot be cured by American self-doubt.
11, 2001, was not just a tragedy, but rather a willful act of war by radical
Islamists who hate Western civilization and the American version of it in
particular. They achieved, by their cunning and our laxity, a horrendous loss
of American life. Indeed, they did something that no enemy had succeeded at
since the War of 1812: bringing the war home to the U.S. and inflicting human,
material, and economic damage on a colossal scale.
were emboldened by our prior inability to respond to provocations. A 20-year
cycle of Islamist-inspired violence from Tehran to Lebanon to the 1993 World
Trade Center attack to the USS Cole
in aggregate had convinced Bin Laden not that the United States was confident
in its past fair treatment toward Muslims (cf. the saving of Muslims from
Kuwait to Bosnia and Kosovo to Somalia), but instead that somehow it was unable
to define its values, much less retaliate against its enemies. The 9/11 attack
was apparently the terrible wages of our uncertainty, self-doubt, and
Yet in
the twelve years since that attack, the American people rebounded in an
astounding way. Islamists have not been successful in matching that devastation,
although, on more than 50 occasions, plots have been uncovered that reminded us
that the terrorists were certainly trying to trump 9/11. For all the current
internal acrimony over Guantanamo, renditions, drones, fighting in the Afghan
badlands, or going head-to-head with al-Qaeda in Anbar Province and Fallujah,
we should remember that those costly post-9/11 anti-terrorism protocols and
forward operations abroad thwarted Bin Laden and his successors. Indeed, he
died as his own proverbial weak horse, with sinking popularity, in personal
decadence at his computer console, and largely irrelevant in the Middle East.
A new
generation of his successors now wishes to reboot the war. They see an opening
in American weariness and pre-9/11-like misplaced guilt. They are resuming the
tired Bin Laden boilerplate that the misery of the Islamic world, and the Arab
cosmos in particular, is due to American imperialism and neocolonialism rather
than their own internal pathologies — tribalism, statism, gender apartheid,
religious fundamentalism and intolerance, authoritarianism, and anti-Semitism.
perfect storm of Middle Eastern failure, not the U.S., has prevented the Arab
community from achieving the sort of successful paradigms for growth and
freedom now common from Chile to South Korea. The Arab Winter reminds us again
how hard it is in that part of the world to avoid the extremes of theocracy and
military authoritarianism, when the proverbial Islamic street has not yet
embraced the necessary shifts in ideology and spirit that alone can lead to a
constitutional moderate alternative — and with it a confident place among the
family of nations. We can hope and pray for a true Arab Spring renaissance, but
we must prepare for something darker and colder.
I end
on another troubling note. For over seven years after 9/11, most Americans
accepted the explanation that what and who we are, rather than what we might
have done, prompted the Islamists to try to murder Americans. Yet the newly
elected Barack Obama apparently disagreed. From the very beginning of his
tenure — as voiced in his inaugural Al Arabiya interview, his prior Foreign Affairs essay, his Cairo speech,
his so-called apology tour, and his administration’s surreal euphemisms for
Islamist terrorism, and as underscored now by his unserious deadlines,
redlines, and withdrawal dates — he sought to win over radical Muslims on the
false narrative that the Bush administration, and indeed earlier
administrations as well, had somehow been insensitive to Islamic concerns.
Thereby, we were in part supposedly culpable for many of the tensions in the
Middle East, and for the Arab world’s anger at America so often expressed in
mindless violence.
videos, workplace insensitivity, undue FBI surveillance, harsh nomenclature, an
inability to understand the positive side to jihad – all that and more had
supposedly prompted anti-American violence, not self-induced pathologies that
explained both the terrorists’ own self-hatred and their hatred of us.
remedy, in the words of Obama himself, his own unique background, indeed his
very name, together with his courageous acceptance of the charge of past
American arrogance, would work a sort of magic. America could bask in his
reflected glory, as the Arab world’s admiration of Obama would rub off on the
rest of us as well. The result would be that the seas of tensions and the
rising temperatures of distrust would at last subside, given the arrival of a
Nobel laureate now reining in the erstwhile military-industrial complex.
course, that hand-wringing neither curbed the terrorists’ attempts to strike
again nor won us friends in the Middle East. We are as unpopular there as ever.
And we have now won the additional recompense of being seen not as
unpredictable and dangerous, but as predictably weak and timid.
good can come of that recipe, and nothing has. This twelfth anniversary of 9/11
should remind the president that the first obligation of his office is to keep
the American people safe, and to consider their own national interests, both
realist and humanitarian, foremost.
the present therapeutic trajectory will lead nowhere but to a repeat of 9/11 as
we insidiously squander the deterrence acquired the hard way in the tough years
following 9/11. On this twelfth anniversary we are in a lull — perhaps
analogous to John F. Kennedy’s after his disastrous Vienna summit, with a
rendezvous with Cuban missiles on the horizon, or perhaps to that of a confused
Jimmy Carter about to be confronted in Tehran with the dividends of his past
arrogance and self-righteousness.
Let us
hope that we return to the measures that kept us safe, and drop the rhetoric
and attitude that will once again tempt our enemies to try something as stupid
as it will be dangerous.