Threaten to Threaten. By Thomas L. Friedman. New York Times, September 10, 2013.
you’re an average American and are confused and worried about us getting
embroiled in a no-win Syrian civil war, you’re right to be concerned. It means
you’re paying attention. But if you’re a member of Congress or a senator who’s
still wondering whether to grant President Obama the authority to use force to
deter Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from again murdering hundreds of his
people with poison gas, it now makes sense to take a timeout. That also means
you’re paying attention.
A new
situation has been created in the last two days by the Russian offer — embraced
by Obama, all of our major allies and China, but still only vaguely accepted by
Syria — for Syria to turn over its stockpiles of poison gas to international
control. Let’s have no illusion. There’s still a real possibility that the
Russians and Syrians are just stalling and will fudge in the end, and even if
one or both are serious, there are formidable logistical and political
obstacles to securing Syria’s chemical weapons swiftly and completely. Part of
me wonders:
Part of
me wonders has anybody thought this through? But all of me wants to acknowledge
that if a Syrian surrender of poison gas were implemented — still a big if — it
would be a good end to this near-term crisis. The global taboo on poison gas
would be upheld, and America would not have to get embroiled in a shooting war
in Syria.
In that
context, I think it is worth Obama and Congress threatening to schedule a vote
to endorse Obama’s threat of force — if the Syrians and Russians don’t act in
good faith — but not schedule a vote right now. (That was essentially the
president’s message in his speech last night.) By “threatening to threaten,”
Obama retains leverage to keep the Syrians and Russians focused on implementing
any agreement — but without having to test Congress’s real willingness to let
him fulfill that threat. Because, if it failed to pass, the Russians and
Syrians would have no incentive to move.
If all
of this sounds incredibly messy and confusing, it is. And while Obama and his
team have contributed to this mess by way too much loose talk, in fairness,
there is also a deep structural reason for it. Obama is dealing with an Arab
world that no modern president has had to confront. Until 2010, the Arab Middle
East had been relatively stable for 35 years. The combination of the cold war,
the rise of oil-funded dictators who built strong security states and the peace
between Egypt and Israel imposed order.
But the
convergence in the 2010s of Arab population explosions, joblessness,
environmental degradation, water scarcity, falling oil revenues and the
information revolution blew apart regimes that once seemed solid — Syria,
Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, Libya and Yemen — forcing us now to confront some new and
very uncomfortable questions, not just the use of force.
One is
this: Are some things true even if George W. Bush believed them? No one, hawk
or dove, wants to see American boots on the ground in Syria, under any
conditions. Count me among them. The only problem is that it is impossible to
imagine a solution to the conflict in Syria without some outside force putting
boots on the ground. When you get the degree of state and social breakdown that
you have in such a multitribal and multisectarian society as Syria, there is no
trust with which to govern and rotate power. Therefore, you need either a
midwife or a Mandela or a trusted military (à la Egypt) to referee the
transition to a new order. And since Syria has no Mandela and no trusted
military, it is going to need an external midwife. I understand why there are
no volunteers, but the United Nations Security Council will eventually have to
address this reality, otherwise Syria will become Afghanistan on the
are also some uncomfortable questions we need to pose to our Arab allies.
During the cold war, our fear of communism and dependence on oil made us ready
to align with anyone who was with us against the Soviets. We never questioned
our Arab allies about what values they were promoting at home?
here is a question we need to start posing: There are reportedly thousands of
Arab and Muslim youths who have come from as far away as Australia to join the
jihadist militias in Syria fighting to create a Sunni Islamist state there. But
how many Arab and Muslim youth have flocked to Syria to fight with the decent
elements of the Free Syrian Army for a multisectarian, pluralistic, democratic
Syria — that is, the kind of Syria we hope for and envisage? I have not read of
any. Arms purveyors, yes, but not people putting their own lives on the line.
I am glad that Arab Gulf leaders are
supporting us publicly — most of them are moderates in the Middle East context
— but everyone knows that mosques and charities in those same countries are
financing the jihadists. Attention: With the Soviets and the oil lines gone,
Americans today are not going to expend blood and treasure to defend people and
places in the Arab world that don’t share our values and are also not ready to
sacrifice for them. We can’t afford it anymore, and we don’t need to.
So give
Obama credit for standing up for an important principle in a chaotic region.
But also give the American people some credit. They’re telling our leaders
something important: It’s hard to keep facing down Middle East Hitlers when
there are no Churchills on the other side.