for a distraction from the government shutdown and debt ceiling debate? I urge
you to read Vanity Fair’s latest
advertisement for “The New Establishment,” a list of “50 Titans Disrupting
Media, Technology, and Culture,” the century-old magazine’s annual mash-note to
the rich and powerful and self-satisfied. These disrupters innovate
technologies, set the trends, define the limits of acceptable conversation in
culture and politics and society, and pour money into the network of liberal
foundations and Democratic campaigns around which our world is increasingly
organized. They are the winners in the cognitive lottery that is the New
Economy, the men and women creating and shaping, by accident and by design, the
“New Feudalism” described so well by Joel Kotkin in The Daily Beast. It’s good to know their names.
members of Vanity Fair’s new
establishment include Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and Jack
Dorsey, Sheryl Sandberg and Marissa Mayer, Cory Booker and Megan Ellison. These
are the bold-faced celebrities you spot on other lists of power players, in the
lush photos of parties and galas and tributes and premieres that appear in the
front of the book of glossy magazines, and on the cover of our national newsweekly. They share a certain demographic profile. They are people of pallor, all but eight of them are men, they are clustered in Manhattan, Los
Angeles, Silicon Valley, and Seattle, they work in technology, media, and
politics, they are fantastically rich, and it is safe to assume that all but
two of them share the attitudes and sensibilities, the mental luggage and
politically correct language, the burnished resumes and can-do attitude of the
One of
the more remarkable things about this collection of do-gooders, overachievers, and
symbolic analysts is their consistent inability to apply to themselves the
skepticism and criticism they shower so heavily on Republicans and
conservatives, on the rich who make their fortunes from resource extraction,
manufacture, and investment. Not long ago a social critic such as C. Wright
Mills could write pitilessly and accurately about The Power Elite, about the WASP establishment he saw lurking behind
militarism and inequity. Few were exempt from his gaze. Our social critics
today, however, prefer only to focus on a minority of a minority: the wealthy
and influential whose policy and ideological objectives happen to be the very
opposite of their own.
Put a
banker or an industrialist or—dare I say it—a Republican in front of the men
and women who edit Vanity Fair, and
they will approach their subject with the utmost incredulity and commitment to
ferreting out the worst possible facts. But the Hollywood tycoon or Internet
billionaire or green-energy hawker or “engaged” actor whose politics exist in
the temperate zone of bourgeois liberalism, whose public pronouncements are
reliably “down the middle” and “moderate,” whose bold stands on the issues
include such courageous positions as support for abortion-on-demand,
affirmative action, amnesty, gun control, free trade, diversity, globalization,
alternative energy, public transit, and government “investments” in education
and infrastructure—his place in the establishment is not only noted but
celebrated, applauded, held as an example to the people.
news that a group associated with Charles and David Koch had contributed to
another group that advocates for shutting down parts of the government to
protest Obamacare has seized the political press and its allies in the
Democratic Party as earth-shattering, revelatory. Meanwhile the imperious
outgoing mayor of New York City can flood Colorado with outside money to
support gun control, can cut a million dollar check to help his Democratic pal
Cory Booker in New Jersey, can announce his intention to spend some $400
million in 2013 to make the world conform to his prejudices, and Time magazine slaps him on its cover,
writes the headline “Bloomberg Unbound,” and writes in bold type: “He’s remade
New York. Next up, the world.”
the world get a vote? Remaking the world into one giant New York City may sound
swell to the editors of Time
magazine, to the editors of Vanity Fair,
and to the wide-eyed, Millennial bookers and producers toiling away in the
Rockefeller and Time Warner centers, but it is not a cost-free proposition. New
York is nice if you can afford it: If you are a wealthy liberal, or a recent
college graduate rooming with three friends, if you are at the top of the world
or setting out in the world, if you are Carrie Bradshaw or doing your best to impersonate
her, the city cannot be beat. But it is hard to raise a family there. It is no
place for the middle class.
city has experienced a surge of inequality, of poverty, of dependence.
Sublimated racial tension underwent a process of deposition over the summer, as
activists and journalists challenged Bloomberg’s stop-and-frisk crime policy.
All of these trends combined to give the world Bill de Blasio, the surprise
Democratic nominee for mayor, and therefore in all likelihood the next occupant
of Gracie Mansion. His tale of two cities captured the imagination of the
Democratic electorate, his bourgeois liberal supporters not realizing how good
they have it, how easily it all might disappear.
feudalism Kotkin describes in his excellent essay has the same contradictory
aspect: liberals lament the inequality and atomization of liberal societies,
only to vote for, well, wealthy liberals. California, where many of the members
of Vanity Fair’s new establishment
reside, is a beautiful place. There are more billionaires in California than
anywhere in the United States. But it is not a healthy polity. “The state
suffers some of the highest levels of inequality in the country,” Kotkin
writes. “The Golden State now suffers the highest level of poverty in the
country.” The Golden State is “home to roughly one-third of the nation’s
welfare recipients.” “For the first time in decades, the middle class is a
years California has been a laboratory experiment in liberalism, for illegal
immigration, progressive taxation, generous welfare benefits, union-run public
schools, generous public service pensions, and the most cutting edge
environmental policies. The result? Jerry Brown may have patched up the state’s
fiscal situation for now, but the underlying problems remain: a hollowed-out
economy and politics that satisfies the moral imperatives of rich liberals by
buying off interest groups and the poor, and sends the middle class to Nevada
and Arizona.
state’s digital oligarchy,” Kotkin says, “surely without intention, is
increasingly driving the state’s lurch towards feudalism. Silicon Valley’s
wealth reflects the fortunes of a handful of companies that dominate an
information economy that itself is increasingly oligopolistic. … Through their
embrace of and financial support for the state’s regulatory regime, the
oligarchs have made job creation in non-tech businesses—manufacturing, energy,
agriculture—increasingly difficult through ‘green energy’ initiatives that are
also sure to boost already high utility costs.” I might dispute that part about
the oligarchs acting “surely without intention”—at the moment things seem to be
working precisely according to, say, Tom Steyer’s intention—but I cannot
dispute Kotkin’s empirical findings or the thrust of his analysis.
Neo-feudalism it is.
week the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development released a study
that concluded, in the words of the New York Times, that “the skill level of the American labor force is not merely
slipping in comparison to that of its peers around the world, it has fallen
dangerously behind.” Ask yourself which ideas rule in America in the fall of
2013: Who has won the intellectual fights over trade, over immigration, over
the environment, over the family, over entitlements and welfare and affirmative
action. The conservatives? I do not see it.
I see
an America governed by liberal or libertarian principles, an America that has
adopted economic and social policies that benefit the established and the
ascendant, the smart and the wily, while ignoring or bribing the poor and low
skilled. I see an America where a protest movement of the aging white middle
class is mocked and vilified, where criticism of Obamacare or deficits and debt
becomes the mark of a nihilist, a terrorist, a hostage taker, a suicide bomber.
I see a world built to order for Reed Hastings of Netflix, for Ben Silbermann
of Pinterest, for Dan Doctoroff of Bloomberg, for Tyler Perry and for Jennifer
Lawrence, members of an establishment that finds its antitheses in the likes of
de Blasio and Elizabeth Warren, Ted Cruz and Michele Bachmann. In this America
our constitutional architecture is an obstacle to progressive ambition, and the
nasty partisan fights we are experiencing are the birth pangs of a new power
elite, a new digital oligarchy, a new caste of liberals here to assert their rule.