The Tea
Party is a huge intellectual problem for blue model liberals. It sprang up out
of nowhere, it lacks a formal leadership structure, and despite many obituaries
in the MSM, it remains a significant force in the Republican Party and in
American politics as a whole. It is everything Occupy Wall Street hoped to
become, and the MSM did everything possible to make OWS flourish. It was hailed
as a movement of historic impact, the start of a global trend, one of those
epochal developments after which nothing will ever be the same—and it guttered
out ignominiously.
The Tea
Party, on the other hand, has flourished despite non-stop efforts to smother it
in the media. While its record is mixed and, from a Democratic point of view
not all bad (arguably, without unqualified Tea Party-backed candidates, the GOP
would now have control of the Senate), its persistence annoys. It is almost as
if the MSM’s power to shape American politics is on the wane.
. . . .
This is
a surprisingly lame ending to the piece. After all, if Chambers’ attack on the
Ivy League “reflected an important strand in American culture,” then the Tea
Party must have deeper roots than one half-forgotten cause célèbre. It’s also
not clear what he means by the reference to false accusations against liberals
for holding positions that they abhor. Is that what Sunstein thinks the Tea
Party is about? That if those unfortunate and paranoid folks understood
liberals better, they would oppose them less?
are some tinfoil hat types out there who think that President Obama and his
cohorts are hiding Qu’rans in the White House and looking to introduce both
socialism and Sharia as soon as they can. Nut jobs on both the left and the
right and all kinds of cranky positions in between are an enduring part of
American politics. But if Sunstein thinks that this is the energy that powers
the Tea Party, he is very far from understanding either this phenomenon or
American politics as a whole.
The Tea
Party is mostly something much more conventional: a libertarian, small
government protest against the centralization of federal power, and a populist
resentment of snooty Ivy League professors who think the common people aren’t
very smart. We’ve had these movements in America ever since colonial times;
when Andrew Jackson defeated John Quincy Adams’ re-election bid in 1828, the
19th century forerunners of the Tea Party were in full cry.
aren’t seeing a right-leaning populist surge today because of Alger Hiss; we
are seeing it because many Americans believe that President Obama’s liberal and
technocratic agenda represents a threat to a way of life they value. We are
seeing it because many Americans blame the establishment of both parties both
for the financial crisis and for the vast transfer of resources to the wealthy
that came after the crash. We are seeing it because whether you look at foreign
or domestic policy, the technocratic suggestions of the Great and the Good have
not been helping ordinary Americans much for the last 20 years.
Meadia isn’t a Tea Party house organ, and any tea parties at the stately Mead
manor are more about Earl Grey than Ayn Rand. But we don’t think Tea Partiers
are wrong to see President Obama’s political goals as fundamentally opposed to
their own vision of what America should be. They aren’t angry because they are
stupid, and deep disagreement with technocratic liberalism is not a mental
zealous Tea Partiers put two and two together and get eight, giving the Obama
administration and its liberal backers credit for more foresight and cunning
than they possess. There were those in 1800 who thought that John Adams was
planning to introduce a monarchy into the United States. There were those on
the right who thought that Franklin Roosevelt was a socialist; there were those
on the left who thought Ronald Reagan was a fascist and that Margaret Thatcher
hated poor people. But to confound a major current of American politics with
the lunatic fringe is not a recipe for healing the nation or even for helping
your side put some points on the board. There are birthers in the Tea Party,
but the Tea Party is not the voice of birtherism.
Professor Sunstein does have a point. The Hiss case was not a cause of the Tea
Party, or even of the anti-intellectual tradition in American politics that
Richard Hofstader analyzed in the early 1960s. It was, however, a prominent
manifestation of the class snobbery and intolerance that so often shapes elite
liberal responses to political events and that so frequently fills so many
Americans with loathing and disgust.
. . . .
apologists for Hiss do bear some significant responsibility for the virulent
anti-Communism of Joseph McCarthy and his ilk. Seeing so many powerful liberals
defend an obvious traitor and deny the possibility that Communists were active
in the FDR and Truman administrations drove many people to embrace McCarthy and
other overzealous investigators. Blacklists and anti-Communist hysteria (as
opposed to rational and necessary anti-Communist vigilance) must be laid in
part at the door of the vain and feckless liberals who let the country down in
a critical time.
Professor Sunstein is hoping to launch a broader conversation among liberals
about ways their own missteps have contributed to American polarization, then I
certainly wish him the best. But it’s important to remember that the kind of
behavior so painfully on display in the Hiss era is still with us today; it was
not all that long ago that those who doubted that President Obama’s plans for
humanitarian intervention in Syria constituted a masterful plan for ending the
mass death were dismissed as raving loons and partisan hacks.