United Methodist Church defrocked yet another minister for officiating a
same-sex wedding, in this case his son’s. While some 70 Methodist clergy
members recently vowed to defy their church’s teachings on marriage, the
largest mainline Protestant denomination has been reaffirming them every four
years by commanding margins.
Utah, a law against polygamy has been weakened while judges struck down the
state’s prohibition of same-sex marriage. Or, to frame the issue as Utah’s
Mormon majority might see it, the state’s reaffirmation of marriage as the
union of a man and a woman.
times it seems impossible to escape the controversy over Duck Dynasty, with the protests and the counterprotests that were
unleashed when GQ decided to ask one
of its stars to share his deep thoughts on human sexuality.
Trotsky, call your office. You may not be interested in the culture war, but
the culture war is interested in you.
objectives of the culture warriors are clear. The right-most flank hopes that
it can re-stigmatize homosexuality, nudging gays back into the closet. The
left-most flank aims to reclassify traditional religious and moral beliefs
about homosexuality as the equivalent of racism, to be stamped out by custom
and law like Jim Crow.
Both of
these goals bumps up against what Al Gore might call an inconvenient truth:
neither gay people nor people with traditional sexual values are likely to go
anywhere anytime soon.
the possible exception of smoking, there is no issue on which the culture has changed
so rapidly as homosexuality. Gay marriage has gone from unthinkable to
inevitable. Less than a decade ago, even mainstream liberal Democrats opposed
it (especially if they had national ambitions). Now even some conservative
Republicans are declaring their support.
At the
same time, the Christian churches that remain opposed are not small sects. They
are the biggest religious denominations in the country, and in a few cases the
fastest growing. The Protestant churches that are changing their positions on
marriage and sexuality are, like the Episcopalians and the United Church of
Christ, usually small and shrinking.
In an
odd way, both gay rights groups and social conservatives deal with two
different but occasionally overlapping motivations: they both want to be left
alone and to change the culture. Proponents of gay marriage want to be able to
live as they choose and also to make the culture more accepting of the way they
live. Social conservatives want to protect their own religious liberty and also
transform the culture according to their moral vision.
points to a possible truce, but also suggests continued conflict will remain
inevitable. Both sides of the culture war can agree to maximum tolerance of the
other side. “Showing a bit of respect for cultural values with which you
disagree is not a bad thing,” Barney Frank said in 2004. “Don’t call people
bigots and fools just because you disagree with them.”
At the
same time, people were more willing to be tolerant as they also came to believe
that gay marriage, for instance, wasn’t such a bad thing on the merits. To
protect their own religious liberty, social conservatives will have to keep
making the positive case for their values—values that are in some cases derided
as bigotry. It’s no coincidence that Frank made his plea for cultural respect
back when opponents of gay marriage were still winning.
that doesn’t mean social conservatives can’t take Frank’s advice. A good start
would be to recognize that the Judeo-Christian ethic, in sexual mores and so
much else, is no longer intuitive to a great many Americans. Heavy-handed
appeals, be they theological or (in the case of Phil Robertson) scatological,
are likely to fall flat. Don’t call people heathens or fools (or worse) just
because you disagree with them.
specific social debates come and go, the culture wars will never end. But
neither will the reality that the combatants must live together.