Katy Perry’s Japanese-style performance at the American Music Awards has
sparked a storm of outrage, with accusations of racism and “cultural appropriation.” While concern with racial and cultural sensitivity is
admirable, this controversy cheapens real racism. Moreover, Perry’s critics
miss the fact that “appropriation” is the lifeblood of culture. To attack it is
to attack free expression and, perversely, to promote cultural segregation in
progressive guise.
act in a kimono costume against an Asian-themed backdrop has been likened to
blackface minstrelsy or caricatures of buck-toothed Asians. But it was nothing
of the sort. Granted, it was not a recreation of authentic Japanese song,
dance, or costume but an adaptation of Japanese visual style (with a dash of
Chinese); yet, far from being mocked, the cultural sources were treated as
charge that Perry’s use of the geisha image to go with her single “Unconditionally,”
in which a woman assures her lover of her unconditional love, exploits
stereotypes of the submissive Asian female. But Perry’s exuberant singing and
bold dance movements hardly seemed submissive, and even her lyrics are not
about docility: the woman tells the man to freely show his insecurities because
she’ll accept him as he is.
course, to Perry’s detractors, any white American using material from a non-Western
culture is guilty of theft and exploitation; on the Everyday Feminism blog,
writer Jarune Uwujaren slings such pejoratives as “interloper” and “mooch”
(except only when a person pays tribute to a culture by invitation from that
culture's members).
But all
culture is the product of cross-pollination and interbreeding. American culture
is the ultimate mongrel. European culture is a stew of ethnic traditions mixed
with borrowings from ancient Rome, Greece, Israel, and Egypt as well as later
non-Western cultures.
To cast
Japanese culture as a victim of Perry’s rapaciousness is ironic. Medieval
Japanese culture borrowed from China. Modern Japan has adapted Western cultural
material, in everything from anime films based on such sources as “The Little
Mermaid” to celebrations of a secularized Christmas.
different, critics say, because the West is an oppressive juggernaut. As
psychiatrist Ravi Chandra puts it on his blog at the Psychology Today website, “This
kind of ‘costume’ is acting out a power relationship,” since “whites have
historically held power.”
argument disregards the fact that many non-Western countries have their own
history of imperialism and racism, and insultingly casts other cultures as
victims of the evil West. Thus, non-Western consumption of Western and
especially American popular culture is treated as an imposition.
correct zealotry is leading some well-meaning Americans to worry about even
respectful engagement with other cultures. Salt Lake City Tribune writer Erin Alberty wonders if it was racist to dress as China’s Empress Dowager Cixi for
Halloween. Some college students fret about committing “appropriation” by
studying a non-Western culture or language. If white supremacists had concocted
a plot to protect European culture from “impure” influences by appealing to
progressive sensibilities, they could not have done better.
racial or ethnic caricatures are now seen as unacceptable. But denouncing
something as innocuous as Perry’s performance, which no Asian-American group
has criticized, can only promote backlash and polarization. True diversity, to
borrow a Chinese phrase, is about letting a hundred flowers bloom-including
Perry’s artistic expression.