In an interview with Charles Gati in Politico Magazine, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who
served as national security adviser to Jimmy Carter, proves once again that he
is a man of profound religious faith. He worships at the Church of Linkage,
which holds that Israel’s settlement policy on the West Bank is the primary
cause of Middle East instability and a principal cause – if not the main cause –
of the U.S.’s troubles in the Muslim world.
I go on, the usual caveats: The settlement project – especially those
settlements far from Jerusalem that have been planted in the middle of thickly
populated Palestinian areas – is a strategic and moral disaster for Israel. The
settlements should be dismantled. They threaten Israel’s standing in the world;
they threaten to undermine the very nature and purpose of Israel. And so on.
I’ve written before about the threat that settlements pose, at great length.
there is danger in thinking that the removal of these settlements would bring
about a liberal, enlightened Middle East. The danger is analytical: If you
don’t understand what ails the Middle East, how can you possibly fix it? It is
also dangerous to scapegoat Israel for problems it didn’t cause, in the same
way that it has historically been quite dangerous to blame the Jewish people
for problems they didn’t cause. Brzezinski’s native Poland provides lessons in
this regard.
has had hard feelings toward Israel for years, and he has been consistent in
suggesting that American Jews possess too much political power. In Politico, he
asserts in drive-by fashion – which is to say without offering proof to
buttress his contention – that “the Jewish community is the most active political
community in American society.”
Here is
what Brzezinski told Politico about President Barack Obama’s failure to force
Israel to permanently freeze settlements: “At a critical juncture he failed to
show he had steel in his back, he failed to follow through. He spoke on the
record and very sensibly about the settlements, but when a confrontation
developed between him and [Israeli prime minister Benjamin] Netanyahu, Obama
caved in. That has contributed significantly to the general mess we now have in
the Middle East.”
is referring to one of Obama’s earliest confrontations with Netanyahu. Early in
his first term, the president demanded that Israel stop building in the
settlements as a confidence-building measure in advance of peace negotiations.
Israel gave in partially, but only partially, and when settlement building
continued, Obama offered rhetoric but did nothing concrete to shape Israel’s
mistake was to make a public demand of an ally (and a client) and then have no
Plan B ready when that ally refused to listen. Netanyahu’s unwillingness to
reverse himself on settlements – an unwillingness born of careerism as much as
anything else (his governing coalition includes a disproportionate number of
settlers and their sympathizers) – has hurt Israel, but has it actually, as
Brzezinski alleges, “contributed significantly to the general mess we now have
in the Middle East”?
look at the Middle East as it is today. Here is a partial catalog of phenomena
that plausibly illustrate the idea that the Middle East is a “general mess”:
Tensions over Iran’s nuclear program. Jewish settlements did not provoke
Iranian leaders to build the infrastructure of a nuclear weapons program.
Regional ambitions, fear of American domination, a desire to counterbalance
Saudi Arabia and opposition to Israel’s existence (as opposed to its settlement
policy) have all contributed to Iran’s nuclear policy decision making.
2. The
broad anger directed at the U.S. by the governments of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,
Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt. Though these governments
pay lip service to the Palestinian cause, the source of their current anger
with the U.S. stems from the Obama administration's decision to negotiate with
3. The
Syrian civil war, in which more than 100,000 people have died so far. The
Syrian cataclysm does not appear to be traceable to Israel’s West Bank
settlement policy or Obama’s failure to challenge it.
4. The
regionwide schism between Sunni and Shia Muslims, which manifests itself in
violence and disorder, not only in Syria, but also in Lebanon, Bahrain, Iraq
and, beyond the Middle East, in Pakistan. This schism does not seem to be
caused by settlements.
5. The
slow-motion collapse, amid horrendous violence, of Iraq as a unitary state. A
settlement freeze on the West Bank will not stop the dissolution of Iraq.
Continued political instability and violence in Egypt. Tensions among Muslim
Brotherhood sympathizers, advocates of liberalism and the Egyptian military
would not be ameliorated by a settlement freeze. The overthrow of former
President Hosni Mubarak was not prompted by Obama’s failure to confront
settlements. Nor was the subsequent coup launched against the Muslim
Brotherhood’s Mohamed Mursi triggered by settlements.
Libya’s descent into gangsterism and chaos. The civil war that led to the
ouster and death of Muammar Qaddafi was not caused by settlements. Nor was the
fatal attack on the American consulate in Benghazi. It is difficult to imagine
how a settlement freeze on the West Bank would stabilize Libya.
8. The
proliferation, from Somalia to Yemen to Syria to Pakistan, of
al-Qaeda-affiliated and -inspired groups. Settlements have not “contributed
significantly” to persistent al-Qaeda activity. It could be argued that the
existence of a Jewish state in the Middle East is one of several sources of
anger for al-Qaeda sympathizers, but a settlement freeze, as opposed to the
elimination of Israel as a country, would not affect the views of radical Sunni
terrorists. It could also be argued that the annihilation of Israel would
empower radical terrorists by making them believe that they were one step
closer to the establishment of a global caliphate.
Pathological misogyny that impoverishes the lives of millions and weakens
countries that would otherwise be able to tap into the brainpower of their
women. A settlement freeze would not lead to the widespread liberation of
10. The
persecution of Christians in a dozen countries across the Muslim world, which
will eventually lead to the elimination of these ancient communities. This
persecution was not caused by Netanyahu’s recalcitrance on settlements.
And so
on. I’ve neglected to mention such issues as literacy, water shortages,
corruption, education stagnation, torture and the suppression of free speech,
all of which contribute to general instability in the Middle East. The
willingness of esteemed foreign-policy thinkers such as Brzezinski to scapegoat
the Jewish state for problems it did not cause is myopic and dangerous.