cancellation of the Prawer Plan is a victory for committed protestors. But how
did this happen, and what does it mean for the Bedouin living in unrecognized villages
who will wake up to a new reality?
“Stop Prawer Plan” campaigners can take this evening off and celebrate their
enormous success in halting the Prawer Plan. Up until two weeks ago, all bets
were on a lengthy struggle: a bill that would pass in the Knesset, followed by
a long and complicated appeals process to the High Court of Justice, with a
simultaneous escalation in violent confrontations between new police forces
(mandated by the plan) and the Bedouin residents in the Negev’s unrecognized
to the “day of rage” took place on several levels: on the ground, police used
excessive violence, while the courts have repeatedly prolonged the detention of
anti-Prawer demonstrators in ways that can only be described as a state of emergency (13 of them are still behind bars). Activism on the ground encouraged
the opposition in Knesset to be more assertive, to demand answers about the
proposed bill and warn of the dangers that may await the country if it was to
go forward as planned. While government officials were trying to portray the
protests as marginal, claiming that the vast majority of the Bedouin support
the plan, one of its primary promoters—Minister Benny Begin—was forced earlier
in the week to admit that he had never really shown the plan in detail to
Bedouin, and thus could not have obtained their support. This enlarged the
already existing rift within the right wing, as Liberman, Bennett and parts of
the Likud rushed to attack the plan for allocating too much land to the
Bedouin. Attacked on all sides, the government was eventually forced to scrap
the plan altogether.
what does all this mean for the tens of thousands of Bedouin living in
unrecognized villages in the Negev, without basic infrastructure and in
constant fear of demolitions? Broadly speaking there are three possible
outcomes to the end of Prawer. First, and in my mind most likely, the
government may completely retreat from its visions of “cleansing” the Negev and
settle for a continuation of the current state of affairs (with a possibility
of yet another committee that could take years to reach any kind of decision).
This is definitely better for Bedouin than the Prawer Plan itself, but it still
means a life of poverty and fear, demolition orders, court appeals and the
occasional destruction of homes—as is the case in Al-Araqib and now Umm al-Hiran.
second option is that the hawks in power, rather than the Bedouin and leftists,
will take credit for scrapping Prawer, and will try to push forward a new, more
radical plan of uprooting with little or no compensation. However, such an
initiative might be harder to promote among the more pragmatic people in the
government, and would be much harder to explain to the High Court (which would
already be aware of concessions made as part of Prawer). One can even imagine
the media, now awake to the entire issue, being more critical of such a move.
third and least likely option is for the government to start a process of
dialogue with the Bedouin, review the plans made by local leaders and NGOs and
consider recognizing villages and developing the Negev for all its inhabitants.
While unrealistic under the current administration, this is what Bedouin and
left-wing activists will continue fighting for. Maybe in the future it will not
seem as absurd as it does now. After all, just two weeks ago no one would have
believed Prawer would be scrapped.