
Friday, June 7, 2013

Conservatism Is the GOP’s Problem. By Josh Barro.

I’m Not A Conservative And You Shouldn’t Be One Either. By Josh Barro. Business Insider, June 6, 2013.

Ask Josh Barro Anything: The Recent Evolution of Conservatism. By Andrew Sullivan. The Dish, June 5, 2013.

Gay-Baiting Josh Barro. By Andrew Sullivan. The Dish, June 4, 2013.

Erick Erickson Shows Everything That’s Wrong With The GOP. By Josh Barro. Business Insider, June 4, 2013.

On Conservative Reformers. By Erick Erickson. RedState, June 4, 2013.

Josh Barro, The Loneliest Republican. By Jonathan Chait. The Atlantic, May 22, 2013.

Why Republicans Lack a Compelling Economic Agenda. By Josh Barro. Bloomberg, November 14, 2012.

Female IDF Soldiers Post Racy Pictures on Facebook.

I’m Proud of Those Lewd IDF Girls. By Liel Leibovitz. Tablet, June 6, 2013.

Female IDF Soldiers Won’t Stop Taking Naked Photos, Posting on Facebook. By Stephanie Butnick. Jewcy, June 3, 2013.

Female Israeli soldiers disciplined for “unbecoming behavior” after posing for pictures dressed only in their underwear and combat fatigues. By Becky Evans. Daily Mail, June 3, 2013.

From behind: The photographed women were said to be new recruits stationed on a base in southern Israel.

Female Soldiers Defy IDF, Post More Semi-Nude Facebook Pics [NSFW]. By Neetzan Zimmerman. Gawker, June 3, 2013.

Female Israeli Soldiers Disciplined For Racy Facebook Photos. By Max J. Rosenthal. AP. The Huffington Post, June 2, 2013.

Female Israeli soldiers in big trouble for posting half-naked Facebook pics. By Taylor Bigler. The Daily Caller, June 4, 2013. Slideshow.

Naughty Israeli soldiers post more cheekypics after being disciplined for online snaps. By Selim Algar and Michael Blaustein. New York Post, June 3, 2013.

Female Israeli Soldiers Gone Wild. Video. Hollywood2NYIsback, June 2, 2013. YouTube. Also here.

A Syrian Refugee Wedding. By Lauren Wolfe.

A Syrian Refugee Wedding. By Lauren Wolfe. The Nation, June 5, 2013. From the June 24-July 1, 2013 issue.

Early marriage and domestic violence in the camps are a fact of life for girls fleeing the civil war.

Family members and the groom (right) with a Syrian 15-year-old refugee in the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan on May 4, 2013. (Photo by Heidi Levine/Sipa Press).

The Moral Chasm and the Pursuit of Mideast Peace. By Richard Landes.

The Moral Chasm and the Pursuit of Peace. By Richard Landes. The Augean Stables, May 19, 2013.


The bad news is that until the Palestinians grow up, there will be no peace, and that, at the moment, land concessions actually make things worse. And they won’t grow up as long as their “honor group” consists of other Arabs who live in fantasy worlds and they get support from “progressives” who think that they’re being brave and honorable by supporting their vengeful mentality.

The first Arab leader to wean his people from their scape-goating anti-Zionism will create the first productive, democratic Arab state. May it happen swiftly, in our days.

A tale of two hearts. By David Brog. The Times of Israel, May 18, 2013.

Nakbah Day: Commemorating the Greatest Humiliation in World History. By Richard Landes. The Augean Stables, May 16, 2013.

Why Arabs Lose Wars. By Norvell B. De Atkine. Middle East Quarterly, December 1999.

Donald Kagan on the Future of Liberal Education. By Jonathan Marks.

Donald Kagan on the Future of Liberal Education. By Jonathan Marks. Commentary, June 6, 2013.

Ave atque vale. By Donald Kagan. The New Criterion, June 2013. Also here.

Donald Kagan’s Last Stand for Western Civilization. By Matthew Kaminski. NJBR, April 27, 2013.