recent days we have been presented with yet another reminder that while
Britain’s parliamentarians are, for the most part, only coldly disinterested in
Israel and its welfare, there is also a determined fringe that harbors fiercely
hostile views where the Jewish state is concerned. Indeed, these views are
often displayed in colors that are undeniably hostile not only to Israel, but
also to Jews generally. Whereas congressmen and the American public they
represent are almost universally supportive of Israel, the British parliament
increasingly risks becoming a rather sinister opposite of Congress on this
particular issue.
latest incident concerns Labour Member of Parliament for Easington Grahame
Morris, who has tweeted a picture of demonstrators flying the Israeli flag
along with the caption “Nazis in my village do you see the flag they fly.” In
fact the demonstrators in question also appear to have been flying the Royal
Air Force flag, in addition to the Israeli one, and while it may be true that
in recent years Israel has come to receive a certain degree of unwanted
attention from some British right-wing groups, such as the English Defense
League, the accusation that these people are Nazis, and the association with
the Israeli flag, clearly carries with it an overt insinuation.
Morris appears to be fully aware of the nature of his insinuation and so, in a
rather transparent effort to protect himself from accusations of bigotry,
includes in the same tweet a link to a page regaling the reader with an account
of an Anne Frank event Morris recently opened. Apparently Morris has no sense
of shame in using the memory of Anne Frank and those Jews murdered by the Nazis
to persuade us that there is nothing racist about associating Nazis with the
Jewish state.
belief that having expressed regret about the Holocaust somehow frees one to
then make the worst allegations against Jews today has been echoed by other
parliamentarians. Speaking last year shortly before Holocaust Memorial Day,
Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament David Ward caused outrage by claiming
that Jews had not learned the lessons of the Holocaust. Ward stated “Having
visited Auschwitz twice…I am saddened that the Jews, who suffered unbelievable
levels of persecution during the Holocaust, could within a few years of
liberation from the death camps be inflicting atrocities on Palestinians in the
new State of Israel and continue to do so on a daily basis in the West Bank and
of what precisely “the lessons of the Holocaust” may or may not be, Ward gave
voice to a strange notion, common among some Europeans, that seems to imagine
the death camps as having been something akin to academies of moral philosophy,
and having been through them Jews and their descendants are now obligated to
embody a level of conduct more pristine than anyone else.
the year’s most explicit outburst of anti-Jewish racism on the part of a
British parliamentarian came in June when Tory MP Patrick Mercer was caught by
the BBC telling a reporter that a female Israeli soldier he had met didn’t look
like a soldier, but rather, looked “like a bloody Jew.” Repeating the common
trope of the Jew as bloodthirsty and murderous Mercer told the reporter that he
had no doubt that had he given the Israeli soldier the wrong answer “I’d have
had my head blown off.”
three of these incidents took place over the past twelve months, but
Westminster also has a number of infamous repeat offenders whose anti-Israel
comments often betray an aggressive animosity that many would consider
anti-Semitic. Liberal Democrat peer Baroness Jenny Tonge leads the way here. In
2003 Tonge compared the Gaza strip to the Warsaw Ghetto and in 2004 remarked of
Palestinian suicide bombers that ”If I had to live in that situation – and I
say that advisedly – I might just consider becoming one myself.”
such conduct Tonge was rewarded by her party with the peerage that elevated her
from the House of Commons to the Lords. From there Tonge continued her record,
in 2010 giving legitimacy to the blood libel that accused Israelis of organ
harvesting. Only then was the party whip finally withdrawn from the baroness.
Her comments in 2006 when she spoke of how ”the pro-Israeli lobby has got its
grips on the western world, its financial grips. I think they’ve probably got a
grip on our party” had apparently not been deemed sufficient to warrant that.
Tonge is admittedly an extreme example, yet she is hardly alone in that
extremity. The far-left Member of Parliament George Galloway, formerly of
Labour, has long been a particularly outspoken voice against Israel. Galloway,
who in 2012 came out as having converted to Islam, has over the years gone out
of his way to befriend such dubious regimes as Saddam Hussein’s Baathists in
Iraq, Hamas in Gaza, and more recently the mullahs’ theocracy in Iran. The
far-reaching extent of his hatred for the Jewish state was made particularly
apparent last February when Galloway stormed out of an Oxford debate upon the
discovery that the student he was debating with was actually an Israeli.
It is
of course impossible to know the extent to which the views of the individuals
mentioned here might enjoy the sympathies of their more discrete colleagues. In
recent years there has certainly been no shortage of similar outbursts by other
members of parliament. Yet it would also be wrong to pretend that there is not
still a small grouping of determinedly pro-Israel parliamentarians on both
sides of the house.
strongest anti-Israel expressions, however, are to be heard coming almost
exclusively from one side: Britain’s parliamentary left. These members often
tend to be largely suspicious of Western nations and the use of Western power
in the world. Their belief in the need to champion the rights of non-Western
victim groups renders them favorable of multiculturalism at home and sympathetic
to Third World causes abroad. As such, they view Israel as a militaristic
outpost of the West; guilty, from the point of inception, of having occupied
and oppressed an indigenous people. As Baroness Tonge once quipped “America’s
aircraft carrier in the Middle East – that is Israel.”
this deep dislike of Israel stems not only from Israel’s alliance with America
and the West, but also from the fact that it is a Jewish state. For the
decidedly post-nationalist British left, Zionism is an anathema–the idea that a
people as cosmopolitan as the Jews would have set themselves on the wrong side
of history by establishing a nation of their own. The Jews were once favored by
the left, when they were poor and widely discriminated against. But as Britain’s
Minister for Education Michael Gove has explained of the left’s mentality,
“when Jews are successful, assertive, self-confident or, worst of all,
conservative, then they move, metaphorically, beyond the pale.”
the way in which those such as MP Grahame Morris would so casually associate
the Israeli flag with Nazis, it would appear that there is a sense of growing
confidence among the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish fringe in Britain’s
parliament. But with such views flying around among lawmakers, there must be
concerns about the future diplomatic relations between the two countries. And
more than that, the questions about the future of the British Jewish community
become ever more troubling.