after I started graduate school at Princeton in 1970, I joined the American
Studies Association and have been a faithful member ever since. I have served
on the editorial advisory board of its distinguished journal, American Quarterly, and have contributed
occasionally to it.
began in the post-World War II years as an organization composed primarily of
scholars and teachers of American literature, art, politics, history and
philosophy, has grown into an ever more interdisciplinary organization on the
cutting edge of several new specialties and radically revised older ones. “Post-modernism”
is the best term I can come up with to describe the ethos of the ASA today.
leaning toward the left, the ASA has now, in my opinion, gone beyond the pale
in its new boycott of Israel.
two-thirds of those voting endorsed the unanimous recommendation of the ASA’s
governing council to condemn Israel in the by now painfully familiar ways found
in many other academic, political and union organizations in, especially,
Canada and England. Israel is simply the worst country in the world, and no
other country need be linked to it. Indeed, there are never any condemnations
of any other countries with, to many of us, far worse violations of human
rights than Israel. One needn’t defend all current Israeli policies toward
Palestinians to acknowledge this fact of life.
we have the now annual “Israel Apartheid Week” in several Canadian universities
and, even worse, the “Queers Against Israel” annual marches in Montreal and
Toronto as part of parades otherwise celebrating gay and trans-gender rights.
It hardly takes an expert to wonder how those avowedly out of the closet would
fare if they tried to march in any Middle East country, save Israel.
their blindness toward every other country’s human rights problems reflects, at
heart, a rarely acknowledged real agenda: a hatred of not just Israel but of
Judaism overall, often expressed in perverse insistence in there being no
difference between Nazi Germany and contemporary Israel. Israel must be
crushed, just as Nazi Germany was crushed.
As has
been noted in recent days, those most passionate about the boycott do not
devote a nanosecond to considering their own hypocrisy in not boycotting the
ASA itself, given white Americans’ treatment of Native Americans and of African
Americans. As Samuel Johnson famously said, “How is it that we hear the loudest
yelps for liberty among the drivers of slaves?”
University of Maine, alas, lacks an American Studies program at any level. By
contrast, USM’s wholly graduate American and New England Studies Program
consists of several distinguished scholars from different fields and is surely
one of USM’s academic jewels.
Let me
be clear: I’d never suggest to my colleagues at USM how to handle the now
official boycott of Israel. Indeed, it’s none of my business as to how they
voted. But it does make me curious as to how this and other American Studies
programs nationwide will respond.
As for
me, I may well resign from the ASA in protest of this outrageous boycott.
Segal [HNN]:
recall the revelations found in the latest book by the eminent US historian
Bernard Bailyn, The Barbarous Years: The
Peopling of British North America, The Conflict of Civilizations 1600-1675.
In a generally depressing account of endless sickness, death, war, and
religious and cultural conflicts, it is revealing that white settlers’ greatest
savagery towards Native Americans occurred when the latter were deemed the
Anti-Christ – as were, to be sure, some white religious dissenters as well.