was, in the words of the New York Times,
the year of the MOOC. Massive open online courses have been hyped as a game
changer, a way to dramatically scale down the cost of higher education while at
the same time opening up access to the best professors in the world – the
so-called “superprofessors.”
critics of MOOCs have been fierce, questioning whether or not a MOOC can offer
the same kind of value as a face-to-face class and if MOOCs will be used by
administrators to slash costs by slashing faculty.
Jeremy Adelman and the University of Virginia’s Philip Zelikow, who have both
led history MOOCs, sat down for a spirited debate with Colorado State Pueblo’s
Jonathan Rees (one of the leading MOOC critics) and Ann Little (of the blog
Historiann fame) at the American Historical Association annual meeting. The
panel was moderated by Elaine Carey, vice-president in charge of the AHA’s
Teaching Division.