insistence that Mahmoud Abbas recognize Israel as a Jewish state is a Benjamin
Netanyahu demand. Ariel Sharon hinted at it in the early 2000s, Ehud Olmert
raised it as an issue in 2007, and others on the right and center-right have
picked it up. But it is foremost a Bibi thing. To the extent that Netanyahu truly believes it is necessary for psychological comfort and to protect
Israel’s Jewish identity, it is a valid issue to raise in peace talks.
argument is that without formal recognition of Israel’s Jewish nature,
Palestinians would continue to dismiss the Jews’ right to self-determination
and would, therefore, continue to claim all of Israel for Palestine. But
asserting that Israelis’ concerns might be eased because Mahmoud Abbas says so
is questionable. Even more importantly, there are no legal or political
mechanisms that can translate such recognition into protection against future
claims. But there are legal and political mechanisms, as well as historical
precedents, that can protect the State of Israel against claims on its
territory—which is the real issue.
international law provides no basis for states demanding recognition of their
identity. It’s true that some countries do insert their peoplehood into their
founding documents (the Turkish constitution) or official names (Syrian Arab
Republic), but that doesn’t mean states that formally recognize them also
accept their dominant ethno-national identity.
recognition is a necessary component of statehood and acceptance into the
community of states. But it is of the state itself—its borders and its
existence—not of its identity. It’s been pointed out that the Palestinian
leadership has recognized the State of Israel several times already.
International law exists to protect states, not the character of states.
there’s nothing wrong with Palestinians believing that ancient Palestine-modern
Israel is part of their historical identity. After all, Jews around the world
are always going to believe that large parts of an eventual Palestinian state
are part of their biblical-historical identity; for some it will always be part
even of their birthright.
But in
protracted conflicts, in which two peoples believe the same piece of land is an
integral part of their identity, such demands must be subject to practical need
rather than emotional desire in order to reach a resolution. And for the most
part, governments recognize that needs are predominant. Plenty of groups living
around the world feel attached to territories that were once part of their
empire, homeland, or identity (think of Germany and Austria, France and Canada,
or Serbia and Croatia). Most aren’t rising up to reclaim them.
it’s certainly true that political agreements are sometimes broken and
irredentist and secessionist conflicts do break out. Armenia and Azerbaijan,
Eritrea and Ethiopia, or Syria and Lebanon are good examples.
But the
assumption that recognition of Israel as a Jewish state is the way to block
Palestinians from either thinking about further claims on Israel or actually
pursuing them is wishful thinking. If the fear is that without it, Palestinians
will eventually abrogate the treaty or simply try to get around the
end-of-claims element of it, why should inserting a clause about Israel’s
nature not also be subject to the same possibility? In the cases noted above,
the common denominators allowing for ethno-national claims to be translated
into action were unprotected borders, weak state institutions, and governments
perceived by their publics as illegitimate.
Palestinian claims requires three further elements to a formal political
treaty: A strengthening of Palestinian governance and state institutions; a
powerful Israeli security force; and the backing of the Arab League, the
strongest countries in the world, and the United Nations. Inserting into an
agreement the nature of Israel cannot compensate for these components.
said all that, if it’s true that John Kerry really is pushing recognition as a
necessary part of the framework agreement, then it’s likely Washington won’t
back away from it in the future.
only way forward, then, is for the two sides to agree to a trade-off: Some
implicit acknowledgment of Israel’s Jewish character in return for Israel’s
acceptance of partial responsibility for the nakba. Neither recognition will
prevent violence from breaking out, but if addressing both sides’ abstract,
psychological needs is what it takes to finalize a deal, let it be done so the
conflict can end.
Comment by Naomi | 15 Jan 2014 |09:32PM:
We will only recognise the Arab Nakba when
Arabs recognise the Jewish Nakba.
the Arabs say sorry for expelling and pillaging the homes & money of
Mizrahi Jews, we may reciprocate. But until then, all is FAIR in love and war.