Sharon is likely rolling over in his grave this week with the latest
developments in the peace process. Even with his well-founded reputation as a
man of great appetites, Sharon’s gluttony for Greater Israel has been surpassed
by his political successors since his incapacitation eight years ago. Today,
with its newly insatiable appetite for annexation, koshering illegal outposts,
and adding new settlement blocs to the national consensus, Israel’s leadership
seems devoted to polishing off the Palestinian state altogether. Could Ariel
Sharon himself have stomached Israel’s new settlement policy?
Friday, Benjamin Netanyahu announced his proposal for a new settlement bloc in
the vicinity of Beit El, a fourth to join the three blocs in the area of Ariel,
Maale Adumim, and Gush Etzion that have been on the table since the Oslo
Process, comprising approximately 13% of the West Bank in total. While the PM
has yet to reveal his secrets, presumably this bloc might contain some of the
original settlements Sharon helped bring into existence – including Ofra, Beit
El, and Shilo, as well as some of the more entrenched ideological settlements
between Ramallah and Nablus including Kfar Tapuach, Maale Levona, and Eli.
swallowing another chunk of settlements, the Prime Minister gets a 2 for 1
in proposing a Beit El bloc, Bibi has spiked the punch in the struggle to have
Israel recognized as a Jewish State. Having schooled Secretary of State John
Kerry on the supposed scriptural significance of Shilo (the resting place of
the Israelite sanctuary, or mishkan) and Beit El (the site of Jacob’s ladder
dream), he seamlessly integrated ingredients of Zionist and Jewish history
while simultaneously erasing the Green Line. As Netanyahu expressed in a recent
cabinet meeting, he seems to be hoping that a Beit El bloc could also help the
United States (and the Palestinians) overcome their “mental block” about
Israel’s right to exist in the whole of the land of Israel.
beyond the biblical claims, it seems that Bibi hid another surprise – hinting
at the impossibility of evacuating some of the most ideological settlers and
the realistic alternative that either Israel or Palestine must digest them as
part of any peace deal. Speaking at Davos last week, he announced that he would
not “uproot a single Israeli” from the Jordan Valley either. In fact, Netanyahu
offered various scenarios that would allow settlers to remain under a
Palestinian state, including long term land leases in the West Bank (turning
Hebron into some kind of Hong Kong?) or land swaps within territorial Israel.
It didn't take long for Naftali Bennett, his economy minister, to accuse him of
“ethical befuddlement” in even airing the idea that settlers might choose to
stay in their homes under Palestinian sovereignty: “Two thousand years of
longing for the Land of Israel did not pass so we could live under the rule of
[Palestinian Authority PresidentMahmoud
it’s rare that I agree with Benjamin Netanyahu on most Israeli policies, there
is a case to be made that this scenario is not only in the interest of Israeli
democracy, but should be incumbent on a future State of Palestine. Certainly,
the international community should not accept Palestinian sovereignty that
justifies being judenrein (like many
other Arab/Muslim states), as Palestine, like Israel, should also be
ideologically predicated on becoming a multi-ethnic democracy in the Middle
to these ideas, the PLO Executive Committee’s Hanan Ashrawi said on Monday that
she affirmed the premise of some Jewish settlers living under a future
Palestinian state, but only they be treated as individuals, each of whom must
apply for Palestinian citizenship (and forfeit their Israeli citizenship) and
would be forbidden to live in “ex-territorial enclaves.” While both Netanyahu
and Ashrawi seemingly agree on the premise of a forced population transfer of
Israeli settler-citizens, her idea is of a group that can no longer live as
intact community and must be neutered of its national ambitions (or at least
sympathies) – essentially ideologically dismantling the settlements while
leaving them physically intact. Certainly, these are terms that Israel does not
demand of Israeli Arabs and the international community should not accept less
of a Palestinian ethnocracy than it demands of Israel.
this equivalency is important because Ashrawi seemingly speaks to a larger
issue far beyond the West Bank. If the Palestinian movement fundamentally does
not accept a Zionist entity (which is how Bibi must recast his demand for a
recognition of “Jewish State” for it to have any meaning) – believing that the
difference between the settlement of Ofra and Tel Aviv is just a matter of
semantics – then the issue of West Bank settlers living under a Palestinian
state really only becomes a proxy for the Palestinian vision of a one-state
solution where Jews can only live in “settlements” as a religious ethnic
minority with no political rights. (Essentially, modern-day version of the dhimmi status of Jews in Muslim lands in
the medieval period.) This arrangement would end the occupation by giving
Israeli settlers fewer rights than Palestinians today and sets a troubling
precedent for the future, calling into question whether settlements are really
the obstacle to peace at all.
the Prime Minister’s grandiose ideas for a Greater Israel have been outflanked
recently by those in his own cabinet. Bennett and the ultra-nationalist
movement’s continued agitation for annexation officially moved into the Israeli
mainstream last week when former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren
opined in his own obituary for Sharon that in the absence of a negotiated peace
agreement, “one solution could be a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from
Palestinian population centers.” (Perhaps he had other ideas in mind, but with
his implication that that the IDF would remain in the settlements, calling this
anything short of annexation seems to be mostly a matter of taste — although
for Palestinians, a fourth settlement bloc might still be a better deal than a
state on less than 40% of the West Bank.)
Avigdor Lieberman has stirred the pot again with ideas of transferring Wadi Ara
Israeli-Arabs to the West Bank, fare that was immediately rejected as “delusional”
by those in the Triangle. The Palestinians, for their part, have few appealing
options left should the Kerry talks fail – one can only hope for a revived UN
bid or other forms of non-violent resistance, rather than the outbreak of a
third intifada.
Ariel Sharon be getting his just desserts? In an interview with Haaretz’s Ari
Shavit in 2003, Sharon surmised, “if it turns out that there is someone to talk
to, we will have to take steps that are painful to every Jew and painful to me
personally. Look, this is the cradle of the birth of the Jewish people. All of
our history is connected to those places: Bethlehem, Shiloh, Beit El. And I
know that we will have to separate from some of those places.” As documents
from the Wikileaks cache reveal, in 2004, Sharon may have intended to go
further, taking far-reaching steps in the West Bank and Jerusalem and annexing
the major settlement blocs, implying he would concede other parts of the West
Bank and would consider handing over some Arab neighborhoods, although “not the
Temple Mount, Mount of Olives or the City of David.”
Yet, by
2005, Sharon had seemingly rejected either Israeli disengagement or annexation
as a preferred solution, falling back on a negotiated solution of
land-for-peace, averring that any other option “would be a mistake . . . there
will not be another unilateral move.” Nonetheless, subsequent Israeli leaders
have mobilized Sharon to justify whatever policies they have seen fit,
regardless of whether Sharon himself would have considered them before he fell
into a coma. If even the great patron of the settlements could not swallow
these ideas, one wonders how history will judge Israel’s hunger for the
settlements in decades to come.