When a
Tunisian peddler set himself on fire in December 2010, launching the Second
Arab Awakening, many were taken by surprise. While I cannot claim prescience, I
did have a powerful sense that we had been there before – and that if we did
not learn the lessons of the past, we would fail this time as well.
fears proved well founded. One transition after another has struggled or failed
to produce governments that can respond to citizens' longing for freedom and
opportunity. The fragility of the once-promising Arab transitions clearly shows
the urgency of beginning the painstaking process of constructing an Arab world
defined by pluralism and tolerance. Only then can what I call The Second Arab Awakening and the Battle for Pluralism be realized.
back to the “first” Arab Awakening, which began in the mid-19th century, can be
illuminating. That awakening took the form of an intellectual revolution in
which a wide array of Arab thinkers started questioning the control of distant
Ottoman despots over their nations and criticizing their own limited contact
with the outside world. Their calls for intellectual, economic, and political
change laid the groundwork for a new Arab world, eventually resulting in a wave
of independence struggles in the 1940s and 1950s.
however, the first Arab Awakening fell short of the aspirations of many of
those who inspired it. In the end, colonial autocracies were replaced with
domestic ones – often military-backed single-parties that took advantage of
their revolutionary legitimacy to cement their grip on power. New regimes paid
little attention to developing political systems whose checks and balances
guaranteed access for all. They saw pluralism as a potential threat and took
heavy-handed measures to prevent its realization.
rejection of pluralism doomed the Arab region to decades of political failure.
Unrealized political and economic expectations, the failure to solve the
Palestinian issue, and the unwillingness to provide good governance marked the
post-independence era in the Arab world. For years, the only groups that
contended with the ruling elites were those whose organizing principle was
religion. Political Islam emerged as the only alternative to one-party rule.
Abuses by government personnel, especially the security and intelligence services,
and wealth concentrated in the hands of a few kept tensions seething just
beneath the surface.
the uprisings that breathed new life into the Arab world in 2011 seemed
unstoppable, achieving the protesters' goals is not. Whether they succeed in establishing
pluralistic governments ultimately rests the hands of the people of the
countries involved, and the new generation that demands change. Outsiders
however, including powerful Western governments, can affect events. To do so in
a constructive fashion requires clear thinking about events and their root
faulty Western thinking about the awakening has led to misguided, if
well-intentioned, policies. In the span of three short years, the West lurched
from calling this awakening an “Arab Spring” – a name that implied expectations
of an immediate transition from autocratic regimes to democratic ones – to
seeing it now as some kind of an Arab inferno, because of the rise of Islamic
parties with their implicit or perceived threat to liberal democratic advances
and their potential flirtation with jihadi violence.
of these two scenarios need be permanent or inevitable. We should take
seriously the common refrain that the profound transformations Arab countries
are undergoing will take time. Although some eastern European countries can be
said to have sped up the clock after the fall of the Soviet Union,
revolutionary political transformation usually takes decades, not years.
Western observers and policymakers need to have strategic patience as they
follow unfolding events.
rise of Islamist parties was also to be expected, and should neither surprise
nor overly alarm anyone. They alone had the pre-existing organizational
capabilities required to run nationwide campaigns, and that allowed them to
score electoral victories far beyond their level of popular support. But it
should also be no surprise that their success in first-ever elections did not
necessarily translate into permanent control. Their promise of better
governance, which helped attract support from many Arabs fed up with the status
quo, was being put to the test. And as they entered the political fray, this
time as decision-makers, their perceived "holiness" was confronted
with reality, and their ability to deliver was what mattered most. Arab publics
are beginning to judge Islamists and secular forces alike based on performance,
not ideology.
It will
take decades to build the foundations of political systems that actually defend
democracy and preserve its basic tenets year after year. It is a process in
which some countries will succeed, others will struggle, and yet others will
fail. What will help determine any country’s outcome is which elements of
society will lead the transformation. The Arab world has long been dominated by
two forces –an entrenched, unaccountable elite on the one hand and Islamists on
the other. But neither of these groups – which often achieved an uneasy modus
vivendi – has ever demonstrated a genuine commitment to pluralism.
real hope rests with a new generation, the youth who started it all in the
streets and are far more committed to the principles of democracy than their
elders. It is this third force that might break the cycle of oppression. So
far, this revolutionary young generation has done a better job of defining what
it is against than what it is for, and it will take years to establish the
organizational capacity and financial wherewithal to achieve a lasting break
from the past. This is where Western assistance might most usefully be offered.
If it
is to succeed where the first Arab awakening failed, this Second Arab Awakening
needs to be an assertion of universal values: democracy, pluralism, human
rights. These are not ideals that can be imposed upon a region from outside, but
they can be encouraged to grow. This requires patience and an accurate
understanding of both the actual conditions and the kinds of actions that are
likely to be effective. Only when societies and their elected leaders truly
embrace tolerance, diversity, the peaceful rotation of power, and inclusive
economic growth will the promise of a new Arab world be realized.
the grim news coming out of the region today, some will regard my arguments as
a naïve, almost romantic view of an Arab world that does not exist –a mirage in
the desert, totally detached from reality. They will point out the tumultuous
state of affairs – and that regional political grievances are turning
But do
not mistake the grim early skirmishes for the outcome. The battle of ideas has
finally started to unfold in the contemporary Arab world and is far from ended.
The region will go through a period of turmoil in which exclusionist forces
will attempt to dominate the landscape with absolute truths and new
dictatorships. In the end, however, these forces will also fade, because
exclusionist, authoritarian discourses cannot answer the people’s need for a
better quality of life –economically, politically, culturally, and otherwise.
are no short cuts to democracy or prosperity. The Second Arab Awakening has
only just begun, and the end may not be known in this generation's lifetime.
After all other alternatives to diversity have been exhausted, perhaps the
people of the region will finally reject the prospect of waiting so long, and
devote their energies to creating a pluralistic Arab world now. Their battle
for pluralism is worth waging and winning.
Comment by musicmaster (Wim Roffel):
I don’t
share the author optimistic view of the Islamists. I see them as a direct
product of both propaganda (subsidized) from the Gulf States and their example.
These Islamists have an ideology that is fundamentally different from
democracy. While democracy assumes freedom that allows everyone what he considers
best, Islamism assumes that prosperity comes from being pious and following
their rules. The presence of those Islamists has blocked the arrival of
democracy and when with the Arab Spring democracy seemed to arrive anyway it
has sabotaged it.
The author
claims that “democracy, pluralism, human rights” will bring prosperity. That is
not exactly correct. What is missing is the understanding of how a modern
economy works. As long as that is absent democracy is more likely to bring
populists to power than leaders who will bring prosperity.
the first revolutionary wave there was also a lot of freedom. But it brought
chaos rather than prosperity. The dictatorships were the logical answer to that
In my
opinion the Arab Spring went wrong from the very beginning. The most likely
result of removing dictators with a revolution is a new dictatorship: ask the
Iranians. It would have been better if the death of Bouazizi had led to reforms
that made it possible for people like him to earn their bread in a honest way.
Improvement one little step at a time.