ultra-rich are not and never will be the real target of Democratic Party rants
against inequality. Instead, they reserve their venom for the hard-working
entrepreneurial and technical/professional classes who seek to rise from upper
middle-class ranks into bourgeois affluence. These strivers are the real enemy
because they give the lie to the cant of victimhood and unfairness that
mobilizes the Democrat voting base. It is much easier to hate your boss, or the
person whose nice house you drive past every day, than it is to hate George
Soros, or Larry Ellison, or Bill Gates, whose personal digs are distant,
inaccessible, and unthinkably remote in terms of achievement.
ordinary people all across America show that hard work, savings in order to
accumulate capital, and focused intellect actually create and then enjoy new
wealth, then others may get the notion that they, too, don't really need big
government to ensure their shot at happiness. If wealth creation seems a real possibility
because you have personally seen others do it in your city or town, that is
truly subversive to the vision of a transformed America the Obamas and the
Democrats are peddling.
never mind the 1% of the 1% with whom Barack Obama plays. They are not the
enemy he demonizes (although he may remind them from time to time that he is
the only thing that stands between them and the pitchforks as he shakes them
down). His real hatred is for people more visible to the masses –the term dear
to Marxists – in their daily lives, whose achievements validate a system that
makes the government-as-economic-savior irrelevant.