
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Gideon Levy: Baron of the Israel Falsehood Industry. By Ben Dror Yemini.

Gideon Levy: Baron of the Falsehood Industry. By Ben Dror Yemini. CAMERA. Originally published in Maariv in Hebrew, October 15, 2010. Also here.

Haaretz, Gideon Levy, and the Israel apartheid canard. By Ben Dror Yemini. The Times of Israel, October 26, 2012.

Gideon Levy: The Most Hated Man in Israel – and the Most Heroic. By Johann Hari. The Huffington Post, September 23, 2010. Also at The Independent.

Gideon Levi: I Hate “Settlers,” and I’m Proud of It. By David Lev. Arutz Sheva 7, November 8, 2012.

Israelis’ ideal state: A country without criticism. By Gideon Levy. Haaretz, May 23, 2010.

Racism has reared its head and the public is apathetic. By Gideon Levy. Haaretz, December 23, 2010. Also here.

When Did It Become Illegal to Be a Leftist in Israel? By Gideon Levy. Haaretz, January 6, 2011.

Israel is the most naïve and racist country in the West. By Gideon Levy. Haaretz, May 31, 2012.

Survey: Most Israeli Jews Wouldn’t Give Palestinians Vote if West Bank Was Annexed. By Gideon Levy. Haaretz, October 23, 2012.

Apartheid without shame or guilt. By Gideon Levy. Haaretz, October 23, 2012.

Israel’s Apartheid reality: Gideon Levy’s “In Praise of Superland.” By Kim Bullimore. Live From Occupied Palestine, June 9, 2013. Translation by Sol Salbe of Levy’s article in the Hebrew edition of Haaretz, June 4, 2013. This is a vicious anti-Israel, pro-BDS website.

The migrants aren’t the problem – Israel’s racism is. By Gideon Levy. Haaretz, December 22, 2013.

Blood, crime, Russian immigrants and racism; an apology. By Gideon Levy. Haaretz, December 26, 2013.

The life-threatening obsession with the Jewish state. By Gideon Levy. Haaretz, January 19, 2014.

Haaretz Calls Idea of Jewish State Obsession. By Yori Yanover. The Jewish Press, January 19, 2014.

Who’s afraid of a binational state? By Gideon Levy. Haaretz, February 2, 2014.

John Kerry’s Mideast peace deal is a disaster. By Gideon Levy. Haaretz, February 13, 2014.

Eradicate the Jewish state. By Gideon Levy. Haaretz, February 16, 2014.

The World Is Sick of Israel and Its Insanities. By Gideon Levy. Haaretz, June 26, 2014.

Is Gideon Levy a liar or does he just ignore the news he doesn’t want to see? Elder of Ziyon, June 26, 2014.

“United States of Israel” has compromised U.S. “sovereignty” on Iran policy — Gideon Levy in D.C. By Philip Weiss. Mondoweiss, April 12, 2015.

Israeli Propaganda Isn't Fooling Anyone Except Israelis. By Gideon Levy. Haaretz, June 4, 2015.

Levy says BDS may undo Israeli denial and propaganda– even as Lapid calls it Hamas’s “puppet.” By Philip Weiss. Mondoweiss, June 7, 2015.

Israel’s “Jewish Majority” Obsession. By Gideon Levy. Haaretz, September 13, 2015.

Ari Shavit called Gideon Levy an “enemy of the Jewish people” for wanting secular, democratic state. By Ira Glunts. Mondoweiss, November 22, 2013. Video at YouTube.

Video transcript:

Dan Margalit (host): If two peoples seriously intend to live in peace, the Palestinians shouldn’t have a problem with Ofra or Ariel staying where they are. Let’s say that we stole the land. Let’s say that we’ll pay for the land. We’re a people that pays for land – ever since the days of the Cave of Machpelah [i.e. the time of Abraham -trans.]…. That’s not the point. The point is your rejection of the very idea – not yours, maybe, Abu Mazen’s, Yasser Arafat’s – of the very idea that a Jewish community [Heb. “yishuv”] can exist in the heart of Palestine.
Gideon Levy: Why? Would you allow the Arabs of Nablus to live in Tel Aviv?
Margalit: What’s the connection?
Levy: Ah, suddenly. What’s the connection?
Shavit: You’re a total demagogue. They don’t recognise the state of the Jewish people. They don’t recognize the Jewish people and its right. That’s the issue. That’s what you’re ignoring. You always take this extreme part.
Levy: You are the extreme right. I have nothing to discuss with you. You are a spokesman of the extreme right, masquerading.
Shavit: Gideon, You want a secular, democratic state. You’re worse than the extremists among the Palestinians.
Levy: Terrific. OK. Perfect. Anti-Semite.
Shavit: And this is a kind of anti-Semitism, an unwillingness to recognize the right of the Jewish people to self-determination.
Levy: [Just] say Nazi.
Shavit: No, this is an extreme anti-Israeli approach that you spread like poison around the world. And then you call it demagoguery. This is demagoguery of the worst kind, your demagoguery.
Levy: I’m a little tired of Ari Shavit. Who tries to have it all. It is . . . I want to refresh people’s memory, once and for all. We came to a country inhabited by another people.
Margalit: Oh, delegitimizing of Israel. We understand.
Shavit: Then let’s leave. That’s why you’re not worried about Iran, because you agree with Ahmedinejad. You think we should go back to Austria. That’s what you’re saying.
Levy: [Just say] Adolf Hitler.
Shavit: When you talk like this, when you don’t recognize the right of the Jewish people, when you don’t want a national home for the Jewish people, you are a partner of the enemies of Israel [also “the Jewish people” - trans.].