idea that anyone might use research about camels to attempt to invalidate
Zionism may seem rather far-fetched. But at the avowedly anti-Israel Guardian newspaper, anything is worth a
try. The author of the piece in question, Andrew Brown, has set upon a recent
story featured by the New York Times
and National Geographic who
themselves have seized upon research from two scholars at Tel Aviv University
which has suggested that domesticated camels may not have existed in the Levant
in the time of Genesis.
parades this as proof positive that the camels mentioned in genesis must be a
fiction. From there Brown’s impeccable line of reasoning just runs and runs.
The camels in Genesis are made up, and if they are made up then the Bible is
made up, and if the Bible is made up then everything else in the Bible is made
up, which means promises to Abraham and his descendants about the inheritance
of the land were made up, which means the foundations of Zionism are made up,
and so, whatever one might say about the modern State of Israel, its
foundations, which Brown dismisses as emotional, are made up and invalid. You
it may not be wise to engage such people on such matters as to whether the
history of domesticated camels does or does not invalidate the Bible, there are
a couple of brief points to be made here. For one thing, the research cited in
all of this only appears to concern specific copper smelting sites in the
Negev’s Aravah Valley. What the study seems to show is the date at which
domesticated camels were probably introduced to work at that specific site,
which by all accounts is some several centuries after the time at which the
Patriarchs and their camels are believed to have been moving through the
surrounding region.
perhaps the Methodist Sunday school I attended was deficient, but I don’t seem
to recall anything about the Patriarchs participating in the copper smelting
industry. Indeed, it seems like somewhat of a stretch altogether to say that
because there were no camels working at a specific copper producing site prior
to a specific date, therefore no one kept domesticated camels in the entire
region before that date either.
Yet, if
that extrapolation is too much, what to make of Andrew Brown’s still more
far-fetched contention that the probable absence of camels at an ancient copper
smelting site in the Aravah Valley somehow invalidates the modern day movement
to secure a Jewish national home? Brown writes with relish about how the story
in the Times will no doubt upset
“Christian fundamentalists,” a hint about what is most likely really at work
here. For, with the Guardian serving
as Britain’s preeminent left-wing daily, Brown is sure to stress in his piece
that there is far “less evidence for the historical truth of the Old Testament”
than there is for the Koran.
in general, and the left there in particular, have become fiercely hostile to
Judeo-Christianity and its values. Over recent decades many of them have come
to perceive Zionism as an active effort to validate and reaffirm the very same
Bible that so many of them have spent so long arguing against and attempting to
drive out of their societies. They believe that by establishing a state in the
land of Israel, Jews are seeking first and foremost to fulfill a biblical
commandment. I recall once attending a tumultuous public lecture by Benny
Morris at the London School of Economics. Morris was trying to explain to his
audience that Zionism had begun as a secular movement. The audience was having
none of it and during the Q&A the arguing went back and forth on this point
that they had become so stuck on. They would not be dissuaded from their
conviction that Zionism and Israel is a religious and theocratic project, one
essentially comparable with jihadism.
The way
in which this aggressive dislike of biblical religion can so easily translate
into a seemingly untamable hatred of Jews more generally, including Jews today,
was evidenced by an outburst by the liberal television personality and would-be
intellectual Stephen Fry, when during an interview he exclaimed, “The ten
commandments are the hysterical believings of a group of desert tribes. Those
desert tribes have stored up more misery for mankind than any other group of
people in the history of the planet, and they’re doing it to this day.” Whether
or not these desert tribes had camels by this point, disappointingly Fry doesn’t
camels have the slightest chance of helping to invalidate the twin evils of
Zionism and the Bible then the Guardian
and its readers are only too pleased hear all about it. Brown asserts
stridently, “The history recounted in the Bible is a huge part of the mythology
of modern Zionism. The idea of a promised land is based on narratives that
assert with complete confidence stories that never actually happened.” Of
course, the Jewish religion and collective memory has played no small part in
the development of Zionist thought, but as one reader wrote in the comments
section of a blog monitoring the Guardian,
“Modern Zionism has nothing to do with the camels of Abraham but everything to
do with European anti-Semitism so perfectly represented by Andrew Brown and the