
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Islamic Human Slaugherhouses in Syria. By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat.

Actual and Literal Islamic Human Slaughterhouses for Christians Discovered. By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat., March 17, 2014. (With extreme graphic videos).

Christians’ Throats Slashed in Pagan Slaughterhouse. By Bob Unruh. WND, March 17, 2014. (With extreme graphic videos.)

Walid Shoebat talks to Mark Levin about the horrendous human slaughter houses run by Syrian rebels. Audio. The Right Scoop, March 19, 2014. Also at

Exclusive Rescue Christians / (ISIS) Daesh Human Slaughter Houses in Syria. Video. Christians Agonies, March 16, 2014. YouTube.