today’s Mosaic Magazine, author Hillel Halkin provides yet another entry in the
growing list of proposed “solutions” to the conflict between Israel and the
Palestinians. Put forward as a response to Yoav Sorek’s Mosaic essay in which
that writer essentially called upon Israel to annul the Oslo peace process and
establish what might be termed a one-state proposal. Unlike most such ideas put
forward by Israel’s enemies which amount to nothing more than replacing the one
Jewish state with one more Arab one, Sorek’s idea — which was endorsed here by Tom Wilson — is rooted in extending Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank but
within a context in which it is understood that the country will remain a
Jewish state.
Sorek’s proposal and that put forward by Caroline Glick in her new book (which
was given a persuasive endorsement by Seth Lipsky in the New York Sun) take it
as a given that the two-state solution that has been sought in vain during the
20 years since the Oslo Accords were signed will never succeed. Halkin doesn’t
disagree on that point but is less sanguine than either Sorek or Glick about
Israel’s ability to incorporate the large Arab population of the West Bank into
Israel. In response he offers a compromise that is neither a pure one- or
two-solution. He calls it “two-state minus” in which a Jewish state would
co-exist alongside a Palestinian one in the territory that is now controlled by
Israel. The majority status of the two peoples in their enclaves would be
protected but both Jews and Arabs living in the two states would be free to
choose either nationality no matter where they lived as well as to travel and
work in either sector. He likens it to the way the nation states of the
European Union retain their individual sovereignty while having that power
restrained by their mutual obligations.
while it sounds nice it is no more realistic than any other “solution” out on
the market. Like the advocates of the other two state concepts, Halkin’s idea
rests on the assumption that the Palestinians will be satisfied with anything
less than the end of Jewish sovereignty in any form over any part of the
country. Until the Palestinians embrace the reality of Israel’s permanence and
renounce their century-old war on Zionism, the only viable scenario is one that
manages the conflict rather than solving it.
and especially Glick, who writes with her characteristic clarity about the
fatal mistakes of Israel’s leaders, perform a valuable service in debunking
many of the false assumptions about the conflict that are the foundation of the
two-state idea. Both rightly point out that Arab rejectionism is not based on
anger about Israel’s occupation of territory in June 1967 but on their belief
that Zionism is illegitimate. As Sorek writes about the Israeli embrace of
Oslo, “In embracing the Palestinian national movement as its partner, Israel
pretended not to see that, absent its fundamental objection to the existence of
the Jewish state, there was no Palestinian national movement.” The reckless
pursuit of peace on these false terms led to the abandonment of Israel’s claim
to its own rights in the dispute, a form of unilateral moral disarmament that
has helped legitimize the arguments of anti-Zionists, which have grown louder
and more vituperative despite the Jewish state’s sacrifices at Oslo and in the
Gaza withdrawal. They also call into question the conventional wisdom that the
growth rates of the two peoples will inevitably lead to an Arab majority West
of the Jordan, based as it is on unreliable population data and projections
that may not be accurate.
But it
is hard to argue with Halkin’s dismissal of their assumptions that, with
patience and creative energy, the population of the West Bank can be integrated
into a democratic Israel without fatally undermining the democratic and Jewish
nature of the state. Indeed, the same factors that render the two-state
solution a forlorn hope for peace also undermine the notion that the
Palestinian Arabs will ever accept permanent minority status in a Jewish state
even if they were never able to out reproduce the Jews. Some form of separation
is inevitable.
more to the point, those who imagine that the Oslo genie can be put back into
the bottle at this late point are mistaken. Israel’s predicament is that it
can’t go back to the situation that preceded Oslo or that of the aftermath of
the 1967 Six Day War when it might have been theoretically possible (if still
unlikely) for Israel to annex the West Bank in some manner or to give somehow
give some of it back to Jordan. By bringing back Yasir Arafat to the country
and giving his Fatah movement control over the Palestinian Authority, Israel’s
leaders implicitly recognized the right of the Palestinians to self governance
in some part of the country and made it only a matter of time until some sort
of Palestinian state was going to be created. Though the reality of the PA
under the reign of Yasir Arafat and then Mahmoud Abbas and his Hamas rivals
makes that acceptance look like a self-destructive delusional nightmare, it
can’t be walked back. The U.S. and Europe may vainly rail at Russia’s
annexation of the Crimea in contravention to international law, an Israeli
annexation of the West Bank (which, in contrast to Russia’s aggression, Israel
could, contrary to conventional wisdom, make a reasonable case for under
international law) would never be accepted by the rest of the world, including
Israel’s vital American ally. Israel hasn’t the strength to resist the rest of
the world in that matter. Nor, it should be pointed, do most Israelis have much
appetite for such an idea. In spite of the fact that Ariel Sharon’s withdrawal
from Gaza was a disaster, only a minority of Israelis would favor a plan to
reassert their control’s permanent control of the area.
and Glick are right about the dangers of the two-state solution under the
current circumstances and Halkin is right that a one-state solution in which
the one state is a Jewish state of Israel is a fantasy. Other one-state
proposals are merely thinly veiled programs for the eradication of the Jewish
homeland and/or genocide of its population.
where does that leave Israel and its government? In a difficult position where
it stands to be criticized from the left for doing too little to achieve peace
and to be blasted by the right for both countenancing a retreat from the
country’s vital interests and the rights of the Jewish people. While the former
critics are mistaken and the latter have a point, Israeli Prime Minister
Netanyahu hasn’t the luxury of pontificating from the sidelines. Instead he is
left to try and do the only thing any Israeli government can do: manage the
conflict until the other side comes to its senses and is willing to make a
permanent peace on reasonable terms.
In the
absence of that sea change in Palestinian public opinion that will make it
possible for Abbas or one of his successors to recognize Israel as a Jewish
state no matter where its borders are drawn and to give up the hope of a “right
of return” on the part of the 1948 refugees, talk of a solution of any kind is
a waste of time. And though Israel has been told for the past 46 years that the
status quo isn’t viable, that has proven to be equally mistaken. As
unsatisfying as merely preserving the current unsatisfactory arrangement may be
for both sides, doing so in a manner which limits the bloodshed and the
involvement of the two peoples in each other’s lives is undoubtedly preferable
to giving in to the temptation to replicate Gaza in the West Bank or to imagine
that Israel can annex the territories without a terrible cost.
That is
not the sort of thing most people want to hear since they prefer to believe
that all problems are soluble, especially those related to life and death. But
it is nonetheless true.