Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Lessons of World War I. By Victor Davis Hanson.
Lessons of World War I. By Victor Davis Hanson. National Review Online, February 18, 2014.
Don’t Expect Abbas to Sign Anything. By Shlomo Avineri.
Don’t expect Abbas to sign anything. By Shlomo Avineri. Haaretz, February 18, 2014.
Abbas and the False Hope of Peace. By Jonathan S. Tobin. Commentary, February 17, 2014.
As prime minister, Ehud Olmert met 36 (or was it 37?) times with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and couldn’t reach an agreement with him. But that didn’t stop him from saying in a recent interview on Channel 2 that he’s certain Abbas is a partner for an accord.
was prepared to go further than any other Israeli leader in meeting the Palestinians’
demands, including on the issues of Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley and
territorial exchanges; he offered to evacuate 70,000 settlers as well as make a
humanitarian gesture allowing 5,000 Palestinian refugees (or their descendants)
to return. This underscored his belief in the need for Israel to make a painful
compromise, and given his own political past, his courage and determination was
especially admirable.
what came out of all that? When Olmert proposed in dozens of meetings that
Abbas sign a document containing the Israeli concessions, he refused. Olmert
explains this by saying that Abbas did not say either yes or no. This is
patently ridiculous: By refusing to sign, Abbas clearly said no.
Abbas was not ready to commit to anything, but he was able to get Olmert to
consent to far-reaching concessions, and then halted the negotiations. The
upshot is that when the negotiations resume, the Palestinian side will insist
that they must begin “where they left off” – with the starting point being the
Israeli positions as set forward in Olmert’s generous proposal, with no
concession having been made by the other side.
Am I
misinterpreting things? This is exactly what happened in 1995 in Yossi Beilin’s
talks with Abbas. Then, too, the talks led to extensive Israeli concessions;
then, too, the Israeli side sought to put things down on paper and fashion a
final accord – and then, too, Mahmoud Abbas refused to sign. There was never
any Beilin-Abbas Agreement. There was only a paper laying out Israeli
At Camp
David, then-U.S. President Bill Clinton became fed up with this method and, as
he ran out of patience, told Yasser Arafat that so far he had rejected every
offer. Perhaps you have a proposal of your own, Clinton suggested to Arafat.
But no such Palestinian proposal was ever placed on the table.
Palestinians have never outlined their overall vision of an agreement, except,
of course, in regard to the territorial issue. But on matters of crucial
importance to Israel – forgoing the right of return, some form of recognition
of Israel as the Jewish nation-state – the Palestinian leadership has clearly
rejected the Israeli position. Though Abbas has stated that he personally has
no desire to return to Safed, he has also declared that the Palestinians cannot
give up the right of return, saying it is an “individual right.” And both Abbas
and Saeb Erekat, his chief negotiator, have outright rejected all calls to
accept Israel as the Jewish nation-state, citing the basic Palestinian position
that the Jews are a religious community, not a nation.
refusal to sign a document with Olmert or Beilin has a clear implication: not
that he is no partner for talks, but that he is an excellent partner for talks
— as long as they are talks designed to lead Israel to make more and more
concessions, and to put them in writing. Then, on one pretext or another, he is
unwilling to sign and brings the negotiations to a halt, so they can be
restarted in the future “where they left off”: with all the previous Israeli
concessions included, and no concessions having been put forward by the
Palestinian side.
certain circles in Israel nowadays, having anything positive to say about Ehud
Barak is considered heresy. But he did reach the correct conclusion from all
this. His statement that he went to Camp David in 2000 to expose Arafat’s true
face may be regarded with some skepticism. He went to that summit in the honest
belief that his readiness to make major concessions, which endangered his
political standing, would bear fruit. But when he saw that the Palestinians
were prepared to do nothing but engage in negotiations that would squeeze more
and more concessions from Israel, without committing to anything in return, he
drew the proper conclusion.
One can
understand Olmert and Beilin: It’s natural for the people conducting
negotiations to fall in love with the process with which they are identified,
and to be very eager for it to succeed. But they cannot, or will not, see what
any nonpartisan observer is able to see, even if the sight is difficult and
uncomfortable. (Full disclosure: This is very difficult for me, since I would
much prefer to believe in the optimism of Olmert and Beilin, but it has no
basis in reality.)
If a
similar thing happens in the current negotiations as well, Israel will have to
prepare an alternative to the ever-elusive comprehensive agreement: a serious
proposal for interim or partial agreements, unilateral moves, a halt to more
construction in the territories, and a willingness to acknowledge that even in
the absence of a final agreement that officially ends the conflict, there are
things that can be done to reduce the friction and bring about significant
change – not only in Israel but also among the mainstream of the Palestinian
national movement. It’s already happening in Cyprus, Kosovo and Bosnia. Perhaps
this is all that’s possible here too – for now.
Abbas and the False Hope of Peace. By Jonathan S. Tobin. Commentary, February 17, 2014.
As prime minister, Ehud Olmert met 36 (or was it 37?) times with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and couldn’t reach an agreement with him. But that didn’t stop him from saying in a recent interview on Channel 2 that he’s certain Abbas is a partner for an accord.
Disappearing Arab Nations. By Moshe Arens.
Disappearing Arab nations. By Moshe Arens. Haaretz, February 17, 2014.
Ninety-eight years ago Sir Mark Sykes for Britain and Francois George Picot for France signed in secrecy the Sykes-Picot agreement dividing parts of the Ottoman Empire into British and French spheres of influence and control, anticipating the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I. With Allied victory the Middle East was restructured more or less in accordance with the agreement, creating new Arab states that were to be the birthplace of new Arab nations. Thus were born the Iraqi nation, the Syrian nation and the Lebanese nation.
efforts invested by the French and British in the building of these nations led
only to ephemeral success. After decades of political independence, Iraq and
Syria, both member states of the United Nations, for many years ruled by a
succession of brutal despots, are on the way to disappearing from the roster of
nations. Syria and Iraq are in the process of tearing themselves apart, tribal
and religious loyalties taking precedence over loyalty to the artificial
nations created after World War I, while Lebanon is in danger of following in
their footsteps.
A part
of Palestine, all of which was assigned by the League of Nations to Britain as
the mandatory power, in accordance with the Sykes-Picot agreement, eventually
became the Jewish nation state, Israel. Here the Jewish nation was rejuvenated
on the soil of its ancient homeland. Unlike the artificially created Iraqi,
Syrian and Lebanese nations, the Jewish nation has struck deep roots, imbued
with a national spirit which has provided it with the ability to function
democratically, defend itself and to thrive economically.
Palestinian areas east of the Jordan river were gifted by Britain to Emir
Abdullah, the son of Sharif Hussein of Mecca, and eventually became the Kingdom
of Jordan. The population there is roughly 70% of west Palestinian origin and
30% Bedouin. Whether this has given rise to a Jordanian nation is still to be
and Samaria were conquered by the Jordanian army in 1948, annexed to Jordan and
passed to Israeli control after the defeat of the Jordanian army in 1967. The
Gaza Strip was conquered by the Egyptian army in 1948 and passed to Israeli
control after the Egyptian defeat in 1967. The Arab population in Judea and
Samaria and the Gaza Strip, feeling abandoned by the Arab states, began
developing a separate national identity, as Palestinians, triggered by the
creation of the Palestine Liberation Organization under the leadership of Yasser
Arafat in 1964. They are now split between the Hamas-controlled Palestinians in
the Gaza Strip and the Fatah-controlled Palestinians in Judea and Samaria.
Whether a united Palestinian nation, separate from the Jordanians, will become
a permanent member of the family of nations will only become clear in the
present ambivalence of the Syrians and the Palestinians as national entities is
problematic for Israel. Whereas, under the dictatorial rule of Hafez el-Assad
and later his son Bashar, there presumably was a neighboring nation-state with
whom a peace treaty could in principle be negotiated which would put an end to
the decades-long conflict between Israel and Syria, there, obviously, is no
such partner on Israel’s northern border at the present time. Considering the
present state of affairs in Lebanon and the involvement of Hezbollah in the
fighting in Syria, a peace treaty with Lebanon also does not seem realistic in
the foreseeable future.
dysfunctional nature of the Palestinian political entity creates another
problem for Israel. Although Fatah and Hamas, ruling non-contiguous areas of
western Palestine, are at present not engaged in fighting among themselves,
their relationship is far from friendly, with Hamas denying the right of Mahmoud
Abbas to conclude a peace agreement with Israel in the name of the
Palestinians, making it impossible for Abbas to commit the Palestinians to end
the conflict with Israel. Thus an agreement, if signed by Israel with Abbas,
would not end the conflict and would only serve as a jumping-off point for
further demands to be made on Israel in the name of the Palestinian nation.
Ninety-eight years ago Sir Mark Sykes for Britain and Francois George Picot for France signed in secrecy the Sykes-Picot agreement dividing parts of the Ottoman Empire into British and French spheres of influence and control, anticipating the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I. With Allied victory the Middle East was restructured more or less in accordance with the agreement, creating new Arab states that were to be the birthplace of new Arab nations. Thus were born the Iraqi nation, the Syrian nation and the Lebanese nation.
After Decrying Inequality, Obama Golfs at Personal Course of Mega-billionaire. By Thomas Lifson.
After decrying inequality, Obama golfs at personal course of mega-billionaire. By Thomas Lifson. American Thinker, February 17, 2014.
The ultra-rich are not and never will be the real target of Democratic Party rants against inequality. Instead, they reserve their venom for the hard-working entrepreneurial and technical/professional classes who seek to rise from upper middle-class ranks into bourgeois affluence. These strivers are the real enemy because they give the lie to the cant of victimhood and unfairness that mobilizes the Democrat voting base. It is much easier to hate your boss, or the person whose nice house you drive past every day, than it is to hate George Soros, or Larry Ellison, or Bill Gates, whose personal digs are distant, inaccessible, and unthinkably remote in terms of achievement.
ordinary people all across America show that hard work, savings in order to
accumulate capital, and focused intellect actually create and then enjoy new
wealth, then others may get the notion that they, too, don't really need big
government to ensure their shot at happiness. If wealth creation seems a real possibility
because you have personally seen others do it in your city or town, that is
truly subversive to the vision of a transformed America the Obamas and the
Democrats are peddling.
never mind the 1% of the 1% with whom Barack Obama plays. They are not the
enemy he demonizes (although he may remind them from time to time that he is
the only thing that stands between them and the pitchforks as he shakes them
down). His real hatred is for people more visible to the masses –the term dear
to Marxists – in their daily lives, whose achievements validate a system that
makes the government-as-economic-savior irrelevant.
The ultra-rich are not and never will be the real target of Democratic Party rants against inequality. Instead, they reserve their venom for the hard-working entrepreneurial and technical/professional classes who seek to rise from upper middle-class ranks into bourgeois affluence. These strivers are the real enemy because they give the lie to the cant of victimhood and unfairness that mobilizes the Democrat voting base. It is much easier to hate your boss, or the person whose nice house you drive past every day, than it is to hate George Soros, or Larry Ellison, or Bill Gates, whose personal digs are distant, inaccessible, and unthinkably remote in terms of achievement.