
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Dr. Keith Ablow: Obama’s Anti-Police Rhetoric Is to Blame for Violent Protests in Milwaukee.

FNI summary of the interview:

Violent riots erupted in Milwaukee Saturday night after an armed man fleeing police after a traffic stop was shot and killed.

At least four businesses were burned, a police car was set on fire and one officer was hurt after as many as 100 people gathered to protest the shooting.

On Fox and Friends Weekend this morning, Dr. Keith Ablow said that President Obama and his administration have created an anti-law enforcement environment, which leads to violent protests like what occurred in Milwaukee.

“Word has gone out from the corner office that there’s terrible injustice afoot in America,” Ablow said. “We’re seeing – literally – a projection of the president’s ambivalence about America and his real rage at America.”

“I’d love to see the president come out and say, ‘Look, bottom line is, if you run away from a police officer, armed, and you won't stop, bad things can happen.’ Where is the surprise in that? How does that lead to rioting? That’s craziness. It has to be a message from the corner office.”