Friday, February 8, 2013
The White South’s Last Defeat. By Michael Lind.
The white South’s last defeat. By Michael Lind. Salon, February 5, 2013.
Hysteria, aggression and gerrymandering
are a fading demographic’s last hope to maintain political control.
understanding the polarization and paralysis that afflict national politics in
the United States, it is a mistake to think in terms of left and right. The
appropriate directions are North and South. To be specific, the long,
drawn-out, agonizing identity crisis of white Southerners is having effects
that reverberate throughout our federal union. The transmission mechanism is
the Republican Party, an originally Northern party that has now replaced the
Southern wing of the Democratic Party as the vehicle for the dwindling white
Southern tribe.
someone whose white Southern ancestors go back to the 17th century in the
Chesapeake Bay region, I have some insight into the psychology of the tribe.
The salient fact to bear in mind is that the historical experience of the white
South in many ways is the opposite of the experience of the rest of the
American history, from the point of view of the white majority in the
Northeast, Midwest and West Coast, is a story of military successes. The
British are defeated, ensuring national independence. The Confederates are
defeated, ensuring national unity. And in the 20th century the Axis and Soviet
empires are defeated, ensuring (it is hoped) a free world.
white Southern narrative — at least in the dominant Southern conservative
version — is one of defeat after defeat. First the attempt of white Southerners
to create a new nation in which they can be the majority was defeated by the
U.S. Army during the Civil War. Doomed to be a perpetual minority in a
continental American nation-state, white Southerners managed for a century to
create their own state-within-a-state, in which they could collectively lord it
over the other major group in the region, African-Americans. But Southern
apartheid was shattered by the second defeat, the Civil Rights revolution,
which like the Civil War and Reconstruction was symbolized by the dispatching
of federal troops to the South. The American patriotism of the white Southerner
is therefore deeply problematic. Some opt for jingoistic hyper-Americanism (the
lady protesteth too much, methinks) while a shrinking but significant minority
prefer the Stars and Bars to the Stars and Stripes.
other great national narrative holds that the U.S. is a nation of immigration,
a “new nation,” a melting pot made up of immigrants from many lands. While the
melting pot story involves a good deal of idealization, it is based on
demographic fact in the large areas of the North where old-stock
Anglo-Americans are commingled with German-Americans, Polish-Americans and
Irish-Americans, along with more recent immigrant diasporas from Latin America,
Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
even before the recent wave of immigration from sources other than Europe, the
melting pot never included most of the white South. From the early 19th century
until the late 20th, the South attracted relatively few immigrants. Who wanted
to move to a backward, rural, apartheid society dominated by an oligarchy of a
few rich families? Apart from several encapsulated minorities — Cajuns in
Louisiana, Germans in central Texas — most white Southerners remained
descendants of colonial-era immigrants from the British Isles, chiefly English
and Scots-Irish. And while Irish and German Catholics and Jews diversified the
religious landscape of the North, the South was dominated by British-derived
Protestant sects like the Episcopalians, Baptists and Methodists from Virginia
to Oklahoma and Texas.
maps illustrate the demographic distinctiveness of the white South. The first
shows the close correlation of evangelical Protestantism with the states of the
former Confederacy. The second map is even more revealing. It shows the concentration of individuals who
identified themselves to census takers as non-hyphenated “Americans.”
It is
clear from the map that most self-described unhyphenated “Americans” are, in
fact, whites of British descent — many if not most of them descendants of the
Scots-Irish diaspora that emigrated from Ulster to the British colonies in the
1700s. The point is that many white
Southerners do not think of themselves as having any “ethnicity” at all. Others
— German-Americans, Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans, Jewish-Americans,
Mexican-Americans, Chinese-Americans — are hyphenated Americans. White
Southerners tend to see themselves as “pure” Americans, “real” Americans,
“normal” Americans. Long after Mayflower descendants were submerged by waves of European migration in New England, large
regions of the white South remain the last places in the country where local
majorities can trace their family ancestry back to before 1776 in British
difficult as it may be, outsiders should try to imagine the world as viewed by
conservative white Southerners, who think they are the real Americans — that
is, old-stock British-Americans — and the adherents of the true religion,
evangelical Protestantism. In this perspective, the rest of the country was
taken over by invading hordes of Germans, Irish and other European tribes in
the first half of the 19th century, leaving the South, largely unaffected by
European immigration, as the last besieged pocket of old-stock
British-Americans, sharing parts of their territory with subjugated and
segregated African-Americans.
local British-American ethno-racial hegemony in the South was eroded somewhat
by the migration of Northeasterners and Midwesterners to the Sun Belt following
World War II and the advent of air-conditioning. And now, predominantly
nonwhite immigration from Latin America and Asia threatens to make white
Southerners of British Protestant descent a minority in their own region. Texas
and Florida are already majority-minority states. It is only a matter of time
before the same is true of every state in the South. Southern whites will go
from being a minority in the nation as a whole to a minority in the South
Southern culture had a tradition of assimilating immigrants, then cultural
“Southernness” could be detached from any particular ethnicity or race. One
could be an assimilated Chinese-American good old boy or a Mexican-American
redneck. To some degree, that is
happening. And Southern whites and Southern blacks have always shared many
elements of a common regional culture.
But it
is difficult, if not impossible, for many white Southerners to disentangle
regional culture (Southern) from race (white) and ethnicity (British
Protestant). The historical memory of white Southerners is not of ethnic
coexistence and melting-pot pluralism but of ethnic homogeneity and racial
privilege. Small wonder that going from the status of local Herrenvolk to local
minority in only a generation or two is causing much of the white South to
freak out.
demographic demise of the white South is going to be traumatic for the nation
as a whole. A century ago, when European immigration made old-stock Yankee
Protestants a minority in much of the Northeast and Midwest, one response was
hysterical Anglo-American nativism. In a 1921 essay in Good Housekeeping titled
“Whose Country Is This?,” then Vice President Calvin Coolidge, an old-stock
Yankee from Vermont, explained:
“Biological laws tell us that certain divergent people will not mix or
blend. The Nordics propagate themselves successfully. With other races, the
outcome shows deterioration on both sides.” Patrician Yankees promoted
immigration restriction to prevent “inferior” European races from further
contaminating America. Some eminent Americans of New England descent, including
Henry James, T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound, all of them nasty anti-Semites, took
the extreme step of expatriating themselves. James and Eliot became British
subjects and Pound made anti-American broadcasts for Mussolini during World War
Just as
white Southerners today are gerrymandering congressional districts and
contemplating gerrymandering the Electoral College to compensate for their
dwindling numbers, so the outnumbered Yankees of the North sought to dilute the
political influence of European “ethnics” in the early 1900s. When the 1920 census revealed that largely
European urbanites outnumbered mostly old-stock Anglo-American rural voters,
Congress failed to reapportion itself for a decade, because of the
determination of small-town Anglo-Americans to minimize the power of “white
By the
1970s, the social divisions among old-stock Anglo-Americans and the “white
ethnics” had faded to the point that most white Americans in the North had
ancestors from several Western European nationalities. Similarly, the
trans-racial melting pot in the U.S. will probably blur or erase many of
today’s racial differences by the middle of the 21st century.
But the
old-stock Yankees in the Northeast and Midwest did not accept their diminished
status in their own regions without decades of hysteria and aggression and
political gerrymandering. The third and final defeat of the white South, its
demographic defeat, is likely to be equally prolonged and turbulent. Fasten
your seat belts.