Who failed Chicago? By Michelle Malkin. MichelleMalkin.com, February 13, 2013.
poured another $30 million in public money into the city’s public schools to
curb youth violence over the last three years. The New York Times hailed the
big government plan to fund more social workers, community organizers, and
mentors and create jobs for at-risk youth. But watchdogs on the ground exposed
it as a wasteful “makework scheme.” One local activist nicknamed the boondoggle
“Jobs for Jerks” because “it rewards some of the worst students in the school
system with incredibly rare employment opportunities while leaving good
students to fend for themselves.”
and his ineffectual champions of Chicago’s youth will demand more taxpayer
“investments” to throw at the problem. But money is no substitute for the
soaring fatherlessness, illegitimacy, and family disintegration that have
characterized Chicago inner-city life since Obama’s hero Saul Alinsky pounded
the pavement. As Heather MacDonald noted in a damning indictment of the do-gooders’ failures, “official silence about illegitimacy and its relation to
youth violence remains as carefully preserved in today’s Chicago as it was
during Obama’s organizing time there.”
Obama will find perverted ways to lay blame for Chicago’s youth violence crisis
on the NRA, Sarah Palin, Fox News, George Bush, and the Tea Party. But as the
community organizer-in-chief prepares to evade responsibility again, he should
remember: When you point one finger at everyone else, four other fingers point
right back at you-know-who.