HANNITY: Do you think Al Sharpton has ever created a job with all this
activism? Has he prevented a life from being taken with all this activism?
Has he united anybody, has he solved any problems among any groups that you
know of, Michelle?
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Michelle Malkin: Al Sharpton Is a “Shakedown Artist” Who “Has Blood on His Hands.”
Michelle Malkin: Al Sharpton Is a “Shakedown Artist” Who “Has Blood on His Hands.” Video. Real Clear Politics, August 1, 2013. YouTube.
MALKIN: Al Sharpton has blood on his hands. He’s ruined lives, he’s been one of
the worst purveyors of racial divisiveness and hate in my lifetime. And it’s –
how can you expect an ounce of honor from a man who doesn’t have it? Certainly
he’s not going to go out of his way to try to defend yours or be a standup guy.
I love you like a brother, Sean. And I was very dismayed when you made that
decision, and I know you made it out of good faith, to attend the National
Action Network, and this guy is a shakedown artist who hates cops, who hates
whites, who hates Jews, who has stoked his rent-a-mob to murder Yankel
Rosenbaum, to destroy the life of Steven Pagonis when he lied about Tawana
Brawley, and who has done nothing but foment the very kind of anger that he is
now accusing you, a once “friend” of, and I think the lesson here is something
that I have tried tirelessly to remind all conservatives. If you get in the
snake pit, you will be bit. Conservatives have been far too nice to these
people in a good faith effort to try and have honest race relations. You can’t
with somebody who is a demagogue. And who is evil.
Maybe you’re right. Maybe I made a mistake. I gotta tell you. In, especially
the first debate – we aired it here on Fox. I confronted him with all his
comments about, for a Jewish man to pin his yarmulke on backwards and the white
interloper comment that he made at Freddie’s at 125th street, that resulted in
deaths. I’m gonna say to him, if this is a battle he wants to fight every day,
I’m going to remind everybody, not of one isolated incident, but of a history
of vitriol out of his mouth.
If it wasn’t so sad and incendiary, it would almost be like a Saturday Night
Live skit, its so over-the-top.
It’s chilling, is what it is. Because in an era where we’re supposed to take
Martin Luther King Jr.’s words to heart, judging people by the content of their
character and not the color of their skin, all this man has done is enrich
himself by fomenting more racial division. And it should be known that in
addition to that long string in history, of racial hate and demagoguery, that
the National Action network itself is nothing more than a shake-down vehicle to
buy legitimacy. And you have the fact that everyone from President George W
Bush to Newt Gingrich to Al Gore. Every Democratic presidential candidate in
the 2008 election and preceding it has kissed the ring of this race charlatan.
And now he has reinvented himself, he thinks he can lose weight, put pancake makeup
on, and all of a sudden he’s respectable. You do that Sean, and remind people
every day of where that man came from. Warn people not to make the mistake of
being an enabler of Al Sharpton, but be a disabler of his demagoguery.