Ariel Sharon and the Great Leader Peace Myth. By Jonathan S. Tobin.
Sharon and the Great Leader Peace Myth. By Jonathan S. Tobin. Commentary, January 2, 2014.
Why Ariel Sharon Could Have Saved Israel. By Jacob Heilbrunn. The National Interest, January 3, 2014.
almost eight years in a vegetative state it appears that former Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon’s long struggle for life may be at its end. According to
Tel Hashomer Hospital’s spokesman, Sharon’s condition has deteriorated and
sources are telling the Israeli press that his organs are failing, leaving
little doubt about the ultimate outcome. When the end comes it is to be
expected that most of the international press will center their obituaries on
the more controversial aspects of his public career. As a military officer, a
Cabinet minister, and then prime minister, Sharon was often viewed as a “bulldozer”
with few fans outside of those who care about Israel’s security and many
detractors, both at home an abroad. They will focus on the debate about the
1982 Sabra and Shatila massacre in Lebanon and the building of Israel’s
security fence in the wake of the Palestinian terror offensive known as the
Second Intifada so as to besmirch his reputation as well as that of the Jewish
state that he spent his life defending.
But as
much as Sharon was the bête noire of the Israeli left as well as Israel-bashers
in general, he will also be spoken of as an example of a leader who had the
credibility and the guts to try to end the conflict with the Palestinians.
Sharon’s 2005 withdrawal from Gaza will be cited repeatedly by Middle East
experts like Aaron David Miller not so much for his failure to devise a
unilateral solution to the conflict but because it provides a contrast with
what Miller and other members of the foreign-policy establishment consider
Benjamin Netanyahu’s lackluster leadership. Having exited the scene years ago
Sharon has now been elevated in the eyes of many of his country’s friends and
critics (such as the National Interest’s Jacob Heilbrunn) if only because it allows them the opportunity to bash the man
who occupies the office he once held. Though they will be right to say that no
one on the current Israeli political scene has the mythic status that Sharon
attained, the idea that peace might be possible if Sharon or someone like him
were in the prime minister’s office is a fallacy.
It is
true that only someone with the security credentials that Sharon, who was a
hero of several Israeli wars, possessed could have pulled off the Gaza
withdrawal. Having been reelected in 1983 by running on a platform skewering
Labor candidate Amram Mitzna’s proposal for abandoning Gaza, Sharon blew up the
Likud Party and rammed the same proposal through the Knesset and implemented it
despite the opposition of most of those who had supported him. That took not
only guts but also the kind of self-confidence that perhaps only war heroes who
have won landslide election victories possess.
the aftermath of the Gaza withdrawal would have gone better or at least
differently had Sharon not fallen ill. Like those who fantasize that the Oslo
peace process might not have been such a failure if only Yitzhak Rabin had
lived and forced the Palestinians to abide by the accords and rallied Israelis
behind the deal, some will spin similarly unlikely, counter-factual scenarios
about Sharon. Perhaps he would not have tolerated the Hamas coup in Gaza or not
responded to the rain of missile fire that emanated from the Strip after the
withdrawal with the same passivity that his successor Ehud Olmert displayed for
almost three years before authorizing a counter-attack. But it is just as
likely, if not more so, that Sharon would have been boxed in by the same
unfortunate circumstances as Olmert. After all, Hamas had been shooting rockets
at Israeli settlements in Gaza as well as southern Israel for years before the
withdrawal without provoking a significant military response from Sharon’s
the real lesson to be drawn from this chapter of history is that the lack of
great men with the vision to try something new is not what is preventing peace.
From 2001 to 2005, Israelis and Palestinians were both governed by
larger-than-life figures. Though it is unfair to compare Sharon, an honorable
soldier and a veteran of democratic politics, to a terrorist murderer like
Yasir Arafat, one must concede that if any leaders had the standing to sell
peace to their respective constituencies, it was those two. What was lacking
was not someone with the ability to convince Israelis to take risks but a
Palestinian partner and a Palestinian people ready to accept the notion of
recognizing the legitimacy of a Jewish state no matter where its borders are
drawn. If Israelis are skeptical about Secretary of State John Kerry’s current
campaign to get them to again contemplate withdrawing from territory it is not
because they lack leaders, a desire for peace, or are devoted to the cause of
keeping settlements but because they think repeating Sharon’s Gaza fiasco in
the far more strategic West Bank would be madness.
may seem like a small man when compared to Sharon just as Mahmoud Abbas may
strike Palestinians as a pygmy when contrasted to Arafat. But what are needed
in the Middle East are not great men so much as a sea change in Palestinian
culture that will make peace possible. Until that happens, waiting for another
Sharon or even another Arafat won’t hasten the end of the conflict.