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Asylum seekers at a government center in Berlin, December 1, 2015. (John MacDougall/AFP/Getty) |
When Worlds Collide: Unassimilable Muslim Migrants Crash Europe’s Fantasy Islam. By Andrew C. McCarthy. National Review Online, January 9, 2016.
What happens when the West’s fantasy Islam collides with the reality of an imported critical mass of unassimilated — and defiantly unassimilable — Muslims?
What happens when the West’s fantasy Islam collides with the reality of an imported critical mass of unassimilated — and defiantly unassimilable — Muslims?
Nor is
it only Cologne. That was just Ground Zero of the New Year’s Eve rape jihad in
Germany. As National Review’s Ian Tuttle notes in an alarming column about the
predictable — and, if I may say, predicted — surge of sexual assault in a Europe overrun by “migrants,” the jihad included similar episodes, albeit on a
smaller scale, in Stuttgart, Hamburg, and even astride the Brandenburg gate in
We are
finally learning about the magnitude and harrowing details of the attack after
days of Stasi-like information suppression. Chancellor Angela Merkel may not be
big on German security, but she is a bulwark when it comes to fantasy Islam.
there was no news; then, a few disturbing hints of gropings and robberies by
gangs of “Middle Eastern or North African” men. Now, we know it was a mass
atrocity — the only remaining question being: How massive?
of a thousand men, overwhelmingly Muslim, executed a coordinated series of
attacks on an obvious target of opportunity: street celebrations in the major
cities of a reviled Western state, where they were certain to find throngs of
young women and a police presence grossly inadequate to provide security —
certainly not against a critical mass of Islamic supremacists.
participation of Muslim migrants in the rape jihad is, of course, the fact most
desperately suppressed by German officials. Mrs. Merkel earned her “Person of
the Year” honors from left-leaning relic Time
magazine by rolling out the red carpet for a staggering 1.1 million
migrants in 2015 — infuriating the German public and spurring the migrant
tsunami now washing over neighboring countries. In this information clampdown,
the nightmare of the victimized women turns out to be the chancellor’s good
fortune: Police on the scene were so outnumbered and outmaneuvered by the
assailants that it was physically impossible for them to get near most of the
women being savaged, much less make arrests. Most of the perps will never be identified.
media are already using this to cast doubt on migrant culpability. “It was not
clear,” the New York Times opaquely explains, “that any of the men involved were among those who arrived in Germany
over the past year from conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.”
Sure. In southern Germany, after two teenage girls (ages 14 and 15) were raped,
police tripped over themselves to announce that the three Syrians arrested were
not recently arrived asylum seekers. What a relief.
200 women have filed criminal complaints in Cologne, the vast majority charging
all manner of sexual assault. There have been few arrests, though, and nearly
none involving sex crimes.
Muslim men used a tactic that has escaped the notice of fantasy Islam devotees
but is well known to those of us who’ve followed the scant reports on the rape
jihad as it has proceeded from Tahrir Square to Malmö to Rotherham: A group of
men encircles the targeted woman or girl, trapping her while walling off police
and other would-be rescuers. Knowing they are a protected class, the Muslim men
have no fear of the cops — “You can’t do anything to me,” and “Mrs. Merkel
invited me here,” are just some of the reported taunts. By the time “help”
reaches one victim, the assailants have moved on to the next.
It is
not very effective law enforcement . . . but at least the cops can’t be accused
of “Islamophobia,” right?
Europe is not Nigeria — not yet. In the regressing advanced world, nothing on
the scale of the New Year’s Eve siege can happen without tweets and pictures
filtering out. Try as they might, German officials have been unable to put a
lid on accounts from police explaining that “the large majority” of assailants
they were able to identify were “from Syria,” or observing that “there were
thousands of people who could not be specifically identified but who had an
immigrant background, and were most probably refugees.”
being the first casualty of war, it was left to Henriette Reker, the fantasy
Islam–drenched mayor of Cologne, to blame the victims for their ordeal. Such
assaults could be prevented, she declaimed, if German women adopted a “code of conduct” tailored to the new, multi-culti Deutschland.
In the
spirit of multiculturalism, I have such a code just off the shelf (on which
rests The Grand Jihad, in which I
outlined it a few years back). It goes like this:
These pearls of wisdom come from none other than Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s renowned sharia jurist. He proclaimed them on his popular IslamOnline website about a dozen years ago, right before he was welcomed into Britain — as a trustee of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies — despite his fatwas supporting Hamas suicide attacks in Israel and terrorism against Western troops in Iraq. Though he resides in Qatar, Qaradawi currently heads the Ireland-based European Council for Fatwa and Research.To be absolved from guilt, the raped woman must have shown some sort of good conduct . . . Islam addresses women to maintain their modesty, so as not to open the door for evil . . . The Koran calls on Muslim women in general to preserve their dignity and modesty, just to save themselves from any harassment. So for a rape victim to be absolved from guilt, she must not be the one that opens . . . her dignity for deflowering.
is the most influential Muslim intellectual behind the strategy of, as he puts
it, “conquering” Europe and America by “dawa” — the aggressive proselytism of
Islamic mores. The plan calls for flooding the West with Muslim migrants,
directing them to resist assimilation, establishing Islamic enclaves, and
pressuring the host country to concede the enclave’s right to govern itself in
accordance with sharia — Islam’s societal framework and legal code.
As I’ve
previously explained, when Muslims are seeking conquest, Islamic scripture endorses sexual assault as a weapon to establish their dominance. “O Prophet,” Allah is
said to have announced (in the Koran’s sura 33:50), “We have made lawful to
thee thy wives to whom thou has paid their dowers, and those whom thy right
hand possesses out of the captives of war whom Allah has assigned to thee.”
In the
Western ministries of fantasy Islam, the pols and their note-takers will thumb
their chins and wonder what could possibly have motivated the German attacks —
just as they wonder what could possibly explain the European sexual-assault
crisis that has, by some mysterious coincidence, coincided with mass Muslim
rest of us will know that there is a strategy: conquest. Just as in the Middle
East, women and girls in the West are the spoils of jihad, the vehicle for
intimidating non-Muslims into surrendering sovereignty over the streets. If
they want to be safe, Sheikh Qaradawi warns, they must submit to Islam’s
sartorial suffocation. If not, well, they have it coming.
By the
way, since President Obama entered office, the United States has issued over
100,000 green cards per year to migrants from Muslim-majority countries. That’s
just green cards — it doesn’t count the thousands of visas issued to students,
tourists, and temporary workers. With the Republican-controlled Congress fully
funding the effort, the government is on pace to award another 680,000 green
cards to Muslim migrants — with their entitlement to lifetime residency,
federal benefits, and a path to citizenship — in the next five years.
Sheikh Qaradawi and Mayor Reker might say, I’m sure it won’t be a problem . . .
as long as the women “maintain their modesty.”